Sony Ericsson Xperia neo V
- m
- mangesh
- vbM
- 08 Oct 2011
today i sold my x10 mini & ibrought xperia neo v and its very nice phone.
- k
- karthi
- utd
- 08 Oct 2011
AnonD-23202, 07 Oct 2011What type of earpice is provided with this phone, is it ear... moreordinary earphone
- A
- Anand
- vGC
- 08 Oct 2011
I just bought this wonderful mobile. It looks awesome in metalic blue. It's more like combination of dark blue&black. So far so good. Will keep posted about performance/battery backup in a day.
- D
- AnonD-4157
- 2@s
- 08 Oct 2011
AnonD-25377, 08 Oct 2011Friend tell Me Everything About Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V ... morelooks like u want all the Details, then wait for the Review...........
- D
- AnonD-25161
- vbM
- 08 Oct 2011
Guys can any1 pls comment on the battery life of the phone...does it last atleast for a day with 30-45min talk, 1hr music, and 5-10min net surfing??? awaiting reply
- D
- AnonD-25161
- vbM
- 08 Oct 2011
Guys can any1 pls comment on the battery life of the phone...does it last atleast for a day with 30-45min talk, 1hr music, and 5-10min net surfing??? awaiting reply
- ?
- Anonymous
- vI7
- 08 Oct 2011
hashy, 08 Oct 2011you will get normal earphones buddy.....
just few days b4 ... moreHow is the quality of the normal earphones?
Is it good for listening music?
- h
- hashy
- P$t
- 08 Oct 2011
AnonD-23202, 07 Oct 2011What type of earpice is provided with this phone, is it ear... moreyou will get normal earphones buddy.....
just few days b4 i got one
- D
- AnonD-25413
- p70
- 08 Oct 2011
It costs 299 euros in Estonia. That's about 450 USD.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2F6
- 08 Oct 2011
This is one bloody joke ! . Most Japanese brands as a whole i ve seen want to provide less features than competitors for the same price . Be it cars or be it mobiles or anything . Agreed they have nice products and good loyalty but for me it reflects arrogant behavior .
320 Mb internal memory , no gorilla glass and so on . I mean what does it take to provide some extra internal memory and a better glass , forget other features . Currently The SE CEO has agreed that they have failed to do better in the smartphone market , they are slow to react , they dint predict the android market properly n etc. And I feel they are going to do the same as this product reflects .
And pls am no samsung or apple fan .
Am an Sony fan but not an SE fan .
- D
- AnonD-25377
- ut%
- 08 Oct 2011
Friend tell Me Everything About Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V Means Everything About Xperia Neo V
About Phone Performance:
About Battery Backup:
About Speed Of Phone:
About Camera/Video Quality Of Phone:
About feature Of Phone:
All Item In Box Content:
About Sound Of Phone:
About Earphone Of Phone:
And At Last What The Price Of This Phone:
- D
- AnonD-25352
- sSK
- 07 Oct 2011
Kavan, 07 Oct 2011Does this phone has a Exmor R CMOS censor in the camera ? ... morewell nope it does not sadly the Sony Ericsson neo has it from what i know !!
- D
- AnonD-19143
- 7XN
- 07 Oct 2011
Anybudy know xperia neo v support usb on the go?
- D
- AnonD-23202
- 2Z1
- 07 Oct 2011
What type of earpice is provided with this phone, is it earpiece tht fits inside the ear (similar to SE Neo)or a normal earplug ? Any user plz revert...
- D
- AnonD-23202
- 2Z1
- 07 Oct 2011
Can anyone tell physically which colour looks better, blue or white ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- vIw
- 07 Oct 2011
super battery back up
- D
- AnonD-25303
- YMq
- 07 Oct 2011
Got this phone yesterday & i love it :)
* previous phone HTC WILDFIRE/DESIRE
* Average phone user / developer
* i did'nt have faith in Sony phones until i got this phone(100% satisfied)
Approx 2days (7% left)
1. 3hrs TALK (3G,AIRTEL)
2. 2hrs NET
3. 1.5hrs MUSIC
7. video recording (approx 15min)
1. HDMI cable
2. usb/charger
3. user guides
4. earphones
+++my opinion+++
2days battery backup is gr8 for such a big display , multi tasking is too good , never seen a lag
- A
- YMq
- 07 Oct 2011
battery back up 1.5 days(max brightness+auto synch on)
*43 min calls , few text messages(30+) , 2-3 hrs net surfing , few android apps download+update , few hrs of game play(angry birds rio,yoo ninja plus)
in box contents
* charger(usb)
* HDMI cable
* battery
* earphones(average)
* other regular stuff
price 17k (india)
- ?
- Anonymous
- utt
- 07 Oct 2011
AnonD-25154, 06 Oct 2011can any one tell me the box contents. i wanna buy this mobi... moreHI
- ?
- Anonymous
- vIh
- 07 Oct 2011
Any body who already own's.. some comments on the battery backup please..