Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY

Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Maria
  • Iub
  • 29 Jun 2012

PG, 29 Jun 2012ICS is vital for any phone as it is the OS of the future. ... moreThat is true. Missing ou on ICS, we'll be missing out on all new, upcoming games, whether they could be played via gamepad or not.

Sony has shamelessly abandoned this phone, presenting a shallow excuse and forgetting all that had repeatedly advertised.

I, for one, will not buy sony products. Plenty of options are available and no way I'm giving them any more of my hard-earned money.

It is important that customers all over the world get to know what a company like sony has done.
They are not trustworthy.
Sony has lied and deceived all those who've bought this phone.
I hope sony won't get away with it.
There should be no impunity when large companies lie and deceive their customers.

    • P
    • PG
    • nqF
    • 29 Jun 2012

    ICS is vital for any phone as it is the OS of the future.
    When we bought our phones we were assured it would get the ICS upgrade.

    Games such as "Broken Sword: Director's Cut" are dtarting to be released having ICS as minimum OS.

    Result: The XPlay will be left out of all future games which will require Android 4.x

    Sony has lied and deceived consumers worldwide.
    This phone has all the required specs and hardware to get ICS, sony just couldn't bother...

    Because of the gamepad, it would require extra work... too much, in sony's opinion.

    Too bad for us, deceived consumers, too bad for sony's reputation as we will not be silent.

    A promise has been broken.
    A lie is a lie.
    It won't be forgotten!

      • D
      • 3Jb
      • 29 Jun 2012

      Anonymous, 29 Jun 2012LOL- I cant believe youre having a go at him for saying dud... moreannonymous u again foulmouther ..dude !!!!! is sony paying you well ?? dude !!!!!!

        • m
        • martin
        • L95
        • 29 Jun 2012

        ICS was a great advantage for this phone.

        That is why - from its launch - sony always publicised and announced this phone would get ICS.

        Much money has been spent advertising it and that has granted many sales and much (undeserved) profit for this phone.

        With this phoney excuse, sony has proven unworthy of trust.

        ICS is not something devs has promised, it was a warranty made by a large, respected company. It was a sure thing. The manufacturer had told us so.

        "We're sorry" " is everything we hear from this disloyal, treacherous company.
        They've lost commercial interest for this phone.

        Making the gamepad work with ICS is just not worth the trouble.

        How worthy are sony, then?
        How can anyone still buy their products when there are so many options on the market?
        Are consumers to blame?

        Trolls and fanboys will keep on intoxicating forums defending sony as if they were paid for it.
        Stupid fanatic people will always exist.
        Conformis will always be a form of mass control...

        But, sensibly, we all know that if we accept this quietly, we'll be responsible for all others who follow sony's example.

          • d
          • don't.believe
          • Iub
          • 29 Jun 2012

          Sony have failed to deliver what had been repeatedly advertised.
          ICS upgrade was seen by Sony as a strong selling point.
          That is why they always announced the peria lineup would get ICS.

          That was a clever marketing campaign: advertising today's phones as fully upgradable and compatible with the next OS.

          Did that work?
          Apparently, it did.

          Was that true?
          Obviously, not!

          What did Sony do when the time fot upgrading arrive?

          They simply went back on the given word with a lame excuse and no compensation/alternative plan whatsoever.

          Are customers supposed to "forgive and forget" the repeated lying and deceival?

          Let's hope they're not just conformist sheep.

          No use sony's fanboys and servants keep intoxicating forums and discussion boards everywhere.
          The truth is plain to see.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mqM
            • 29 Jun 2012

            direct speak, 26 Jun 2012hfs- dude !!! u say u r japnese.. this is united kingdom .... moreLOL- I cant believe youre having a go at him for saying dude, like nobody says dude no more...

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • mqM
              • 29 Jun 2012

              Stop all this rubbish about ICS, if you want it, get the ROM and stop whining, its not released for Xplay for a reason, do you want your games to run properly? or just never open your gamepad again?

              ICS was NOT reflected in the price, as I got this at launch price and ICS was barely spoken about at that point, and most deffinately nothing about it for the Xperia play. The price was because it is a one of a kind phone

                • M
                • MaYoR*SenIOres
                • t7P
                • 29 Jun 2012

                xperia play is better than xperia play cdma

                  • k
                  • kitz-PH
                  • Mfx
                  • 29 Jun 2012

                  Guys we're not talking about our nationality here. We are all consumers.

                  Whether we like it or not, its a scheme. Only SonyEricsson (Sony) has the patent for making PSP like phones. Admit it, if you're a fanboy and desperately need this type of product, you will oblige yourself to buy the new version that supports ICS if it comes next time around (as I thought i would).

                  You have the choice!

                  The Power is Yours!
                  -Captain Planet-

                  - Peace - :-)

                    • i
                    • iam
                    • sbL
                    • 26 Jun 2012

                    "The truth behind the XPlay not getting ICS:

                    It's not impossible to port ICS on the XPlay device, as the cost of doing that would be very high and the profit/sales increase non-existant, or very little."

                    That is so true!
                    Major companies desert and abandon customers whenever the money is in and that is shameful.
                    No european laws protect customers from abusive companies.

                    This is not the worst case, but it is typical:
                    release an innovative phone - publicise it as future-proof and then... if it doesn't sell well... just drop it.

                    ICS could function as well with the gamepad as Gingerbread. Lower specs phones have been upgraded, so the big issue here is:
                    Is Sony willing to make the effort to keep its promise (and not because there is still big money in it)?

                    Unfortunately, the answer is obvious: No. It siimply doesn't care enough.
                    Like any lazy kis it just stated "Too much trouble. Won't work."

                    And gullible customers, fanboys and employees repeat the key sentence as a mindless herd.

                    A precedent has been created.
                    Don't forget that if we just say 'yes', the excuse will be accepted every time it is used:
                    "It won't work with your hardware."
                    *Meaning: "Come buy us a new phone!"

                    Companies who recur to such schemes should be lawfully punished.

                      • d
                      • direct speak
                      • 3Jb
                      • 26 Jun 2012

                      hfs, 26 Jun 2012Dude,don't hate to much to sony infact myself use xplay als... morehfs- dude !!! u say u r japnese.. this is united kingdom uk honesty is very valuable and sony must learn that honesty stop defending the undefendable sony betrayal of loyal customers .. and we dont call anybody dude in uk as you hfs have done .. this forum is for informed discussions ..we feel sony must redeem itself as major world corp by honouring sony promises must offer its xperia play loyal customers goodwill gestures ..our first digital mobile was sony cdx 20+yrs ago ..still working .

                        • h
                        • hfs
                        • 2Av
                        • 26 Jun 2012

                        direct speak , 26 Jun 2012hfs.. sony or any other maker must not make false promises ... moreDude,don't hate to much to sony infact myself use xplay also feel disappointed but sony do that because they have reason,actually sony alrealdy build ICS for xplay but they stuck at developer decision,if they release ICS for xplay the hardware Gamepad will be useless

                        sory for bad english im japanese

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vId
                          • 26 Jun 2012

                          iam, 26 Jun 2012The truth behind the XPlay not getting ICS: It's not imp... moreplease can u elaborate it.. actually m not that much tech. so m unable to understand about the prob. u r talking abt...plz , its request.

                            • d
                            • direct speak
                            • 3Jb
                            • 26 Jun 2012

                            hfs, 26 Jun 2012Seems like you copy from another gsmarena window article,th... morehfs.. sony or any other maker must not make false promises to inflate selling prices ..thats simply fraud case of genuine problems -- sony etc must be open and apologise to loyal customers .. sony etc must never be arrogant uncaring or frauds fony ..thats the issue .. and sony are expected to be honest has set bad precedence for other bad corps to follow ..getting away with bad service lies deceptions overclaims overcharging .. sony must be good sony always --leader upfront ..sadly sony have let down loyal customers like us of 30yrs standing .. still time for sony to make amends with customers ..

                              • h
                              • hfs
                              • 2Av
                              • 26 Jun 2012

                              iam, 26 Jun 2012The truth behind the XPlay not getting ICS: It's not imp... moreSeems like you copy from another gsmarena window article,that is problem why lumia win7 can't upgrade to win8,here we talk about android

                                • i
                                • iam
                                • iAL
                                • 26 Jun 2012

                                The truth behind the XPlay not getting ICS:

                                It's not impossible to port ICS on the XPlay device, as the cost of doing that would be very high and the profit/sales increase non-existant, or very little.

                                  • P
                                  • PG
                                  • nqF
                                  • 26 Jun 2012

                                  Ota, 25 Jun 2012The decision to cancel the ICS update was made so that the ... moreSony?

                                  All smoke and mirrors!

                                  "Smoke and mirrors" is a metaphor for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description.

                                  More generally, "smoke and mirrors" may refer to any sort of presentation by which the audience or customer is intended to be deceived, such as an attempt to fool a prospective client into thinking that one has capabilities necessary to deliver a product in question.

                                    • l
                                    • liam
                                    • jNw
                                    • 25 Jun 2012


                                    You have been nominee as "Employee of the Month".

                                    SE has made us pay for something it always promised and failed to deliver.

                                    As you seem to be grateful for bing lied to, you may refund all deceived customers in the name of sony ehich (I hope) has paid you to propagate a "taped speech" such as yours.

                                    Be thankful for what you've (haven't) got: You've deserved it!

                                      • d
                                      • don't.believe
                                      • sbL
                                      • 25 Jun 2012

                                      Are these trolls for real?
                                      Can anyone be thankful for being lied to, deceived and ill-treated?
                                      Go back to sony with these pseudo-posts praising a company for having lied to their customers.

                                      Happy for being deceived and lied to?
                                      Real clever...

                                      Sony is currently being boycotted by many consumers.

                                      Not buying Sony's products is the most effective action we can take and the trolling of employees praising sony for having lied and deceived their customers won't change the truth.

                                      The fact remains that customers were taken advantage of and have paid for something that was always announced/advertised as being part of the deal.

                                      Can any serious, sensible, honest customer be happy for being lied to?

                                      How will the (for now) unaffected ones feel when it happens to them?

                                      Can't you see the precedent sony have tried to silently create/impose here?

                                      At the end of the day, xplay owners will be left with an outdated phone, which won't receive updates and will be less valuable in any market and by any standards, simply because sony didn't bother.

                                      For large companies it is way too easy not to bother with the given word.
                                      For individual consumers, with no appropriate legislation to force manufacturers to refund their losses, boycotting ill-practises and dishonest companies remains the easiest - and potentially - most efective attitude.

                                        • O
                                        • Ota
                                        • n9R
                                        • 25 Jun 2012

                                        Anonymous, 20 Jun 2012no ICS for play is just plain stupid..The decision to cancel the ICS update was made so that the Xperia PLAY's compatibility and performance would be saved in favour of a buggy, slow ICS update.