Spy shots of touch Sony Ericsson Kurara smartphone pop up

04 November, 2009

Sony Ericsson obviously feel pretty good about working with Symbian S60 touch-operated UI as they are about to launch a second handset running it after the Satio. Nicknamed Kurara, the subject of these shots is a full-touch handset that packs some serious imaging capabilities.

Sony Ericsson Kurara

There's still a pretty good chance that those photos are fan mockups but if they are not we have a pretty interesting handset coming our way. The Sony Ericsson Kurara is said to sport a 3.5" AMOLED touchscreen and an 8MP camera. The cool part is that the camera will also be able to record HD video.

We suppose that the coming weeks will show if those are the first shots of a new multimedia flagship or simply a Sony Ericsson fan hard at work.



Reader comments

  • nikk
  • 22 Nov 2009
  • t75

Nice specs but the aesthetics are poor. It looks either like a toy or it justs look cheap. It will also be better if the camera has a cover. hope SE will improve upon the look and make this available by quarter 1 of 2010. hmmm... Would it be possible...

  • Anonymous
  • 09 Nov 2009
  • ixT

very bad looking !!!!!!

  • Kal
  • 07 Nov 2009
  • 2SU

It was invented back in 1979 at the Eastman Kodak Research Center. Then everyone joined in it's development, However there is NO mention of sony in it's initial stage of experiments. Kodak still holds that patent. You can find the timeline here at...

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