Sony Ericsson W900

Sony Ericsson W900

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • stefan
  • mcy
  • 18 Nov 2005

i just love the side kick and the music player. the W900 is a wonderfull phone, it the best i know. keep it up S-E.

    • S
    • Striker
    • MSN
    • 18 Nov 2005

    Oh Viperkid there you go again comparing this phone with the N80.

    How many times: UNFAIR COMPARISON the N80 isn't out for months whereas the W900 is out in a couple of weeks. Knock it off Viperkid its getting boring now.

    As for supplying links, I'm at work at the moment with restricted web access which is why I only give links on some posts (the ones I do from home) and not others (work).

    Unlike you Viperkid, I don't get any pleasure from unfairly influencing others with biased views. And I don't appreciate being called a liar. What I say comes from research I've done and my own personal preferences and opinions. You'll get your links when I have the time at home. And I expect an apology from you when I prove u wrong (again).

    In the meantime, stop comparing your beloved N80 with this phone cos your unfairly influencing peoples judgement. How many times do you need telling this?

      • A
      • AMH
      • mSB
      • 18 Nov 2005

      Well actually what i know about ericsson is that they were the first with color screen phone and the first with MMS, and the first who made bluetooth possible. And striker told about the Autofocus, why not to believe him, cause honestly Viperkid, the K750 was the first phone i ever heard to come with autofocus.
      Second Viperkid. Sony is the world largest leader in electronic techonology, now why do you think after a long study, they chose a partner as Ericsson?
      You do the math..

        • v
        • viperkid
        • TSF
        • 18 Nov 2005

        oh no, not WLAN capable, if it has WLAN then maybe it can compete with N80.

        don't believe all what Striker is saying, like:

        "the first auto-focus camera in a phone? the list goes on. The answer to all those questions is Ericsson"

        ask for me, to see is to believe! did striker put any links to prove his claims? the answer for now is, striker did not post any links with regards to what he said, its entirely a myth! FYI, Panasonic P505iS is the world's first camera phone with auto-focus function! plus a CCD sensor. SE K750i was only available approximately between Q2 - Q3 of 2005 while Panasonic P505iS was available way back last Nov 2003! here's the link.

        now tell me AMH if you can still believe Striker for that matter! perhaps Striker made that conclusion to make his favorite brand better than other brands! he thinks that he knows everything about the mobile history but apparently some of his claims are just not true! outrageous!

          • A
          • AMH
          • mSB
          • 18 Nov 2005

          Oh and ken take it easy bro. :)

            • A
            • AMH
            • mSB
            • 18 Nov 2005

            Well viperkid, you might be right about the joystick with some SE phones, but not all.
            And about the message reading part in the SE and Nokia, I have a SE Z800 and my wife has 6230i, when i am reading a message i scroll down all the time without noticing even when am not fnished from the text on one page, and i find it comfortable, i tried the nokia, and i couldn´t cause i pressed down and it jumped to another text in the sms, which i find it very irritating.
            A VERY CLEAR point Viperkid.
            i dont think anyone wants to discuss such small detail, i mean in the end such thing such details a person can adapt to very quickly, about the phone book, you can save up to three numbers directly, Home Office, Mobile, and i think you can save other phone numbers in other pages inside each cotact.
            But hey is that true what i heard about the N80, a 3mp camera with no autofocus!!! that´s a big time mistake for a phone with such functions...

              • S
              • Striker
              • MSN
              • 18 Nov 2005


              I think this model will allow multiple fields in the phonebook. I used the S700i for a year or so and that had multiple fields.....and from what I've read the UI on the W900i isn't a million miles from that of the S700i so I can't see them moving backward on this.

              Personally, one of the main reasons I like the newer SE phones is the joystick. The sticks on the T610 and T630 were absolutely terrible and I think SE learned from this. The S700 is without doubt the most user friendly phone I've ever used and the direction key (cant really call it a joystick cos it isn't one) was superb. The W900 direction key looks similar which pleases me (although from the pics it does look slightly inverted unlike the S700 which was flat)

              With regard to what you said about it being more tiring to read a message on an SE cos it takes more presses to scroll down. Tiring??? How lazy are you man??!!?? Ha ha ha!!

                • v
                • viperkid
                • TSF
                • 18 Nov 2005

                this model will be better if it can save more than 1 entry for every field (e.g. older SE models like K500i can only save a less effective 1 home phone no. only, 1 cellular no. only, 1 office no. only, etc.. in a name) for me it's very essential to have 2 or more office nos., cell nos., email addresses, etc. saved under 1 name, this is one of the big reasons why i hate sony ericssons plus the fact that you can't make both SIM & phone memory phonebook appear at the same time which is very inconvenient! also, when reading messages, each press of the more or down cursor only one line (of texts) appears which makes it more tiring if you're reading a long message cuz u have to press more or down many times juz to read the whole message unlike with nokia each press of the down cursor takes u to the next unread paragraphs therefore making it faster for u to read d whole message contrary with SEs showing texts which has been read already at the topmost part of the screen and giving u only one line of text to read for each press of down cursor! one more thing, SE's joysticks are very uncomfortable to use and not that precise! good W900i doesn't have a joystick (sigh)! i think SE realized that their joysticks aren't that good.

                  • k
                  • ken2.5
                  • NaD
                  • 18 Nov 2005

                  leo-apparentlye it will be released just in time for christmas.

                  invincible- haven't we had this aguement before

                  chill-nokia has been around for ever, and look what they make.SE have been around for 6 years and look at what wonderful phones they have already made

                  DPM- swivel and why cant these people be as clever as you.

                  2Zu3(no name)-you are right invicible is a little illogical+p series is wonderful

                  jake- around christmas time or just before. the sound quality isabsolutely amazing.

                  Dreadnought-who are you,and where have you been this past year.

                  AMH- this is a small price to pay for uploading music

                  Striker- you are right about the camera's

                  TO ALL.- phone will released just before christmas intenationally.

                  also to invincible- all the manufacturers have such wonderful camera's. you are hear bragging about how nokia has having a 3mp camera. oh wait when isthat coming out. oh ya. next year. what are the other manufacturers doing? oh i wonder. wait SE, motorola, siemens, sharp will allbe developing better camera's which will come out on their phones. they will have no bugs in them an would be the same or better than in the nokia.

                  (OH UST TO POINT OUT_SAMSUNG ALREADY HAS A 5MP CAMERA-so do not brag. dont even reply that it is only for sale in korea. that just means that they have something more innovative to show the whole world.)

                    • S
                    • Striker
                    • MSN
                    • 18 Nov 2005


                    Yeah, I saw the 7370 - don't think much of it to be honest. IMHO the design is awful. Also needs a more memory, a card slot and a better camera too if its gonna compete with other phones of the same form factor. I think Nokia need to leave swivel phones alone, I think they missed the mark completely with the 7370.......

                      • -
                      • -[jiaomao]-
                      • F4p
                      • 18 Nov 2005

                      I think this phone will be 1 of the hottest phone in the coming december... I will be the 1st to get it together with a 2GB ms... Size is not a big prob to me, Function is what a care & I think W900i has to best!

                        • A
                        • AMH
                        • mfa
                        • 18 Nov 2005

                        Well im not living in UK
                        but it was supposed to be out in the UK on the 8th of Decemeber and it was delayed til the end of December and the start of january.
                        and the first two-three month it will be
                        available for Vodafone only in white color.

                          • A
                          • AMH
                          • mfa
                          • 18 Nov 2005

                          Whatever you do man, how much you try to explain striker.
                          there will always be people jumping up and bashing everything.

                            • S
                            • Striker
                            • MSN
                            • 18 Nov 2005


                            So Nokia have 3mp and Sony only have 2mp eh?

                            No, your wrong. Nokia have released pics and specs of their 3mp phones. SE haven't. Thats all. Thats unless you know of a secret release and the 3mp Nokias are actually available to buy. Don't think they are though are they invincible?????

                            Do you really, honestly think that Sony don't have the technology you speak of? If so, I have one question - What planet are you on? The developers at Sony, as well as the developers at Nokia, Siemens, Samsung, everyone, will right now be playing about with mobile technology you and me have never even dreamed of. They'll be working on 5mp-7mp phones right now and will have their 3mp units at the bug-killing stage.

                            Nokia just choose to release their pics and specs earlier that everyone else to get people just like you wrongly thinking they're ahead of the competition. So if you're gonna harp on about phones that aren't gonna see the light of day for another 6-12 months then at least compare them with phones from other manufacturers that will be released at the same time, not the ones available now, cos thats just an unfair comparison. But you'll not be able to do that comparison cos Nokia are the only company who flood the market with pictures 6 months ahead of their time.

                            Invincible, wake up. You're being conned and you can't even see it.

                              • A
                              • AMH
                              • mfa
                              • 18 Nov 2005

                              To all of you still wondering about this phone capabilities, it´s disadvantage is that you need the HPM 80 headset to use the Radio in it, and when it´s connected to the PC for file transfer the ability to make or recieve calls or SMS will be shutdown until you unplug it.
                              The rest, it´s the Best Music phone that will come for the next coming year. It´s is also better than W800i, but at the end. you have to try it yourself to see if the size fits you or not.

                                • H
                                • Hassler
                                • RLm
                                • 18 Nov 2005

                                long live the SE
                                superb promise specs

                                  • D
                                  • Dreadnought
                                  • mh%
                                  • 18 Nov 2005

                                  To Unknown, so you are saying that because one site stated that the P910 would be the best smartphone of 2005, OK, thats your opinion.
                                  You also said that Nokia smartphones are weak. But that just not true.

                                    • J
                                    • Jake
                                    • P$x
                                    • 18 Nov 2005

                                    No offence guys...the sound quality on SE fones viz. K700, K750 etc. were amazing. Never heard sound like that with good bass effects etc. on a Nokia.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 2Zu
                                      • 18 Nov 2005

                                      oh btw.. chill even if you say "your only smartphone", just as reminder, P910 is the best smartphone in 2005 (can't remember which site states that).. at least even if it is only one, it is powerful, unlike nokia, many but no one is actually powerful

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 2Zu
                                        • 18 Nov 2005

                                        its swivel.

                                        For AMH and chill.. i dunno wat to say about u guys... because you are so funny, anyway, at least one thing that i can tell is that you guys is more logical than invincible. Well, invincible seemed to be have not grown yet.. still bashing SE.^_^. Anyway, i am happy with my K750.. it gives everything that i need.