MWC 2014: Various brands overview

MWC 2014

GSMArena team, 23 February 2014.

emporiaSMART hands-on

Emporia hardly rings a bell, in smartphone terms that is, but it isn't a new manufacturer. The company's been focusing on easy to use, basic phones but at the MWC 2014, Emporia introduced its first ever smartphone with a capacitive touchscreen.

You'd think that by 2014, the company should've had at least a bunch of touch-enabled smartphones. It isn't high-end specs though and cutting edge technology they're driven by. Emporia's products are designed for the not so tech-savvy and elderly users.

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The company's first smartphone is called emporiaSMART and features a 4.5" display. It works with a stylus, which sits on the right side of the phone. The company decided to use one after extensive research concluding that elderly people sometimes have problems with dry skin resulting in lack of sensitivity in the fingers.

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The phone's user interface has been designed with the seniors in mind as well. The emporiaSMART runs Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and ease of use was clearly the main objective. Emporia has even developed a web interface that allows remote access of the emporiaSMART phone.

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The web administrative tool is a powerful way of managing the emporiaSMART

From the remote control panel you can add/edit contacts, locate the phone, set alarms and edit settings. Setting up a phone for a relative has never been simpler.

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The company also announced a pair of radiowatches - one for men and one for the ladies. Radiowatch may sound weird at first, but its concept is simple - it sends a radio signal to the phone, in order to trigger emergency mode. To activate it, the owner has to tap and hold two opposite-facing buttons on the watch.

Reader comments

  • jess
  • 17 Mar 2015
  • K1I

It is true the phone can be upgraded to KitKat bcs I heard the seller told so. I hope he didn't lie to me!

  • Fitri
  • 17 Mar 2015
  • K1I

Hi. I've bought this 3 days ago. The camera is quite good and really not bad it has auto focus flashlight and HDR. 500 mb ram makes the phone laggy sometimes. The battery life is trash but quick charging. Keyboard response is so slow that can't type ...

  • Ninja Indian
  • 02 Aug 2014
  • bC7

Gionee Elite E7 is the best android phone one can ever imagine. Being a user, I strongly recommend: Go for it! Chinese company can claim the crown now.