Sony Xperia SP

Sony Xperia SP

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • akki
  • 2@2
  • 14 Oct 2015

AnonD-442158, 12 Oct 2015I've no regrets buying this phone almost two years ago. Bui... moreAnd you are still android 4.3.

    • B
    • Bunty
    • KIg
    • 14 Oct 2015

    Hi everyone!!
    I am using my xperia sp from 1.5 years.. and now i want to root it lollipop 5.1.1 but guyz i am facing a problem, my phone isn't going to a fast boot mode.. When i plug in the USB cable pressed the power button and volume up button it is goes into fast boot mode for a few seconds and then goes to charging.Please help me with a suggestion what should i do ???

      • D
      • AnonD-442158
      • thu
      • 12 Oct 2015

      I've no regrets buying this phone almost two years ago. Build quality is superb (mine's fallen a LOT), screen size and resolution exactly what I'm looking for, also one of the highest clocked Dual core CPU around with Adreno320, useful Notification LED bar, and one of the highest capacity Battery ever fitted to 4.5" at the time.
      My wishes: More RAM (only 1GB), more Internal Memory (only 5.7GB available to user), sometimes when typing in websites/online games the keypad would fall out of the screen and not come back even after re-tapping on blank areas on screen.
      I didn't plan to use the camera except occasionally, actually I do a lot of zoom in on downloaded images instead.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 2W5
        • 11 Oct 2015

        superb phone...

          • D
          • AnonD-144904
          • IV@
          • 09 Oct 2015

          The camera is not really good but is good enough to get decent photos. I compared it with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 8mp camera and found out that Xperia SP photos has over-processed images that results in green noise. Try to use the flash or photo light indoors or when taking pictures of food.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vV5
            • 08 Oct 2015

            rdc, 29 Sep 2015i rooted and unlocked and installed a custo rom lolipop 5.1... moreHow to do that?

              • A
              • Anmol
              • Kx5
              • 07 Oct 2015

              I have been using this phone 2 years.. i had to visit service centre due to poor ram management(only 20-30 free!).. later i had to do factory reset again at home. It is still stuck with android jellybean 4.3! sound clarity is exceptionally awesome.. camera and display also good. But considering the negative aspects of ram management, wont recommend this phone to anyone. Big games crashes sometimes.. after closing google chrome menu stucks for a second or 2. :(

                • P
                • PD
                • XuT
                • 01 Oct 2015

                For users who can root their devices try cyanogenmod cm12.1 rom which comes with android 5.1.1 and this rom much better than sony stock rom.


                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • cS8
                  • 29 Sep 2015

                  I've had this phone for over a year, and I can't say a good things about it.

                  First, the phone is stuck at android 4.3, and I have no way of unlocking the bootloader. It often overheats for no apparent reasons, even when I don't use it. The worst thing about this phone that it closes apps on its own; at times the keyboard just closes in the middle of browsing or writing an email. Not sure if it's a software issue or not. I've tried multiple variants based on the stock ROM, but no luck.

                  The camera is average - at best. I expected much more from a Sony phone.

                    • r
                    • rdc
                    • uwT
                    • 29 Sep 2015

                    i rooted and unlocked and installed a custo rom lolipop 5.1.1 and now its super fast

                      I still can't quite place why Sony would just cut ties with the Xperia SP. This phone IS capable of running Android 4.4, even 5.1.1. I'm stuck on Android 4.3 with no way out but the risk of having to root my phone. And the Sony Xperia Z still gets updates even though it's older than the SP. I hate the way updates are rolled out sometimes -_-

                        • J
                        • Joseph kam
                        • tuf
                        • 27 Sep 2015

                        Anonymous, 02 Aug 2015Xperia sp is getting too hot too fast and the battery is no... moreYes...the xperia sp is too hot..but fast no lag...and camera are great ..but in night only...but can see lol...ok la this many problems...i use 2 year alredly...but android in 4.3 only...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pwT
                          • 24 Sep 2015

                          This is the shittiest phone i have ever had, i am never going android again, it lags like hell on android 4,3, mine is with a permanent locked bootloader and i can not get any custom roms.. Stay away from this device and any non flagship android device, just get an earlier iphone or an equivalent windows phone device, the screen is not bad, the battery last a day, the camera is not that good, the light bar is just a gimmick, its cool to have, but you really do not need it. The only problem i have with it is the OS. I give this phone 4/10 because its lags like hell and has a mediocre camera

                            • w
                            • wulf
                            • YMm
                            • 19 Sep 2015

                            This Phone Never Breaks Lul. ive dropped it like more than 90 times now..,had it since relaese, and still solid, but it needs android 4.4

                              The only gripe I have with this phone is that it doesn't have Android 4.4 or above. That's it. Apart from that, solid phone. Plus it looks better than most Samsungs imo xD

                              P.S: Seeing some people compare this to flagship phones is just stupid. This was designed as a midrange phone. It isn't designed to compete with an S4 or S3 or any Galaxy S number. It was competing with things like the Acer 3, and the Lumias, and the HTC Desires. Essentially, it's the Xperia Z's smaller sibling. Not an equal.

                                • M
                                • Madmen
                                • 6uh
                                • 17 Sep 2015

                                I believe my opinion will be the most honest one in this comment section.

                                I've owned this since it's release and it has went through alot in its journey with me. I've dropped this phone like 20+ times from a height of 1m, came out with scratches on the edges of the phone but amazingly no damage to the screen so far. The mobile experienced a permanent freeze/ only once after a year of owning it possibly due to my habit of exposing it to water vapors in showers lol, but nevertheless it kept on going after I got it fixed and it is still running as of now.

                                This is a pretty awesome phone for a midrange tier, it's like the Huracan of Lamborghini because it was one of the first mid range phone to have 4G built in.

                                I used this phone as my main phone since it's release and everything still functions properly. Although the keyboard GUI is starting to lag a bit.

                                Possibly one of the best midrange phone, I'm planning to retire it by the end of 2015 and hopefully treat myself with the new Z5

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-81845
                                  • rA%
                                  • 14 Sep 2015

                                  Haters gonna hate so don't believe them, most of I have seen that people complaining about Sony phones are Samsung users seems that they are only ones in the world getting dissatisfaction and then moving to Samsung to get satisfied. Personally I have used xperia sp for more than 2 years and it rocked like anything, it played all games without lags fluently so people complaining about performance get a life for yourself, battery life is average like all smartphones, camera is very good in daylight and not that good at night but still can click nice photos, I and still a current Sony user and have used phones of all companies and after that I have concluded that Sony and HTC mid range phones are a whole a he'll lot better than that chap Samsung mid range and even some high range phones, also comparing camera of sp with S6 or other high range phones will make you look stupid cause you are comparing a 15k phone with a 55k one. So shut up haters and stop lieing

                                    • P
                                    • Phantom lord
                                    • BwZ
                                    • 11 Sep 2015

                                    This phone is so good, strong and reliable, very sharp screen, camera ok. i won't replace mine for 5 years i think :-)

                                      • r
                                      • raja
                                      • uup
                                      • 06 Sep 2015

                                      Good phone for perfect doesn''t hang though it is dual core.i used to enjoy playing asphalt without hang.
                                      Battery is weak and gets heated.soon.

                                        • a
                                        • ayoubvip
                                        • rvW
                                        • 05 Sep 2015

                                        is xperia sp display is sharp I don't care about viewing angles
                                        is the camera is so bad or bad or average or good I just need to take a clear photos not professional photos
                                        please tell me