Sony Ericsson W980
- ?
- Anonymous
- jsZ
- 23 Aug 2008
also to add Apple sold 40 million ipods in 2007 and sony ericsson sold 60 million just walkman phones.
- R
- Revenant
- nTq
- 23 Aug 2008
Shayn, 23 Aug 2008How many walkman phones have Sony Released? so many indeed ... moreIf the N81 was so great, why didn't it get the EISA's best music phone award? Also, you seem to be forgetting about the Xpress Music series - not that I can blame you, nothing particularly memorable there. That's possibly one of the most ridiculous claims I've ever heard - Nokia's music phones are better because they don't make many of them. Absurd...
- S
- Shayn
- pJm
- 23 Aug 2008
Revenant, 23 Aug 2008Nokia? Better music player than the Walkman phones? Hah-h... moreHow many walkman phones have Sony Released? so many indeed but nokia released two Music phones back in 2005 N91 4GB/N91 8GB and they are the ultimate music phone killer. the sound quality is far superior than MP3 Player,IPOD, Zune. Its just shows nokia need to make one or two music phone not 100 different version of walkman phones which dont really have much different in them at all.
- S
- Sazzat
- ix7
- 23 Aug 2008
How can I play DIVX videos on this phone?
- R
- Revenant
- nTq
- 23 Aug 2008
vaio, 23 Aug 2008i wonder why many people talking bout the headphone which i... moreNokia? Better music player than the Walkman phones? Hah-hah-hah-hah-ha...!!!
- a
- abbas
- pVP
- 23 Aug 2008
i bought this phone like 2 weeks ago and its awesome. one thing i hated though is that after filling up my phone with songs and i go to the file manager and i search for songs by pressing the letter i get some kind of error. for exaple i write (AT) but it takes me to the letter (S)
- k
- krishna
- 2@r
- 23 Aug 2008
it is very good phone look is very hard i like these phone i wate lauch these phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 23 Aug 2008
this phone rocks i love caps
- v
- vaio
- wr0
- 23 Aug 2008
i wonder why many people talking bout the headphone which included with the mobile phone? i NEVER use it at all , just bought the phone adapter to 3,5mm and use with your good earphones bought separately (more expensive earphone offcourse more better sound) and the problem is solve. the 3,5mm adapter itself cost only us$ 6 in my country (SE,Nokia,Samsung).
so why must complain about it? the important fact is the phone itself must have good music software and hardware. i think nokia n958gb at this present time still the best music phone, hopefully SE released better music phone because actually i dont like nokia brand to much .
- S
- Shayn
- pJm
- 23 Aug 2008
Caster, 22 Aug 2008The audio quality of nokia phones is good, just that the su... moreHey Caster buy Sennheiser CX300/CX400/CX500
anyone of dem dey beat da sony earphones. plus Cx300 very cheap now. trsut me dey have best BASS quality n audio quality.
- C
- Caster
- RxY
- 22 Aug 2008
Shayn, 21 Aug 2008yep i get what u mean were nokia expect u to buy earphones ... moreThe audio quality of nokia phones is good, just that the supplied headphones really sucks. That why I'm using the sony ericsson HPM-70 earphones, attached to the wired remote of my N95. Cheers!!!
- A
- Alex
- Siv
- 22 Aug 2008
I simply love this phone. Got it a couple of days ago and the preferences and specifications that's included are great. A nice and solid phone that you can open and the hatch won't break easily. I also like the opportunity to send photos and posts directly to your blogger-account.
- L
- Lilithia
- vu}
- 22 Aug 2008
I'm thinking of getting this phone. I love clamshell phones & I love Sony Ericsson. I was thinking of upgrading my handset & getting this one... But I am not sure how you get notified with a text when it's closed?
- Q
- Quik
- P53
- 22 Aug 2008
From my opinion, if the product expect us to use a good headphone, it means that the product is not sure about their audio quality, just my opinion..
- S
- Shayn
- pJm
- 21 Aug 2008
Dani , 21 Aug 2008Yeah it is good to upgrade the firmware, but still im not s... moreyep i get what u mean were nokia expect u to buy earphones n stuff. They offer symbian OS coz the hardware features run perfectly with the OS and plus multitasking n u can install ur own software and stuff. but one thing does lack on the nokia phones is the music player. i do find walkman player much user friendly.
apparntly in new nseries devices the ui is going to much nicer with full 100% animation throughout the phone coz nokia signed a deal with KASTOR UI.
- D
- Dani
- nF9
- 21 Aug 2008
Shayn, 20 Aug 2008@ Dani
No. I bought my N91 8GB ages back n nokia had pro... moreYeah it is good to upgrade the firmware, but still im not saying Nokia's are bad or anything, there good
its just i dont like Nokia's Music Phones, Nokia expects people to buy good earphones! and then they offer Symbian why?
SE gives good earphones in their sales package along with good walkman player software and UI
i respect both companies, but i stick to SE because there Quality
- S
- Shayn
- pJm
- 20 Aug 2008
@ Dani
No. I bought my N91 8GB ages back n nokia had promotion offer were they were giving the BOOSE headset free with the N91 8GB. to update firmware easy download nokia software updater n boom no hassle nothing.
trust me sooner or later w980i gona need firmware updating coz dese sony ericssons phone lately are buggy for examle C905, W980i, C902, K850i etc ur inbox gets full n u loose everything coz it dont let u go into ur inbox it comes with error, c902 camera failures n buggy softwares.
its always best to update firmware.
- n
- numaan225
- uBZ
- 20 Aug 2008
what is wrong with people crying for 3.5mm jack i have been using sony ericsson for more than 4 years but never found necessary to change my walkman head phone. ya sure i did buy HPM-85 but i still dont get man. all you need to 3.5mm jack is to plug your own head phone. and we all know the best headphone manufacturer in market in terms for voice quality is sony ericsson.... and dear friends only nokia need other head phones.... example n95 with its original head phone is crap.... try using HMP 70 on it...... and when you use HPM 85 you will stop using nokia.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- mc3
- 20 Aug 2008
I think this phone is good, but I have just a couple of issues. For one thing it's too long when open, it just looks huge. Another thing is there are no other colour variants, next there's no camera button. And finally you can't do very much with the external screen at all, apart from use the walkman and radio. But apart from that it is a good quality phone.
- M
- Moe
- S1t
- 19 Aug 2008
guys, how can i exclude my ringtones from the walkman player? wen i used w960 it had an option that said "exclude sounds less than 1 mb" which was helpful