Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro
- T
- TaysraT
- 4gv
- 31 May 2021
What, 30 May 2021I don't know why people are keeping quiet over this. A... moreyes typical people , they always compare when it come to bad . never compare the positive side . sometime they compare 2 different price phone and it not fair .
- W
- What
- Nu6
- 30 May 2021
I don't know why people are keeping quiet over this. All snapdragon chips has heating issues. It is not the fault of poco x3 pro. Am using a mi 10t pro with sd 865 and it heats up like an oven as well even with a minor usage. My point is, I don't think that there is anything wrong with this poco x3 Pro. I also don't believe that the screen has any issue. If you like this phone go ahead and buy it. Stop listening to people who bought units with factory fault.
- M
- Maga
- DkE
- 30 May 2021
a2, 30 May 2021You'll feel heat pretty quickly. Battery is quite good... morethough i haven't yet brought but techie friend says that if "game are in beta mode" for 90fps then you should play at 60fps to decrease throttle. it will reduces heat or keep lower.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 30 May 2021
Anonymous, 27 May 2021Seriously? Realme 8 Pro is above the Poco X3? Don't fo... moreNo just no. You're just an oppo fan boy. How can you have a snapdragon 720g for a flagship??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 30 May 2021
Jigs, 30 May 2021I am planning to buy poco x3 pro but I've read a lot o... moreThey are all Samsung and oppo fan boys that have a snapdragon 720g for a flagship. Go for it, buy it it's amazing
- m
- muhib shah
- 6p{
- 30 May 2021
Jigs, 30 May 2021I am planning to buy poco x3 pro but I've read a lot o... morenope All are lies mine is working perfectly i have been using it since last 5 days no issues at All touch works perfectly
- a
- a2
- YP6
- 30 May 2021
Oksoso, 08 May 2021Is the heat concerning? And how is the battery life?You'll feel heat pretty quickly. Battery is quite good. It plays game very well but i cannot play it long enough.. tooo hot to play
- J
- Jigs
- vaS
- 30 May 2021
I am planning to buy poco x3 pro but I've read a lot of comment about the touching issue of the phone like ghost touch or unrespossive touch is there a issue like this? please help me
thank you so much!
- m
- muhib shah
- PAm
- 29 May 2021
Jack, 29 May 2021You got the original charger?problem has been solved thanks for reply btw ♥️♥️♥️ there was no problem actually real issue is extremely hot weather of my city. read my previous reply. ♥️
- m
- muhib shah
- PAm
- 29 May 2021
Anonymous, 29 May 2021change the cableThanks for the reply my problem has been solved i visited a nearby accessories store and that guy is my acquaintance i told him my problem and he checked my charger on the shop surpringly it was fast charging there with the same cable he said you are missing 1 point that is extremely hot weather of our City when the device gets hot it doesn't charge fast i said ooh yeah i totally missed that point. Guys actually i live in a very hot place our weather in afternoon is usually 43°c 44°c and sometimes it's reaches 48°c 49°c too. soo now i am satisfied my mobile is 100% perfect no issues i just can't do anything about the extremely hot weather
- ?
- Anonymous
- GB7
- 29 May 2021
muhib shah, 29 May 2021i bought poco x3 pro a few days ago everything is working p... morechange the cable
- J
- Jack
- QBk
- 29 May 2021
muhib shah, 29 May 2021i bought poco x3 pro a few days ago everything is working p... moreYou got the original charger?
- m
- muhib shah
- PAm
- 29 May 2021
i bought poco x3 pro a few days ago everything is working perfectly but i have 1 issue and it is worrying me. my phone is not fast charging full charge is taking like 3 4 hours i checked readings on Ampere app after reading comments and it is showing me 970ma while charging and it should have been much higher. can anyone tell me if he/she is facing the same problem???? i would appreciate a Quick reply
i don't know if the issue is with my charger charging cable or phone i ordered Charging cable from official xiaomi store already for 7 usd.
- U
- Ulquiorra
- tZ0
- 29 May 2021
hey, should i update Poco x3 pro bcause ive seen so many people about complaining touch issue?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sq6
- 28 May 2021
I bought Poco X3 Pro and been using it for 1 week now and it is fast and neat. But my main concern is that everytime I play CODM the screen keeps freezing in the middle of the game, even if it is just my first game of the day. I've tried changing some settings but still having the same concern. For normal day to day use, it's but for mobile gaming, I definitely wont recommend it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3bj
- 27 May 2021
HichmanLi, 27 May 2021can you tell how long does it last in every situation, i... moreIt seems discharge rate depends mostly on screen brightness when CPU/GPU heavy like games isn't used. About 1000 / 500 / 250 mA for games / other day / other night.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XSw
- 27 May 2021
Muneeb Ansari, 26 May 2021I am confused between Poco X3 pro and Galaxy A52, Which one... morei am currently using poco x3 pro it has touch issues while swiping up or down you can google think before buying
- H
- HichmanLi
- f0Z
- 27 May 2021
Boyi Amicizia, 24 May 2021Had my Poco X3 Pro for about a week now and i am loving it ... morecan you tell how long does it last in every situation, i'm having problems with mine i think the battery is draining too fast and my screen is consuming too much power almost half of it while at 60hz and auto brightness.
- T
- Tomjanovich
- t7G
- 27 May 2021
[deleted post]I think you need to put Samsung A52 between the realme 8 pro and the x3 pro
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7G
- 27 May 2021
Anonymous, 27 May 2021Seriously? Realme 8 Pro is above the Poco X3? Don't fo... moreyeah the realme 8 pro is above the x3 pro can't you see it clearly on the screen?