Xiaomi 14 Pro

Xiaomi 14 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • P
  • Poco for life
  • CbI
  • 30 Oct 2023

you have to suffer, 29 Oct 2023no need of those chemicals. titanium will tarnish over age.... moreI think titanium will get oxidised easily which will prevent it from further changes . So in result titanium will remain same as you get it(titanium products) in your hands .

    @GSMArena, please will you add info about the OS updates / how many years? I'd hate to land on a phone with only 2 years updates again. Thank you!

      Nifol, 29 Oct 2023No card slot and no 3.5mm jack. Screw Xiaomi.Sadly nobody ever does nowadays. I could manage with no card slot but I'm so used to 3.5mm headphones that I would hate not having it. I'm just not a fan of BT headsets.:(

        • L
        • LoveMom
        • 61j
        • 29 Oct 2023

        you have to suffer, 29 Oct 2023no need of those chemicals. titanium will tarnish over age.... moreYou makes no sense at all.

        First you said titanium will tarnish in a few year, then gives example of 22 years old laptop? is 22 years "a few years"? and it was PAINTED! the thing that wore off was the paint, not the metal underneath.

        Not only this but, I don't know if you are clueless or just plain ignorant, titanium WON'T tarnish, my example is the extreme condition, I said you can kill stainless steel with bleach but not titanium, it is one of the most corrosive-resistant material known to man!

        I am literally a chemical engineer and you somehow thinks you are more knowledgeable than me in this field? where do you get this info? your mom?

          • N
          • Nifol
          • 7Mq
          • 29 Oct 2023

          No card slot and no 3.5mm jack. Screw Xiaomi.

            bored ChemE, 29 Oct 2023Stop spreading misinfo lol, titanium will not tarnish unles... moreno need of those chemicals. titanium will tarnish over age. ever seen a laptop with titanium? it's the early powerbook g4.

              Good camera vidéo fps

                IShouldLeaveThisSite, 29 Oct 2023Yeah, 6000mah phones was never a norms anyway, ignore these... moreyep, and chip efficiency will make todays 5000, = to 6000 next year and so on
                gsmarena dorks just need to find something in a phone to trash on💀

                  • I
                  • IShouldLeaveThisSite
                  • 61j
                  • 29 Oct 2023

                  HyperionBurn, 29 Oct 2023and with that you'd use a thicker and heavier phone as... moreYeah, 6000mah phones was never a norms anyway, ignore these dunce, GSMArena's comments are some of the most braindead discussion I've come across, it's just brands circlejerk and shills.

                  It's worth noting that these phones have elaborate cooling mechanism unseen on lower end phones. That's why those lower end phones are the most often seen with 5000mah+ battery and still have acceptable weight and dimension.

                  You can't do flagship performance without cooling but with cooling you need to sacrifice the battery space otherwise you need to make it thicker and bigger.

                  And look at the reply below bashing the weight, what do you think would happen if Xiaomi decided to increase the battery capacity?

                  Can't please everyone, that's just how live is.

                    • Q
                    • Qnon
                    • SnL
                    • 29 Oct 2023

                    Geek 747, 29 Oct 2023Nice phone with not bad price tag but only in china, when g... moreNo need to speculate for it's price. We already have announced official prices.

                      you have to suffer, 29 Oct 2023it would benefit longer run time. 6000mah would be a nice t... moreand with that you'd use a thicker and heavier phone as well? why do you need 1-2 more hours of battery when you can get 50% battery in 5 mins?

                        • b
                        • bored ChemE
                        • 61j
                        • 29 Oct 2023

                        you have to suffer, 29 Oct 2023titanium are prone to tarnish in few years so take proper care.Stop spreading misinfo lol, titanium will not tarnish unless you have lab restricted chemical.

                        I'll tell you this, stainless steel can be dissolved by HCl, a fairly common solvent, also used in your toilet cleaner.
                        while titanium would need aqua regia, a highly dangerous substance that can and will kill you much more easily than hydrochloride acid.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 61j
                          • 29 Oct 2023

                          Izumiyamura, 29 Oct 2023I don't think you know much about photography. An actu... moreI don't think I follow.
                          The variable aperture only start at f/1.4 which is standard opening in smartphone, in theory a 1" sensor with the same opening can get much more lighting than smaller sensor.
                          That is to say, smaller sensor will be inferior than bigger one at the same aperture. But I have heard they will use much brighter (clearer) lens in this phone so light-gathering capability difference is negligible.

                          But I digress with the variable aperture making it much more flexible choice than fixed or double aperture.
                          It's impossible to do long exposure photo in daylight with a phone even with 100 ISO is too bright, and ND filter for phone is niche.
                          Some phone's telephoto does indeed have narrower aperture like S23 ultra, but then the sensor is arguably inferior to the main one.

                          But let's be real here, the real reason Xiaomi downgraded the sensor is to make the 14 Ultra looks better, I'd say the main camera will be insane in this one:
                          - 1" Sensor.
                          - True variable aperture (possibly even more flexible than this, like f/1.2-f/6)
                          - Brighter, clearer lens compared to predecessor.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • XMF
                            • 29 Oct 2023

                            Game Legion, 29 Oct 2023Because your entire life is glued to a 6 inch screen, and y... morewho are you to judge someone else needs?

                              HyperionBurn, 29 Oct 2023why do you need 5000mah battery? its already 4880 with 50w ... moreit would benefit longer run time. 6000mah would be a nice touch on a flagship.

                                Khaled Bn Qassim, 29 Oct 2023Wow titanium frame :) Thanks Xiaomititanium are prone to tarnish in few years so take proper care.

                                  Geek 747, 29 Oct 2023Nice phone with not bad price tag but only in china, when g... moreWould you rather give 1000 for this one or 1000 for the pixel 8 pro with an exynos? I prefer to give 1000 for a snapfragon 8gen3

                                    Wow titanium frame :)
                                    Thanks Xiaomi

                                      • G
                                      • Geek 747
                                      • SbF
                                      • 29 Oct 2023

                                      Nice phone with not bad price tag but only in china, when global version would came out it's gonna cost minimum 1000€ and up, and that screen made by TCL and main sensor of omnivision isn't worth that's too much, yeah omnivision makes not bad sensors but they are way worse when Sony's one or even Samsung's same as about screen made by TCL they aren't good enough, and in my opinion also waterfall screen is stupidest idea which manufacturer can be made in 2024

                                        • M
                                        • Maziyar
                                        • a00
                                        • 29 Oct 2023

                                        Hemand, 29 Oct 2023All this specs and still giving optical sensor for fingerpr... moreIt's a shame but optical sensors work better with screen protectors , ultrasonic sensors won't work properly of your phone has a screen protector.
                                        Optical sensors are easier and cheaper to fix by the way.