vivo V29 comes with three-year software support, OriginOS remains China-exclusive

vivo made the V29 official at the start of the month with the phone making its debut in Europe later this month. However, some details were left out and a subsequent announcement followed with some additional info.

In between the two announcements we had a chance to speak with the, Daniel Goetz, a product manager at the company, who confirmed to us that the vivo V29 will get three years of software support. That's three years of security patches and two major Android updates coming to the device.

We also asked about OriginOS expansion as the company uses Funtouch OS in international markets. Mr Goetz clarified that the company is happy with this split as it believes Funtouch OS is more stable, "less flashy" and even if it offers fewer customization options it's a better fit for Europe. The richer in functionality, but rather bloaty OriginOS resonates better with Chinese users, vivo believes.

Reader comments

I've tried Vivo with OriginOS and tbh I'm not really a fan of it and still kinda prefer FuntouchOS more, probably because I'm a stock guy and it looks closer to stock android lmao.

> I really don’t understand why these Chinese think they can charge premium pricing while delivering subpar support. Because average consumer ironically just don't understand anything about it. They don't know and don't care much ...

i knew it!