Vertu Signature
- S
- Stefan
- mcj
- 19 Apr 2010
I am sorry that your reply was not posted. I want to have a dialog not a monolog. I don't want to believe that you used an offensive language. That yould mean that i misjudged you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 19 Apr 2010
Stefan. World Leaders and top people make and issue decisions over the phone everyday. Decisions that that affect and shape the future of this world and our lives.
Do you have any idea of the type of power these people wield? With this power comes the back up needed to administer it. Why would they require an 'Inspector Gadget' phone when they have Aides to meet their every requirement?
A life that requires a top cellular device like a Vertu made expressly for talking into and listening on. and a US $27.000 Mont blanc writing instrument to sign important documents.
If I had your young years I would gather a few close reliable friends. Set about obtaining some pre-owned slot machines. Approach the owner of a boat nearing the scrap yard (They are Cheap). Do a deal and set up an offshore Casino in the Black or Adriatic sea. Oh Yes. When you are rich drop your iphone over the side, You won't need it Ha Ha.
I wish you well in your future endeavors. It has been interesting to read your comments.
And, if you wonder where I live. It is in a third world country deep in the South Pacific Called New Zealand. Full of end to end Cow's slurry that breeds nasty little flies.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 19 Apr 2010
Stefan, 18 Apr 2010Anonymous hello. I am 25 years old and i am from romania. I... more I have read your latest comment and posted a reply that has for some reason been monitored and disallowed. probably been considered to be lacking in virtue.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 19 Apr 2010
Stefan Hi, I note with interest your reply to my comment. I think the parellel you offer is a little flawed.
Because of circumstances, military leaders are often forced into making their decisions. No organization in their right mind would proceed under those circumstances. No capitol is ever placed into a venture unless guaranteed of a 100% favourable investment in writing.
World Leaders, Heads of State, along with others in the top echelons of society require mobile cellular phone devices solely as a means to communicate, for everything else they use private aides, or Aides de campe in the case of the military. If you realize and understand the extra ordinary power and influence these people wield, then you will know that the cost of a luxury item to them, be it our beloved point of disagreement, the ubiquitous "Vertu phone" or a US $27,000 Montblanc writing instrument, is mere chicken droppings to these people.
Welcome to the real world.
If I were your age, I would gather reliable companians, purchase or lease some retired poker slot machines (they are almost given away these days). Approach the owner of a tired old tub on the adriatic sea and turn it into a floating Casino. When you are rich, drop your Iphone over the side. You will no longer have any need of it. Ha, Ha. It is a winner's world my young friend. I wish you well.
One parting word. To satisfy your curiosity. I live a third world country called New Zealand.
- S
- Stefan
- mcj
- 18 Apr 2010
Anonymous hello. I am 25 years old and i am from romania. I mentioned that in my n95&omnia 2 postings where we exchanged opinions. I believe we can compare a succesful bussiness man with the leader of an army. For battles to be won the army must have the best equipment available to date. I agree that a leader has numerous aids to help him but some things he has to do in person. Every bussiness reliales on efficiency . So supervise his own men and map out the detailes of new deal , to sent and to receive e-mails to find out the costs and the benefits of a deal , to check out reports and possible mismanagements within his own company he has to be able to access every stored information so the use of a vertu is meaningless because an object with a virtually decorative role is practicly useless to him. You might argue that a laptop is more suited for those tasks. I agree but mobile phones have evolved so much especialy in the last few years that they can handle many of the tasks that only a computer could have done until now. And speaking of money i am sure that custome made mobiles with features not accesible to the public( accesible in a few years maybe) are in the hands of certain groundshakers in this wold. The world is evolving new technologies are being developed and every company has it's secrets. So this phone is not suited to a serious bussiman and will forever be just an ilusion for people who want to deceive themselves
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 17 Apr 2010
Stefan hi. I am guessing that you are probably in the twenty eight to thirty four years of age bracket and your name Stefan maybe Greek or East European. You convince me you have the persistence to fulfill your ambitions.
I urge you to take a long hard look at the top people of this world, everything about them makes a quiet classical statement. Likewise Vertu aims for this top market of people who have private secretaries and an army of personnel to do their bidding. When you join their ranks do you honestly believe you will have time between appointments to play around on a "swiss army knife" cell phone. My hope for you is that you will be too busy closing your next deal and when an important acquaintance misplaces their phone and asks if they might borrow your phone, that you reflect on our conversations, smile to yourself and hand them your Vertu Signature phone finished in black crocodile leather.
Remember, goals always remain goals unless action is taken to achieve them.
- S
- Stefan
- mcj
- 16 Apr 2010
Anonymous. You are full of energy for a 76 old man.....your spirit is still young and your brain capacity has not deteriorated even if you are at this late age....i can't imagine you walking around with a stick. I am not judging vertu with passion, the conclusion that i've reached is based on a logical and objective evaluation. In terms of features there is nothing to talk about,the vertu has the same features as nokia 1100. Some say that this phone is designed for rich bussiness men. The money makers of this world need quality service. A phone like this is unable to help them as it has no features dedicated to bussiness and were not going to see very soon windows on a vertu. That leaves their offsprings who are eager to spent mamy's or dady's money and then go out to show off in clubs. Some compare the vertu with the mercedes or ferrari, those cars are real gems and apart from being very expensive status simbols they 're performing is at the highest level. An armani suit gives class and elegance tn the one that is wearing it. I have nothing against eny product that altought is very expensive it 's the best of it's kind and gives maximum performance but that is certanly not the case here with this phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 16 Apr 2010
Stefan. You have caught me out. Indeed I do not live in a million dollar house but have a share in a very nice cardboard box under a bridge.
Why do you vent such a passionate dislike of Vertu? The world is full of luxury goods of every description as well as identical cheaper items. It is purely a matter of choice for the individual concerned. I hope that one day when you reach my seventy six years of age you will have learned to appreciate and fully enjoy the choices this world has to offer. Live well my friend and enjoy life.
- S
- Stefan
- mcj
- 15 Apr 2010
Anonymous, 15 Apr 2010 Presumably your good self happens to be one of the rich pe... moreI happend to have more more money than some people and fewer then others like yourself i 'm guessing that you are not tiping from inside a million dollar house. My brain has enought neurons to be certain that even if someday i would have enought money to buy one would not. Look at it from another point of view:3 quarters of vertues are not sold to rich bussiness men but are purchaesed using their credit cards by their children. This phone is just an illusion for those who believe that an object will rise them abovo others.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 15 Apr 2010
Presumably your good self happens to be one of the rich people with brains.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 13 Apr 2010
Ah, Vertu. Perchance to dream.
- S
- Stefan
- mcj
- 10 Apr 2010
Ah vertu. There is no god!
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 09 Apr 2010
Ah Vertu. Perchance to dream.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jBF
- 08 Apr 2010
I really dont like it
- J
- JunePhilippines
- t7I
- 04 Apr 2010
And it costs 310,000 US dollars!!! ouch
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvW
- 26 Mar 2010
Vertu.Pure class. The Vacheron & Constantin of the Mobile cellular phone world
- M
- Marcucci
- vj1
- 25 Mar 2010
To me, Vertu is a piece of art rather than a phone. Vertu uses function to create a beautiful form. This is art that you can interact with than art that you put in your house for show
- ?
- Anonymous
- vj1
- 25 Mar 2010
Vertu phones are gifts for yourself, it symbolizes success.
- n
- nao & pupu
- uwW
- 18 Mar 2010
Use your head...only the cruel will buy this one.
- g
- gopal joshi
- utr
- 17 Mar 2010
it's a verry good looking phone i used it it's a verry long life bettery aprox 35 days..