Xiaomi 13 Pro
- B
- Ben Tulloch
- 39y
- 13 Dec 2022
Alex, 13 Dec 2022why they have bad front camera? No 4K i dont understand4k is 8.3mp so it looks pretty damn 4k to me
- Super Android 22
- mx}
- 13 Dec 2022
Alex, 13 Dec 2022why they have bad front camera? No 4K i dont understandIt will probably have it possibly even having up to 120fps 1080p recording, GSM miss a lot of specs or forget to put them on the spec sheet (they probably won't know the full feature list yet either). My Huawei p40 pro and mate 10 pro could do video recording at higher capture rates than what gsm was advertising/and had features they didn't advertise too on the cameras. They didn't even include the electromagnetic under display speaker on the P40 pro.
- ?
- Anonymous
- X5u
- 13 Dec 2022
Just watched some reviews this Camera is better than Xiaomi 12sultra in macro photos and videos by a large margin in videos and there was no difference btw this phone and 14pm photos were better on the Xiaomi and macro still no difference so I think apple really has their hands full as Xiaomi had up their game
- A
- Alex
- 0Uw
- 13 Dec 2022
why they have bad front camera? No 4K i dont understand
- David 040882
- spe
- 13 Dec 2022
Thom45, 12 Dec 2022yes, probably. highly doubt it. notice that the 12 had no u... moreWouldn't be surprised if they made an 13S series too.
- A
- Andrei
- mA%
- 13 Dec 2022
Why this have chin and 13 simple does not have chin?
- A
- Alex
- 13 Dec 2022
The Distribution of Xiaomi Phones in East Africa Market is lacking yet they have good products, more so the flagships
- k
- khalida
- 6kI
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Asus Zenfone 9 & rog 6
- A
- Adhya
- 6c@
- 13 Dec 2022
I still don't get it why people think curved screen is more premium. If only Xiaomi 13 flat screen is this big.
- ?
- Anonymous
- dQU
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Ummm.... There's Sony Xperias, don't know if you've heard about these :)
- K
- Krjal
- TKu
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Sadly the only ones I can think of are Sony's Xperia 1 mk II, III, IV etc. Fantastic phones but relatively expensive.
Wish there was more competition that retained a full feature set.
- L
- Leong Playz Gaming
- 13 Dec 2022
I'm exciting for Xiaomi 13 pro come in Malaysia
- M
- Monarch-1221
- pu2
- 13 Dec 2022
Mobsyr, 13 Dec 2022Is this flat screen? NO!!!! only Xiaomi 13 has flat display....
- ?
- Anonymous
- ntc
- 13 Dec 2022
FH, 12 Dec 2022Wow, 1920 frame per second, thats amazing for phoneIt's not refresh rate, human eye can only see 1k fps, it's PWM frequency
- ?
- Anonymous
- CbF
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Rog asus phones have
- b
- bata Shaki
- mFd
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Huawei Mate 20 X (2018) is (in a way) still a flagship to me - earphones 3.5 mm jack, memory card slot, 7.2 inches display, 5000 mAh battery..it was really a beast then, I am happily still using it ☺️
- b
- bata Shaki
- mFd
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Huawei Mate 20 X (2018) has got the old earphones jack..I'm still using that phone and it is still a sort of flagship for me ♥️ ..7.2 inches display, 5000 mAh battery..- no phone has ever such a specs at that time..even today those measures are pretty incredible ☺️
- S
- Steve
- snU
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Sony
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0U6
- 13 Dec 2022
ljuba, 12 Dec 2022tell me which one flagship over last 3-4 years have 3.5mm jack?Wrong,the sony 1.4 has the Jack and its a good phone