Sony Xperia ZR

Sony Xperia ZR

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Djpeesh
  • t1}
  • 09 Jul 2013

After having the phone for almost a month (yes. I was one of the first people to buy this phone) I think this is the best purchase since my RAZR maxx. Here's why:

1. The water resistance is amazing. Played around with it at my local pool and the results are stellar. Works as advertised and the camera is excellent under water. More about the camera later.
2. The phone is exceptionally fast. The 2gigs of ram and the quad core processor mean that there is absolutely no hanging. The phone zips along and doesn't stutter even when you change the orientation of the screen. It's snappy and gets the job done quickly.
3. I've already got it rooted. Head over to xda where dooMLoRD has included the phone in his xperia rooting kit.
4. Most bloatware is easily removed and doesn't piss me off anymore.
5. The camera is exceptional. Really. It's the best phone camera I've used. Pictures come out nicely and there's minimal noise. The only hitch is night shots which have quite a bit of noise and are a little grainy.
6. The battery, especially with the stamina mode on is awesome. I get a full day of work done before it dies and I fiddle around quite a bit including pairing it to stream music on my hour long commute twice a day. Yes, it isn't the RAZR maxx but I can live with it. Without stamina I find my phone dying pretty much by about 3 pm after unplugging it at 5 am.
7. I haven't faced any network connectivity issues and the sound being low is a feature that's been talked about a lot but it only happens after I take it into the pool and only for about ten minutes.
8. The removable battery also means that this is a phone that I can keep for a while. The battery is already listed as an accessory on the Sony website so it should be possible to have two batteries that I can swap out when I absolutely need more juice.
9. If you turn data off and use it just for calls, sms and as a music player and a camera, the battery lasts about 3 days. I just got back from holiday where there was no data reception. I used the phone for about 20 mins of calls a day, about 30 mins of music and about 30 pictures a day. Lasted for two and a half days before needing a charge. Of course, as soon as I got home and turned on data, the battery started dropping.
10. I would rate it on par with the s4 that my buddy has (without the gimmicks of course). The plastic back also means that it is less susceptible to the glass at the back breaking like has been reported by those who have the xperia z, including a buddy who now regrets not holding out for the zr

All in all, the phone has been one of my best purchases in a long long time and I would definitely recommend it to anyone on the fence even over the xperia z and the s4.

    • T
    • TeamAndy
    • mg9
    • 09 Jul 2013

    AnonD-156042, 09 Jul 2013Yesterday I post an opinion about the limited connectivity ... moreGlad you've said that, can't wait to order!

      • D
      • AnonD-163385
      • M8T
      • 09 Jul 2013

      ZR has been released in India, I am waiting on the review by GSM Arena before buying it. Please have a review soon.

        • T
        • TeamAndy
        • mg9
        • 09 Jul 2013

        AnonD-156042, 09 Jul 2013Yesterday I post an opinion about the limited connectivity ... moreVery happy to hear this!

          • D
          • AnonD-150830
          • a3X
          • 09 Jul 2013

          Dear Sony, please please please please please please please and please release this phone golabally. Don't make it a limitted phone.
          It is a long time that I've planned to buy a sony smart phone but I can't...
          Last year I wanted to buy Xperia SL but I heard some rumors that there will be much powerful phonez to buy and it was so.
          I found Xperia Z but it is too expensive and I and too many other people can't buy it.
          Now I'm just waiting to buy ZR...
          I just also found xperia c but i understood it yesterday it is limitted in china and nowhere else can't buy it
          My first and last choose is Xperia ZR. Please don't make me disapointed...
          Plz release it globally

            • D
            • AnonD-150830
            • a3X
            • 09 Jul 2013

            AnonD-156042, 09 Jul 2013Yesterday I post an opinion about the limited connectivity ... moreI'm so happy to hear it because I was unhappy that you had a big problem like that and also because of myself. I have planned to buy ZR and when I heard it got a little upset. Coz ZR is a wonderful phone for me and I must buy it.
            By the way... I have some questions that I'd be so glad if u answer me plz
            Does the camera have any problems?
            Does the device have a good profermance? I mean is it as good as a strong quad core device?
            And about the battery life. I usually use my phone 5 hours a day and most of it, is browsing and surfing on the net.
            If I do the same on ZR, how much it'll be on without charging
            Thanks a lot

              • D
              • AnonD-156042
              • uts
              • 09 Jul 2013

              Yesterday I post an opinion about the limited connectivity on my Xperia Zr. That has been resolved as i just changes few things on my router/modem. and it is now connected and working very fast.

                • r
                • raghu
                • bCa
                • 09 Jul 2013

                really good. good camera, really fast (far better than grand), better display clarity (bravia engine 2) it is optional too, sound in headset is amazing. when I connect with calls sound can't be heard. battery dies very fast while browsing. other than this phone is amazing. good shape too..

                  • D
                  • AnonD-111968
                  • Iac
                  • 09 Jul 2013

                  True, ZR is much better and cheaper than HTC One,S4 and Z in such a way that it's easier to use with one hand and it has the highest water resistance. But Sony decide to release SP globally instead of the mighty ZR. SP is nothing compared to ZR,it's HEAVY,has a sluggish camera with bad results and it's a DISPOSABLE phone with a sealed battery. ZR,ZR,ZR ... is what I am waiting here in Singapore, why wouldn't u release this phone GLOBALLY? my goodness Sony... do not promise us another HIGHEND Honami or ZU, we don't need so much.

                    • s
                    • sehrah
                    • 0aZ
                    • 08 Jul 2013

                    Totally looking forward to purchasing this phone via Amazon. I'll be the first in the United States to have it - specifically Houston, TX. I'm not much of a gamer user, so the internal memory doesn't bother me too much. I like the size of this device, as well as its capabilities. Never tried it out in person, but I have checked out the Xperia Z at the Sony Store. I know that the ZR will be just as good as the Z, as well as the fact that the size is smaller. After using my Xperia X10 Mini pro for a good 3 years, its time for me to update my device!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-1359
                      • thi
                      • 08 Jul 2013

                      AnonD-162979, 08 Jul 2013Hello Guys, Can anyone suggest me whether I should go fo... moreXperia ZR or Nexus 4? In this fight... never ever choose Nexus 4. Nexus 4 has no edge from Xperia ZR. Xperia ZR is waterproof, dustproof, superior 13MP ExmorRS camera, HD Bravia engine display, removable battery(meaning, its not a disposable phone), FM radio, NFC and many more. Probably the only strength of Nexus 4 is the timely update, ZR and the rest of the smartphones in this earth will receive updates maybe after 2 months after the release of an update.

                        • s
                        • sajad
                        • atE
                        • 08 Jul 2013

                        hi Please review Gsmarena
                        is this camera better than z?
                        because xperia z camera is very bad while 13 MP.
                        is this box have dock?
                        is it have WI problem?
                        Please Answer
                        Thanks A lot.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-115915
                          • PEm
                          • 08 Jul 2013

                          AnonD-162979, 08 Jul 2013Hello Guys, Can anyone suggest me whether I should go fo... moreI donno about ZR performance bt nexus 4 is actually a bit slow....for this price the features of ZR r extremely gud

                            • D
                            • AnonD-162979
                            • Q6x
                            • 08 Jul 2013

                            Hello Guys,

                            Can anyone suggest me whether I should go for ZR or Nexus 4. Both of them have good specs so a bit confused.

                            Thanks in Advance

                              • h
                              • hsan
                              • PPt
                              • 08 Jul 2013

                              For people who got the ZR, how's the camera performance quality?

                              I have xperia Z, but to be honest the quality of iphone 5 much better than xperia z, even after updated with 4.2 JB.

                              Want to hear people's opinion who own ZR.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-162909
                                • PId
                                • 08 Jul 2013

                                Seems, GSMArena is going to take a while for reviewing, so those who have bought can only help each other:
                                Some Q's:
                                1] Does the captured image has too much noise, when viewed on PC ?
                                2] Display under bright daylight / Contrast ?
                                3] Black or White ?

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-156042
                                  • uts
                                  • 08 Jul 2013

                                  yesterday I got this,fast internet,fair battery back up,good cam, music, HD games no lags.
                                  but It could not connect to My wi fi.When connects it says limited connectivity. Every devices including apple,blackberry and previous xperia phones are successfully connected. this is not. I research and found that my wifi is should be wifi certified,that is why m not able to connect to wifi. IF any one has the solution please ans as soon as possible, i have tried already restarting router/modem and phones so many times but could not go through.

                                    • C
                                    • Cascy
                                    • ftV
                                    • 08 Jul 2013

                                    Wat about people in lagos, how long do we hav to wait for xperia zr?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • the
                                      • 08 Jul 2013

                                      TeamAndy, 07 Jul 2013Thankyou, I can get one imported from INDIA for £315 ... moreJust ordered bro in the Philippines it's out now ^^ just go to this site ( )

                                        • d
                                        • dee89
                                        • NZQ
                                        • 07 Jul 2013

                                        Can I buy any brand sd card for this phone?