US President Trump says he's working with China to bring ZTE back on track

Himanshu, 14 May 2018

Less than a month after ZTE's US ban, US President Donald J. Trump has said he and his Chinese counterpart are working to bring ZTE out the situation, which caused the company to suspend its main business operations.

Trump says the Commerce Department has been instructed "to get it done." However, details on how (or on what basis) the ban will be lifted/circumvented weren't revealed.

Last week, there were reports that ZTE has given additional material to the Bureau of Industry and Security of the US Commerce Department to have the ban lifted.



Reader comments

Lol, he does not give a shit about people loosing jobs as about China, he got some leverage for sure from Chinsese president in exchange for lifting ban, that's how business works and how politics works, no one will do anything good without getting s...

  • Dr. Strange
  • 17 May 2018
  • aXR

Wow, that's what you got from that? Trump understanding normal people? That is quite a stretch!

  • saw089
  • 14 May 2018
  • B{R

Well..., I'll take it, it's a positive...

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