Sony Xperia 1 II

Sony Xperia 1 II

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • fCE
  • 27 May 2020

I want love about this phone for me

    • a
    • aksae
    • XUE
    • 27 May 2020

    its an awesome phone but $1200 is just too much. V60 would be a better choice at $800, comes with an extra screen too.

      • c
      • croV1k1ng
      • 3Z%
      • 27 May 2020

      joe nodden, 25 May 2020"so he says 4k is worthless, and better to watch on a 27" m... moreWhy is it then that Sony's new cameras are making leaps in the photography world and taking on Nikon (which, believe it or not, uses Sony's own sensors)? I'm actually looking forward to see how this phone turns out in terms of photography.

      Obviously, just having excellent sensor doesn't guarantee anything, a LOT depends on the software in mobile photography world (by software I don't mean the user interface), and obviously optics are another pain point of mobile world that needs to be overcome by software creativity, but I'm thinking this one might be quite good, and might finally be the point when Sony comes in with a bang.

        • T
        • Tech Enthusiast
        • I@H
        • 27 May 2020

        I have bought the phone through Amazon and it just arrived right now. I immediately fell in love with the design. It is tall and has a gorgeous screen. I love how clear are the photos but they won't beat my iPhone 11 Pro snapshots though.

          Joe, 27 May 2020Relax. The camera is nothing special. Phone is overpriced. Next. Finally a sensible person.

            • J
            • Joe
            • q}E
            • 27 May 2020

            Anonymous, 26 May 2020I'm very sorry, but judging by all your negative comments I... moreRelax. The camera is nothing special. Phone is overpriced. Next.

              • H
              • Hellolo
              • rXM
              • 27 May 2020

              It's a great phone, Sony as I heard and saw in some reviews improved a lot of things and added some new features* The marketing of this company is poor regarding the phone segment but I highly think that Sony is doing it on purpose not to waste money on unnecessary causes. The price is flagship level and the 1 Mark II is giving us the lastest specs = great smartphone, as every flagship phone it could have some flaws as S20 Ultra(cam focus troubles), X2 pro(Medium to poor battery life while enjoying 120Hz Refresh rate). Fanboys will say nah the 1 Mark II is trash but this is only because the one who says this truly believes in the hypes released by Samy or iPhones in example or else. & regards every other phone as trash (sheep mindset) while we started to see small companies build dazzling gadgets for a small price........... Let's get back to the Xperia 1 Mark 2, The 1200USD priced is justified as 250 USD worth for the latest and best wireless SONY headset and that keeps 950 USD for the 1 Mark 2, and that's for me if I had that money now I'd not hesitate buying it especially when it comes with a headset combo gift, and yeah for the people that are going to say that Sony has trash cameras : I will personally not use stock camera app but I will use Camera Pro and Cinema Pro Apps that come installed on the phone because I am always editing pictures before posting to social media. So that's my opinion please share your humble opinions with me. Peace

                Anonymous, 26 May 2020I am certain you are lost at this point. You have some poin... moreIf you have literally nothing meaningful to say don't bother replying.

                  Anonymous, 26 May 2020I'm very sorry, but judging by all your negative comments I... moreOh so it's 60 exposure level adjustments per second. Not calculations. Hence why I was pretty sure you were "not using the correct terms to describe it."

                  Either way, the detail that those 3 12 MP sensors can capture is absolutely terrible judging by the only camera samples I could find. It's clear why every other manufacturer has switched over to at least 48 MP sensors. If this were 2017 that level of detail would be acceptable, but we're in 2020. No amount of good autofocus or exposure control can fix that detail.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0kX
                    • 27 May 2020

                    Price is disgusting, way too expensive :S

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • LHe
                      • 26 May 2020

                      joe nodden, 26 May 202020 fps and 60 calculations a second? What? What are you eve... moreI am certain you are lost at this point. You have some point of view you want to prove but you are just rambling.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pGj
                        • 26 May 2020

                        joe nodden, 26 May 2020Bud I think you're the one not getting this. Whatever you'r... moreI'm very sorry, but judging by all your negative comments I assumed that you had at least read the spec sheet before going on to say how terrible this phone is.
                        I am not about to give you a full photography lesson, but basically exposure levels must be calculated in order for the photo to have the correct exposure. A simple change of light angle can render a photo over or under exposed. This must be compensated (calculated) by adjusting a different setting be it iso or shutter speed, (it is locked at f1.7, otherwise it would also be considered)
                        It is very easy for a phone to take burst shots, however this is the first that actually will change the settings on each individual photo of the burst mode if needed.
                        In any case the point I was making is that you are mistaken about Sony not being a good camera for photography and being 2 generations behind.
                        If you are going to keep saying how bad te phone is at least stick bashing refresh rate and quick charge that at least are theoretically worse than other phones

                          Vineet Reddy, 26 May 2020Seriously you should check out Japanese reviews which rolle... moreBut none of those phones have impressive cameras. The P40 Pro or Mi 10 Pro or ones like that would be impressive to beat, but not those.

                            Vineet Reddy, 26 May 2020Even at 4K it could easily. Not an issue. Except it couldn't. Give me video evidence of it lasting that long just merely playing a 4k (preferably 60 fps) video the whole time then I'll believe you. No switching out of YouTube where the phone automatically switches to 1080p.

                              Anonymous, 26 May 2020I will try to explain this slower this time for.your benefi... moreBud I think you're the one not getting this. Whatever you're talking about even if it's the right idea I don't think you're not using the correct terms to describe it. I used quotation marks and searched and saw that a few other sites try to say "60 calculations per second" to describe the autofocus capabilities. But they don't use context that shows they know what it means. So I'm not sure they're even using the right terms. When people say calculations per second, they're almost always talking about FLOPS, floating point operations per second. However, most things that are able to be measured in FLOPS are capable of at least a trillions FLOPS. (A TFLOP or teraFLOP) So what do they mean by 60 calculations per second? What calculations are they doing?

                              I get the 20 fps burst photo mode now after looking it up, because you didn't say they were photos instead of frames in a video. You can't just say frames and expect people to read your mind to know what kind of frames you're talking about.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • pGj
                                • 26 May 2020

                                joe nodden, 26 May 202020 fps and 60 calculations a second? What? What are you eve... moreI will try to explain this slower this time for.your benefit.
                                The Xperia 1 ii can take 20 frames in 1 second that will all be perfectly in focus and with the correct exposure as the Xperia 1 ii is capable of making 60 calculations a second (3x as many as photos, 20x3=60, yes? Good) in order to get the focus and exposure (exposure being the lighting). You still with me? Excellent
                                No other smartphone has or can do this. So it can't be 2 generations behind if it is the first phone to incorporate this feature.
                                Please let your counterarguments begin

                                  Anonymous, 26 May 2020Why so much hate towards Sony? Have you ever owned one of t... moreFunny how it always comes down to "HaVe YoU EvEr OwNeD OnE oF THeiR ProduCtS?" As if me owning them makes their flaws suddenly vanish. And being a hater on one specific bad company is nowhere near as bad as being a fanboy. I'm not like an Apple fanboy pouncing on every single Android phone in existence for not having their precious little iMessage games.

                                    Anonymous, 26 May 2020sure, original and edgy design also 240hz is better than 120hzIdk if you're being sarcastic or not, so I'm gonna assume you aren't and just go off that. Just because it's original doesn't mean it's great. And no 240hz isn't good when you've got a tiny battery. 90 or 120 is the sweet spot because they don't kill the battery too fast while also being well above what is considered acceptable smoothness.

                                      Anonymous, 26 May 2020I don't know. 20fps and 60 calculations af a second doesn't... more20 fps and 60 calculations a second? What? What are you even trying to say? 20 fps isn't good. And 60 calculations a second? Are you trying to talk about FLOPS or something? Even if you are, 60 isn't good.

                                      And 960 fps slow mo was their only gimmick that wasn't a generation or 2 behind. Not that anyone even uses it.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sSV
                                        • 26 May 2020

                                        Smithravi, 26 May 2020Since the offer is back again with black in Germany bundled... morenormally i don't like black color, kinda boring but this xperia 1 II in black color really stunning looking. keep us posted!