Sony Xperia 10 II

Sony Xperia 10 II

User opinions and reviews

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  • I
  • Igor
  • 0wM
  • 29 May 2020

Exyvia, 29 May 2020I maybe wrong but FM radio uses the earphones as a antenna?Yes, you a right, but only if phone has FM Radio but it doesnt ;)

    Igor, 29 May 2020Yes, I can confirm that the phone does have a gyroscope. ... moreI maybe wrong but FM radio uses the earphones as a antenna?

      • I
      • Igor
      • 0wM
      • 29 May 2020

      Yes, I can confirm that the phone does have a gyroscope.
      Overall phone is very good. Screen is bright and colors are very nice. Fingerprint sensor works perfect for me, 10/10 Idk where firgerprint sensor problem from for this device.
      1) The phone is really tall. You have to get use to it. Better try it in IRL before you buy.
      2) Camera quality is low, maybe it will be fixed in next update or with Gcam (idk what version I have to use for my phone). Ultrawide / telefoto sensors seem like from Xperia 1, but main sensor is Sony IMX486 and it old and weak. This sensor is used in Xiaomi MiA2, Redmi S2. 6, 7A. My previous phone (4 years old Honor 8) make a better photo.
      3) Lack of FM Radio. FM Radio was confirmed in Asian version of this device. All reviews has information about that. I have bought this phone in Poland and there is lack of FM Radio.
      4) Lack of native Gallery Application / Calculator. Instead of Gallery Application you have a Google Photo.
      If you have some question, feel free to ask.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • i8L
        • 29 May 2020

        superpup, 29 May 2020If it's the g-force meter that uses the gyroscope, then yes... moreThanks for the answer! The G-force is read from the accelerometer though, not the gyro.
        In the top left hamburger menu you should be a separate "Gyroscope" option that should display angular velocity if it works.

          Fosil, 28 May 2020I wonder, what are the bonus in the Poland? Here in Bohemia... moreI just checked the Smartone website, and it's $4600 HKD there, so almost 2X the price of an Xperia 10 II. I don't know how he got it for $3700, maybe it requires him to sign up for a plan. If that's the case, it's no deal then because these carriers make you sign up for extra packages to cover the discount. So he'll be paying an extra $40 a month for 2 years to cover that $1000 discount. Actually they often make you buy TWO of these packages, so in the end he might be paying $1000 more for it over MSRP.

            Anonymous, 28 May 2020An app such as Physics Toolbox Suite that can display raw r... moreIf it's the g-force meter that uses the gyroscope, then yes, this phone has it. I can't imagine a phone not having one, but there you go.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • i8L
              • 28 May 2020

              An app such as Physics Toolbox Suite that can display raw readings from sensors can confirm whether a gyroscope is present or not.

                • R
                • Ralf316
                • pmH
                • 28 May 2020

                I heard that gyroscope is nessesary to use Sonys StadyShoot So xperia 10 ii probably has it.

                  • F
                  • Fosil
                  • psY
                  • 28 May 2020

                  Anonymous, 28 May 2020Does anybody know if this has a gyroscope or not? Seen it a... moreI don't believe this phone wouldn't have a gyroscope - thought all recent phones have it. Hope I am not wrong about this, but it wouldn't make any sense.

                  However, these sources confirms that it really has the gyroscope:

                    • F
                    • Fosil
                    • 6sP
                    • 28 May 2020

                    Igor, 28 May 2020Ordered it in MediaExpert in Sunday 25/5 and today I receiv... moreGreat, congrats! I also expect it next week.

                    So let us know how do you like the phone! :-)

                      • I
                      • Igor
                      • 0wM
                      • 28 May 2020

                      ralf316, 28 May 2020Kn Poland we get Sony SRS-XB22 as a bonus. It cost about 1/... moreOrdered it in MediaExpert in Sunday 25/5 and today I received it :) Very strange, because the product page says that shipment only after 31 of May and later.

                        • r
                        • ralf316
                        • pmH
                        • 28 May 2020

                        Fosil, 28 May 2020I wonder, what are the bonus in the Poland? Here in Bohemia... moreKn Poland we get Sony SRS-XB22 as a bonus. It cost about 1/6 of smartphone prize ( Xperia 10 II -1799 zlotych speaker-about 300 zlotych).
                        I hope there will be any headphones in the box.

                        Delivery date was comfirmed:) Smartphone is now on tje way to me:)
                        When i get it and look around a little bot i will write about it:)

                          • 1
                          • 117
                          • mXv
                          • 28 May 2020

                          ralf316, 27 May 2020What a mess.. I've checked my email and shop wrote to me ... more@ralf316 best of luck mate hopefully you will get it on Friday if you do look forward to a review
                          @superpup yes I know about the pandemic I just wish they would give us a release date even if they said it would be June/July and keep up the good reviews

                            • F
                            • Fosil
                            • psY
                            • 28 May 2020

                            Ralf316 , 27 May 2020They told me this is corona foult and problems with import.... moreI wonder, what are the bonus in the Poland? Here in Bohemia, which is literally just around the corner, there is only Sony WI-C310 wireless in-ear headphones - and as far as I understand it, it even couldn't be for all preorders available (but don't know that, the promo event ends in the end of May, so in following days - just before the phones enters to the market). It's shame that e.g. Fast Charger is not included in the box with the phone, but I don't know what's the standard, maybe non of manufactures give this with non-flagship models...

                            And to the delivery date - I would be very surprise if it would differ much from the Czech Rep. - the estimated date of coming to stocks is from "beginning" (=ca. 3 weeks ago) set to 1st-3rd of June, so it would be strange if one European country would receive it in this time and another one in so much different date. The UK could have some more problems to deal with since it's not in the EU anymore, but in EU countries I would expect it in the first week of June - if nothing unexpected happens...

                            And Superpup, you were obviously right about the specific situation overt here in HK, as you an dick write about S10 getting for almost the same price as this Xperia 10 II - here I could get the S10 for the price ca. 50% higher than Xperia (for the price similar to iPhone SE 128GB)... :-)

                              • M
                              • Meer
                              • U{W
                              • 28 May 2020

                              thepriest, 21 May 2020nah dude, every piece of hardware in chinese phones is wors... moreWish if it's available in India. I want one and would definitely buy it

                                • M
                                • Meer
                                • U{W
                                • 28 May 2020

                                thepriest, 21 May 2020nah dude, every piece of hardware in chinese phones is wors... moreI agree with you. My first mobile bought by my bro in 2011 sony w8 and i used it for more than 3 years. After i got job i bought sony z3 and i used it for 4 years but after seeing people buying what they called value for money phone i also did the same and bought redmi, honor, huawei etc not realising in 2 years i buy 3 phone already which almost as same as a new sony mibile. I regret my decision and now sony no longer available in India. I miss sony xperia mobile so much

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • nEG
                                  • 28 May 2020

                                  Does anybody know if this has a gyroscope or not? Seen it asked a few times but not sure if anybody knows.

                                  One way would be to see if PokemonGo AR feature works, as it needs a gyro. Play withyour buddy feature where you have to look around before finding them. With no gyro they just walk on the screen.

                                  Sounds sad but I have a failing xz premium and the 1ii is just too much money considering all I do on the phone is WhatsApp, emails, browse, YouTube and Pokemon Go.

                                  Oled nice. Much better camera than xzp. Love water resistance. 3.5mm Jack. This 10ii should be perfect for me... If it has a gyro.

                                  Can an owner kindly test? Thank you.

                                    Be patient guys, remember there is a worldwide pandemic going on right now, and releasing a new product today has to be the most difficult thing for a company to do. If you're in Asia, it makes sense that it's a bit easier to get them, since that's where the phones are manufactured. Also Taiwan and HK weren't hit as hard by the virus, so it makes sense that we're the first two countries outside Japan to get it.

                                    Stuff like this is going to happen with all new products, even longer as companies begin to shift their manufacturing out of China.. The next few years will have issues like this (and also prices will generally increase on everything... This stuff is WAY too cheap right now!). I bet the PS5 and XBOX launches will be complete disasters.

                                      • r
                                      • ralf316
                                      • pmH
                                      • 27 May 2020

                                      Ralf316 , 27 May 2020They told me this is corona foult and problems with import.... moreWhat a mess.. I've checked my email and shop wrote to me that my delivery will be.. in a Friday (29 May).
                                      i write when i get it

                                        • R
                                        • Ravikumar
                                        • rAM
                                        • 27 May 2020

                                        Specs good, but 6gigs ram would be great.