Sony Xperia go

Sony Xperia go

User opinions and reviews

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  • j
  • jonatz0418
  • t7X
  • 16 Sep 2014

I've been using this phone for 2 years now. So many experience with this phone. Used it at Boracay beach. Soaked at water. And still now the phone is still ok. But the headset cover is gone now. And now im planning to buy another Xperia phone. I really love xperia phones.

    • D
    • AnonD-305583
    • PTG
    • 11 Sep 2014

    I've ever used this old phone for 1 year ago. But i've already selled it, because it has some problems, however, it's heating, when i'm using 30 minutes, and sometimes, it was freezing about 3-4 hours. That's why i used this phone. I need to buy other phone, which it is good feature, and fast performance.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • wc7
      • 10 Sep 2014

      OIC Osama, 22 Aug 2014I am Using Sony Xperia Go for 9 months.. Phone Was OK on An... moreIts not because of the phone.. it because you rooted it.. That is one of the consequences you will encountered when you rooted the phone.

        • A
        • Anonymous
        • 3sE
        • 06 Sep 2014

        Hi.. I'm from SA n would like to know how much the sony xperia go is worth because I cannot find it in any shops near me n I really want to buy thee phone ASAP

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t7T
          • 02 Sep 2014

          many of us pinoys are not dumb.. surely we gonna pick and buy the item that we surely check the why there's complaint?.. i have one of this x on d go.. for me its good and reliable.. scratch,water and dust proof?.. ofcourse.. small but terrible. sony is known for its high standard and good qualities of its product.. maybe some complains here depends on how the user handle d x on the go.. come to think of it..

            • R
            • Romnick Santos
            • v0q
            • 26 Aug 2014

            Hello to every body.
            Just want to share my experience in this phone.

            Actually I bought this phone for almost 2 years.

            This is my first Sony Xperia Phone.
            I dreamed to have a Sony Xperia Phone someday.

            I bought it for 11,500 pesos on a mall in philippines.
            The main reason why I bought it because it was
            DUST PROOF

            as a consumer i put it on the test.


            From Cavite I went to Batangas with my friend and were riding on the top of Jeepney.. Unfortunately there's a heavy rain and I have my phone with me. We are 5 on the top all of us bring their phone.. Their phone shut of after got wet but my phone is wonderful still working.. hahaha we took picture of our selfie.. I prove that this phone is dependable on rain but I have no experience yet soaking in water but for rain it's definitely wonderful.


            I also put my phone in my Maong pants which has lot of stuff.. coins,coins,coins.. even though coins scratching the screen i have no any problem because no scratch at all. I never tried yet using a blade to test it.. hahaha of course everything to much is bad.

            DUST PROOF TEST:

            I always take care of my phone.. I always bring a small cloth to wipe dirt.. that's all.

            CAMERA TEST:

            5 megapixel is good. I can take decent picture.
            It just have no front camera. but it's okay.


            This definitely work for me.. I am not techie but I have no problem accessing my Facebook and Gmail and some stuff. I just only have 2 Games (POU & 4 pic 1 word)

            BATTERY LIFE TEST:

            Actually my phone last for 5 days for normal use probably because i download a battery saver.. most of the time i use text and call..


            Here in Philippines lot of people amaze for a big screen phone 5-6.8 inches or phablet.. hheheh unfortunately those people have those kind of phone can get easily snatch.. sorry to say.. in Philippines there's a lot of snatcher.. in Malls,MRT, everywhere please be careful. My phone was definitely okay. because it was slim and very easy to put every where.. Actually I put in in my pocket and that's it. never had a problem. unnoticeable.


            Everything has pros and cons
            As of now. I loved my Sony Xperia Go..
            Hahaha like it's name.. It's always on the Go.

            Thanks Sony. I love you since The walkman was born..

              • l
              • livinglife
              • c{$
              • 25 Aug 2014

              sony is good! and that's it!

                • O
                • OIC Osama
                • uCw
                • 22 Aug 2014

                I am Using Sony Xperia Go for 9 months.. Phone Was OK on Android 4.0.4 ICS butAfter Upgrading to 4.1.2 JB There are Alot Of Bugs and problems. Then I rooted my phone after which Performance got a little better and Battery Lasted For a Good time. But One day I woke up with a Faulty Touch Screen. Sony Xperia 2012 Phones have bad Touch Screens and slow laggy performance. Will Not buy any Xperia Phone until they better their record.

                  • Z
                  • Zeina
                  • mED
                  • 20 Aug 2014

                  It's so bad choice, I have been bought it since 7 months, since the first day till now I have unlimited problems

                    • p
                    • padie
                    • NuU
                    • 19 Aug 2014

                    i have a experia go and it alwas freezes guy DO NOT BUY THIS PHN

                      • D
                      • AnonD-294304
                      • t7X
                      • 14 Aug 2014

                      Anonymous, 02 Aug 2014Iv'e had my phone for 2 months, the it froze, I send it in ... morehave you tried troubleshooting it first before sending it for repair. mine freezes too but i just troubleshoot it first by pressing the power button and vloume up at the same time until it vibrates.

                        • O
                        • OIC Osama
                        • sUv
                        • 09 Aug 2014

                        Hi there, Will anybody please give me the stock Bootanimation.img file of Xperia Go, Bootanimation is the animation you see when the phone boots up, I've lost mine... You just need a File Xplorer. Goto Device/System/Media> Just Copy the bootanimation file and Email me. Please I need that very much.Thanks.
                        My Email is

                          • b
                          • baydos
                          • uKg
                          • 06 Aug 2014

                          for some unknown reason i dont have caller ID for incoming calls it always says unknown and i always have to say hello who is thi, so i want to know why dont i have caller ID for incoming calls?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3sE
                            • 02 Aug 2014

                            Iv'e had my phone for 2 months, the it froze, I send it in for repairs and had to wait 2 weeks, I got it back and not even 10 days and the phone had the same probleme, I send it in for repairs AGAIN, I had to wait another 10 to 15 working days for my phone, when I got it back, the SAME day it froze again!!!! Really, all that the vodacom shop said is that they can send it in for repairs again!! Is this the service Vodacom an Sony offers their clients??

                              • x
                              • xperia's friend
                              • N9A
                              • 01 Aug 2014

                              Guys my xperia go has got the tendency of lost home applications for some seconds and return them back since I upgrade to 4.1.2 when I quite a certain application such as facebook,google chrome etc..what can be the problem anyone who can help me please...

                                • B
                                • Being Human
                                • j01
                                • 29 Jul 2014

                                Hi My dear Frnz PLEASE don't buy SONY's scrap mobiles
                                there is no durability in any of the model. ( Oly the thin is it's BRAND MANIA ).

                                Nobody wants Quality without Performance......

                                  • x
                                  • xperia's friend
                                  • fuZ
                                  • 27 Jul 2014

                                  Please sony xperia mobile upgrade xperia go to 4.4.2 officially and improve camera speed capture and improve application system for easy 512Mb RAM management.

                                    • x
                                    • xperia's friend
                                    • fuZ
                                    • 27 Jul 2014

                                    Please sony xperia mobile upgrade xperia go to 4.4.1officially and improve camera speed capture and improve application system for easy 512Mb RAM management.

                                      • x
                                      • xperia's friend
                                      • fuZ
                                      • 27 Jul 2014

                                      Please sony xperia mobile upgrade xperia go to 4.4.1officially and improve camera speed capture and improve application system for easy 512Mb RAM management.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • uRI
                                        • 26 Jul 2014

                                        dj, 25 Jul 2014I had bought this phone a year back.. it has a front camer... moreThere is no fron t camera it is just fake