WP7 Dell Venue Pro comes to UK on 8 November, costs 500 GBP

25 October, 2010

We knew the Windows Phone 7 powered Dell Venue Pro would come to Europe sooner or later but now we also got some specifics about it. The portrait slider will come to the UK in a few weeks time and will cost a good 500 pounds.

The Dell Venue Pro is already listed for pre-order at eXpansys so if you want to be among the first to get it, you might consider placing your order now. Now, the price is certainly steep but did you really expect to get a 4.1" AMOLED screen for much less?

Dell Venue Pro

Plus the Dell Venue Pro is the only portrait slider with Windows Phone 7 and a full QWERTY keyboard so if you fancy that form factor and want to give Microsoft's latest mobile platform a try you have no other choice.

Interestingly enough the retailer's web site mentions that the Venue Pro is packing a microSD card slot. Dell didn't say anything about it at the announcement, which is somewhat strange, considering that there is only one other WP7 device to come with this feature.

We are expecting an official confirmation (or denial) of this in the following days as the Dell Venue Pro makes its way to the shelves.


Reader comments

  • ReVan
  • 27 Oct 2010
  • 2@t

The weirdest thing about the phones specs, which to my surprise even GSMAreana and Microsoft haven't corrected in their specs that YES it does have a dual LED Flash along with its 5MP camera. We can clearly see it in the pics above.

  • M
  • 26 Oct 2010
  • ftI

Expansys just rips off suckers. Wait for this bad in the US. I gurantee it'll be not more than 600$ baby

  • Random
  • 26 Oct 2010
  • Tr8

Even at £440 it's still a pretty good deal. You have to keep in mind that all WP7 phones have top spec - similar to the iPhone 4 and Desire HD.....and top end phones usually retail for around £500 or thereabouts. I just hope a few carrier...

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