Windows Mobile 7 comes closer, finger-friendly and all

25 Feb, 2009

Good times for the WinMo fans seem to be just around the corner. After last week the release of Windows Mobile 6.5 was officially confirmed for the second half of this year it now appears that its successor isn't too far away either. In an analysts meeting held yesterday Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed that Windows Mobile 7 will be available next year.

The other good news that the meeting brought to the masses is the fact that the mobile version of Windows 7 will sport a much tighter integration with its desktop brother - whatever they mean by that.

Steve Ballmer also confirmed that Microsoft will make all they can to make up for the main disadvantage of their OS - namely the lack of user-friendliness. Finger optimization is one of the key thought in the developers' minds when designing the WinMo 7 and we should expect a whole load of new nice applications too.

In case you've missed it, here's a quick scoop of all WinMo 7 goodies leaked on a concept paper a year ago.

Windows Mobile 7
A glimpse of the upcoming Windows Mobile 7



Reader comments

  • D1
  • 12 May 2009
  • PvW

I have a sprint samsung with WM5 can i upgrade.

  • Anonymous
  • 07 Mar 2009
  • ib1

Ok, I suppose its appropriate to mention this again. On upgrading Windows Mobile. 1) Based on leaked / provided information, processor wise, WM6.6 should work with anything that runs 6.1 smoothly. 2) Unfortunately, the info does indicate only m...

  • Anon
  • 05 Mar 2009
  • 5LE

Unless the company that provided your phone plans on coming out with an update for you to WinMo 6.5/7, the only way to get it is to hope someone out there is smart enough (and this is usually the case) to rip it off another device and cook a ROM for ...

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