Xiaomi Mi 9T
- s
- stinkfist
- SaQ
- 15 Aug 2019
AnonD-875092, 15 Aug 2019Well, I'm not regretting my choice, nor trying to find some... moreWhy should it be compared to A70 or compared to a specific model? To be honest you can compare Mi 9t to Samsung Galaxy s10. Unfortunately I dont own a s10 so I can't really tell you the differencies from my own perspective but what I have read and watched on youtube the differencies is very small. For a regular user and for day-to-day work Mi 9t perform as good as the flasgship models like s10, s10+, iphones and so on. When it comes to small areas like gaming, professional photo and videos, bloggers and so on you might want to pay triple/four times price for a flagship. The question I asked myself will I use all these things really? Isnt it better to save 600 euros and go for a vacation instead?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 15 Aug 2019
AnonD-875092, 15 Aug 2019Well, I'm not regretting my choice, nor trying to find some... moreA70 is closer to the truth, but still extremely poor speaker and above average standby battery drain.
- C
- Craddan
- Nue
- 15 Aug 2019
AnonD-875092, 15 Aug 2019Well, I'm not regretting my choice, nor trying to find some... moreShould be compared to a80 not a70
- D
- AnonD-875092
- 8pc
- 15 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 15 Aug 2019A50 user is obviously salty about his poor choice and is de... moreWell, I'm not regretting my choice, nor trying to find something bad about Mi 9T. Both are good, but I prefer A50 one UI over MIUI.
By the way Mi 9T should be compared to A70 not A50.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 15 Aug 2019
stinkfist, 15 Aug 2019The Batterylife on Mi 9t is probably the most positive surp... moreYea i wondered if i've made a mistake not waiting for the Mi9T, but then i saw Notebookcheck's review and it turns out it's overheating all the time and battery life is mediocre, so i'd say the 9T is a very balanced and a better choice. Dual band GPS is a great advantage for the pro, but i'd say not enough to justify less battery, more heat and more money.
- s
- stinkfist
- SaQ
- 15 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 15 Aug 2019Yep, at least if your're in Europe (ROM is different and al... moreThe Batterylife on Mi 9t is probably the most positive surprise for me so far. With medium usage I easily get 3 days batterylife. With more heavy usage I get 1,5 to 2 days batterylife.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 15 Aug 2019
stinkfist, 15 Aug 2019Xiaomi UI is wonderful in my perspective. It only had 4 ins... moreYep, at least if your're in Europe (ROM is different and also what you get depends of the region you chose in settings) there are no ads or bloatware, just a few apps most of which you can uninstall. Currently the only "bloatware" i have on my Mi 9T is "feedback" app, and "Shareme" (And they don't do anything if you don't use them).
As i pointed out earlier, the battery is still at 100% when i wake up (After charging before bed) so no bloatware to drain your battery.
- s
- stinkfist
- SaQ
- 15 Aug 2019
AnonD-875092, 14 Aug 2019Ok,lets end this useless debate in a friendly way: Mi 9T i... moreXiaomi UI is wonderful in my perspective. It only had 4 installed apps and looked more like android stock than samsungs UI. Even more convenient to get rid of samsungs useless apps. If you just want a simple UI Miui is good enough. If you are more of an advanced user there might be better UI out there. Ofc Miui can improve but I think Xiaomi do a pretty good work so far considering they are somewhat newcomers on the European market and the low price.
- s
- stinkfist
- SaQ
- 15 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 15 Aug 2019How's the camera quality compared to the Mi 9's, equall or? A50 has one of the worst cameras I have ever tested. The autofocus is a nightmare. Most of the pictures were blurry and there is so much noise. Xiaomi do a better work here with their software and ofc the sony camera is a very good basemodel. Even in low light I experience a lot better pictures on Mi 9t than A50, while using gcam and stock. I also belive the Mi 9t shows more realistic colours than the A50.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Aw}
- 15 Aug 2019
How's the camera quality compared to the Mi 9's, equall or?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 15 Aug 2019
A50 user is obviously salty about his poor choice and is desperately trying to find some argument against 9T and convince himself how bad it is (And mostly, how good his mediocre phone is).
- p
- pneumatic
- 2Ig
- 15 Aug 2019
GVera, 14 Aug 2019I agree with you that minimim radiation exposure is better,... moreRe: SAR
I am in the process of upgrading from an old Samsung phone, model SGH-Z170.
According to Samsung's website it emits 0.301 (head), 0.764 (body).
Source: https://www.samsung.com/sar/sarMain?site_cd=uk&prd_mdl_name=SGH-Z170&selNatCd=AU&languageCode=EN
This is quite low, but I get a headache after talking on it.
The headache can last several hours and is reproducible.
The longer I talk on it, the worse the headache. For example a 30 minute conversation recently left me with a 5 hour headache.
Talking on my landline has never given me a headache, even long 30+ minute conversation, so I think it might be the phone radiation.
I have used this EMF meter to measure radiation while talking
But it reports nothing. However it reports elevated levels of RF on my cordless landline phone (which I no longer use) and also from my 802.11n wifi routers (which I have solved by setting them to low transmission power).
My solution is to use speakerphone on the Samsung, and not hold it against my head.
Because the Samsung has a low SAR rating, maybe SAR isn't very meaningful, and we should avoid holding the phone against the head regardless of SAR.
This website makes the same claim:
"...if you read my article on SAR rates, you’ll understand why they are a truly horrible measure of how dangerous cell phones are, and why they do almost nothing to protect us from these dangers."
Source: https://emfacademy.com/reduce-iphone-radiation/
So my rule is, regardless of the phone, I will always use speakerphone or external headset.
Also according to this website, Samsung is not a more ethical company than Xiaomi: https://thegoodshoppingguide.com/ethical-rankings-mobile-phones
For me personally, red dot on "human rights" or "animal welfare" is a dealbreaker. I think red dot on human rights means Congo child labour, but I'm not sure because the details are behind a paywall.
I haven't bought anything yet, but leaning heavily towards Mi 9T with speakerphone or external headset.
- D
- AnonD-875092
- 8pc
- 15 Aug 2019
GVera, 14 Aug 2019I agree with you that minimim radiation exposure is better,... moreOk thanks
- D
- D.
- 14 Aug 2019
From all 9T/K20 series only this has higher SAR than others. Wonder why. Maybe used some other parts which cause it (sometimes). Though it doesn't necessarily mean much, looks worse in specs.
- G
- GVera
- 8xf
- 14 Aug 2019
AnonD-875092, 14 Aug 2019No offence, but you are the one who needs to be educated:
... moreI agree with you that minimim radiation exposure is better, but you got it completely wrong assuming that a lower SAR phone will emit lower radiation on average in normal use.
Please read this article of the FCC regarding SAR:
- D
- D.
- 14 Aug 2019
AnonD-875092, 14 Aug 2019No offence, but you are the one who needs to be educated:
... moreNot offended at all (as long arguments are used it's O.K.). Well full-value answer takes too much time (I mean go through ALL that information thoroughly) so maybe some other time?
For now, I don't deny it's better to have low SAR than high but that value was measured under specific conditions which might not apply to every user. You cannot say one takes this and other takes that much RF energy just by using this or that phone unless you do tests of concrete user and phone. So not like "X times more".
Actually the best SAR is no SAR, lower or higher emitting so you can't avoid it completely if using phone. Of course it's better to have low SAR phone though. (like A50 -as for low radiation at least :) ...well I quite like it overall)
And if you call this "microwave" then you should call S10 siries same since they are above safe limit you mention here (such expensive device, it's a shame).
BTW if you have link about some serious long-term studies which prove health impact I'd take a look (seriously).
- D
- AnonD-875092
- 8pc
- 14 Aug 2019
[deleted post]Ok,lets end this useless debate in a friendly way:
Mi 9T is a decent phone I know, but I think xiaomi should work on making better UI and lower SAR.
Meanwhile, A50 has both good UI and low SAR, but should bump performance a bit more. (exynos 9610 is fine for me)
(Sorry If you felt offended or smth, the end of day samsung and xiaomi doesn't care about us, but about our money)
- D
- AnonD-875092
- 8pc
- 14 Aug 2019
[deleted post]First, I didn't bash mi 9T, second, my usage doesn't need more than a SD 660 equivalent.
(Ok I say MIUI is crap just an opinion)
- D
- AnonD-875092
- 8pc
- 14 Aug 2019
Anonymous, 14 Aug 2019Yep. Samsung phones are POS. A look at Notebookcheck's revi... moreI read A50 notebookcheck review, they didn't say A50 has standby drain, and for GPS, they said it is good for general navigation tasks.
Anyway why I'm bothering to post in the land of mi extreme fanboys, enjoy your mi 9T but don't come to bash A50...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0BG
- 14 Aug 2019
Craddan, 14 Aug 2019A lot of people had that issue to to YouTube and you will s... moreYep. Samsung phones are POS. A look at Notebookcheck's reviews will confirm what i said about A80 (Dark screen, abysmal speaker and heating) and what you said about A50 (High standby battery drain and again heating. And again abysmal speaker as is the case with any non-flagship from Samsung). Just took a look and noticed A50 also has useless GPS.
Samsung fans are so delusional they might be worse than Apple fans.