Xiaomi Poco F2 Pro

Xiaomi Poco F2 Pro

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • KLR
  • 10 Oct 2020

FAN , 10 Oct 2020Is there any Wireless Charging ?sadly no, but it has nfc

    • F
    • FAN
    • xJP
    • 10 Oct 2020

    Is there any Wireless Charging ?

      • T
      • TerrFX
      • wrY
      • 10 Oct 2020

      I'm tryna buy a phone in this price range, and I mostly game. I wanted to buy this at first but it does lack the high refresh rate. I considered Realme x2 pro but it's design and battery life isn't the best. I also considered blackshark 2 and k20 pro but they are kind of hard to find and the prices between these phones are really small, any suggestions?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • I@a
        • 09 Oct 2020

        NoName, 08 Oct 2020Anyone have an issue of connection when playing heavy games... moreYou can force 'LTE only' in the hidden settings under 'Phone Info'. How to get to hidden setting 'Phone Info' and create a shortcut to this very useful hidden setting:

        Install Nova launcher. Make it the default launcher.
        On the home screen (of Nova launcher), long press and tap 'Widgets'. Long press 'Activities' then release to add a shortcut on the Nova launcher home screen.

        Scroll down to 'Settings' (there are two: tap the second one with the higher number - 285).

        Scroll down again and tap 'Phone info (.Radio info)'.
        You now have the shortcut to the hidden settings 'Phone Info'.

        In 'Phone Info', in 'Select phone index', 'Phone 0' refers to SIM1 and 'Phone 1' refers to SIM2. Choose the correct SIM which you want to force 'LTE/4G only'.

        In the 'Set Preferred Network Type', write down on paper the default chosen network (in case you want to get back to it). Anyway, choose 'LTE only' in 'Set Preferred Network Type' if you want your Poco F2 Pro to stick to 'LTE only' and not auto switch to other network types (Ex. H+/WCDMA/3G). It will nail the signal to 'LTE only'. Be warned you cannot send or receive regular voice calls on the SIM where you forced this 'LTE only' setting so I suggest having a data only SIM in SIM1 slot and your voice calls on SIM2 slot so network changes to your data SIM (SIM1/Phone 0) won't affect your ability to send or receive voice calls on your voice call and text SIM (SIM2/Phone 1).

        If you use only one SIM card, you're out of lock. You have to change back to the default settings that you wrote down on paper above so you can receive phone calls while online gaming.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • I@a
          • 09 Oct 2020

          Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020It was not my intention to argue with you, since I agree th... moreThey're tweaked for Night Sight use mostly but a few were for regular 'camera' mode in GCam (HDR off, HDR+, HDR+ enhanced toggle).

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • I@a
            • 09 Oct 2020

            Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020Got any pointers/settings for Macro and Wide? Plus, do I t... moreIn the GCam port I mentioned, go to settings - advanced - auxiliary camera. Turn on toggle for 'show buttons', 'wide', and 'macro' so you can just tap on the buttons to shift/change cameras/lenses. When changing caneras/lenses, be sure to tap Night Sight again because after switching (Ex. Wide to Ultrawide to Macro), GCam defaults to regular 'camera' mode rather than Night Sight.

            Always use Night Sight for wide, macro and when using digital zoom (pinch out gesture), even during day time if you want the best details and best photo quality overall (will take a bit longer but it's worth it).

            There's no HDR off, HDR+, or HDR+ enhanced toggle when in Night Sight mode for GCam. If light levels are sufficient and the scene has high dynamic range, switch to regular 'camera' mode on the GCam port and choose HDR off, HDR+ or HDR+ enhanced for scenes with wide dynamic range. HDR+ enhanced can look surreal/overcooked looking on people's faces/human subjects so you may reduce it using HDR+ or turn off HDR altogether using the toggle.

            If you are shooting high dynamic range landscapes however, leave the toggle at HDR+ or HDR+ enhanced. It beats the default camera app every single time for challenging high dynamic range scenes (back lit subjects with the sun behind them, Christmas lanterns, street lights and other night lights/night architecture photography). HDR+/HDR+ enhanced helps capture the scenery without heavy highlight and shadow clipping.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • I@a
              • 09 Oct 2020

              Anonymous, 08 Oct 2020It was not my intention to argue with you, since I agree th... moreThey're for Night Sight, but surprise, surprise! I also use Night Sight on day time if I want to use digital zoom or I want the best detail retention, highest dynamic range and better overall image quality at 100% crop. Using Night Sight on day time in the GCam beats even the Poco F2 Pro's default camera output in color, detail retention, exposure, noise and overall quality even if you use the 64 megapixel mode and despite the GCam with night Sight port limited to only to 16.1 megapixels.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sxr
                • 08 Oct 2020

                Anyone having issues on lock screen wallpapers being blurry at midnight to dawn time? I tried changing wallpapers and themes but still blurry. Also I tried reporting it and getting a screenshot of the blurred lockscreen but the screenshot was clear and hd. Maybe this is a bug after updating to miui 12?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pvB
                  • 08 Oct 2020

                  Anonymous, 07 Oct 2020Try the GCam port stated below and apply the suggested sett... moreGot any pointers/settings for Macro and Wide?
                  Plus, do I turn on HDR+ or HDR Enhanced after you proposed change?

                    • X
                    • Xover
                    • p%h
                    • 08 Oct 2020

                    Ahmed, 07 Sep 2020I have Poco F2 for a month now and it is super fast phone (... moreIt has 120hz but a bit dim. If you are mainy inside probably is ok for you. I am mostly outside and need brighter display, this why did not took the k30 after playing with it for some 30mins

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pvB
                      • 08 Oct 2020

                      Anonymous, 07 Oct 2020Try the GCam port stated below and apply the suggested sett... moreIt was not my intention to argue with you, since I agree that Gcam is better in many ways. I have the same version, judging by the app info, but I didn't tweak any settings.
                      Those tweaks you posted affect only the Night Sight or all modes?
                      I find Gcam's pictures sometimes too sharp already...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pvB
                        • 08 Oct 2020

                        samaxy, 08 Oct 2020I really wanted to buy this as a 'running mate' f... moreYeah I know what you mean... I had my eye on Mi 9T Pro since it came out, but recently bought the Poco F2 Pro.
                        Ideally I would prefer Mi 9T's dimensions, but since I couldn't even get it no more, I got the Poco.
                        But I agree with you 100 percent - phones are way too big nowadays!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • I@a
                          • 08 Oct 2020

                          samaxy, 08 Oct 2020I really wanted to buy this as a 'running mate' f... moreThe only people who don't like bigger screens are those who use their phones exclusively for voice calls, text, and music listening only.

                          In reality however, the vast majority play games, watch movies/YouTube/Netflix or browse photos on Facebook/Instagram/online shopping sites, all of which, are best enjoyed with bigger screens.
                          It's no wonder phones are getting bigger. It would be silly to make them smaller when the vast majority want them bigger and bigger.

                            • N
                            • NoName
                            • tug
                            • 08 Oct 2020

                            Anyone have an issue of connection when playing heavy games like CoD? Whenever i play that game the connection will drop from 4g+ to H+ and strength bar drop to 2bar only. I don't know for PUBG mobile that use high graphic also. If anyone have some issue then this is one of the bad issue for this flagship phone

                              • s
                              • samaxy
                              • vaR
                              • 08 Oct 2020

                              I really wanted to buy this as a 'running mate' for my Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro, but when I saw how big it is I lost interest in it immediately. It really beats me why manufacturers are making new models larger and larger. It was great to be able to slip one's phone into my shirt pocket without having 25% of it poking out of the top of the pocket or sliding out of my side pocket when I sit down and struggling to get my hand across the screen. Even the LG Velvet has gone silly with size! It won't be long before phones get to be the same size as a laptop if things keep going the same way!!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • I@a
                                • 07 Oct 2020

                                Anonymous, 06 Oct 2020Someone else made that comment, but I can share my experien... moreTry the GCam port stated below and apply the suggested settings and you'll see just how inferior the default camera's 'Night Mode' is compared to GCam in 'Night Sight' mode.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • I@a
                                  • 07 Oct 2020

                                  Felico, 06 Oct 2020I have the Poco F2 Pro. Please educate me on "GCam&qu... moreInstall GCam with night sight from this link:
                                  Tweak the settings as follows:
                                  Go to Settings:
                                  Tap ‘… Advanced’
                                  Tap ‘Lib patcher’
                                  Turn on ‘Enable lib patcher’ toggle
                                  Tap ‘Tone Curve’
                                  Turn on ‘Enable Tone Curve’ toggle
                                  Tap ‘Dark Point’, select ‘0.75’
                                  Tap ‘White Point’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Shadows (Lower Curve Half), select ‘-6(Darks)’
                                  Tap Highlights (Upper Curve Half), select ‘15(Whites)’

                                  Tap arrow back (upper left corner to return to previous screen)

                                  Tap ‘Back Camera’
                                  Back Camera
                                  Tap ‘Sharpness’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Luma denoise’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Chroma denoise’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Contrast’, select ‘0.625’
                                  Tap ‘Saturation’, select ‘0.875’

                                  Wavelet Luma Denoise Levels (Factors of Global)

                                  Tap ‘Level 1(Fine Details)’, select ‘1.0 Default’
                                  Tap ‘Level 2(Rough Surfaces)’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Level 3(Edges)’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Level 4 (Smooth Surfaces)’, sleect ‘1.0 Default’

                                  Wavelet Chroma Denoise Levels (Factors of Global)

                                  Tap ‘Level 1 (Fine Details)’, select ‘1.0 Default’
                                  Tap ‘Level 2 (Rough Surfaces)’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Level 3 (Edges)’, select ‘0.5’
                                  Tap ‘Level 4 (Smooth Surfaces)’, select ‘0.5’

                                  Tap arrow back (upper left corner to return to previous screen) twice
                                  to return to 'Advanced' screen

                                  Tap 'HDR+ enhanced Frames', select 'High - 25 frames'
                                  Turn on 'HDR+ control' toggle
                                  That’s it. As for IR blaster, download 'Smart IR Remote - Anymote' (paid app) and search your tv, cable/satellite box, amplifier, car stereo, BD/CD/DVD player, aircon or whatever appliance you wish to control. You can also use the built in 'Mi Remote app' but it's rather limited and you can't backup remotes to the cloud should you decide to change phones or factory reset your Poco F2 Pro.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • pvB
                                    • 06 Oct 2020

                                    Someone else made that comment, but I can share my experience also... You can install Gcam .apk (no root needed) and compare it with stock camera app. Images are sharper and in a lot of cases it makes nicer photos than stock app - especially Portrait mode and Selfie camera are much better.
                                    Gcam's Night Sight also makes good photos, but so does stock night mode tbh...

                                      Anonymous, 06 Oct 2020Go ahead, the US released S20+ with snapdragon 865 processo... moreI have the Poco F2 Pro. Please educate me on "GCam", "Night Sight" and "IR Blaster" that you refer to in your excellent report.

                                        Anonymous, 06 Oct 2020Go ahead, the US released S20+ with snapdragon 865 processo... moreThis is super analysis. Very professional.