The white iPhone 4 is finally coming this spring, again

14 March, 2011

Apple's Philip Schiller has just confirmed the white iPhone 4 will be launched this spring, ahead of the iPhone 5's announcement. We know it's not the breaking news you were hoping for, but it's still news.

Philip Schiller is Apple's Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing. A user asked him on Twitter about the white iPhone (4 for sure) and he answered this:

@airickanderson Hi Eric. The white iPhone will be available this spring (and it is a beauty!).less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

We saw that news before, but it's the first time we hear it from an Apple rep. It seems the white fella will be released after all and it will go public even before the iPhone 5's announcement. Usually better late than never is a good thing, but we are afraid that's not Apple's case. Really, is there anyone out there left waiting for it and willing to buy it a month or two before the iPhone 5 gets out? Yeah, we thought so, too.

Reader comments

Clever marketing it's probably the main reason why they released 4s October

  • amyw
  • 01 Apr 2011
  • MVg

Clearly none of u people have a life!!!! GET A GRIP!

  • niki
  • 17 Mar 2011
  • 3Ax

who care

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