Yelp and Nowait are partnering up so you can check restaurant’s wait times before arriving

Enrique, 10 August, 2016

Nowait is a mobile platform which allows casual diners to check the restaurant’s wait time and check in for a table without having to be physically present. When the table is ready, customers get a text message and the customer can even reply if they are running late. The restaurant can then decide to hold the table or not.

Nowait is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with 4000 casual restaurants including national chains like Chili’s that take advantage of this service.

Popular modern-yellow-pages app Yelp has just announced that it will be partnering up with Nowait to integrate the platform into the Yelp app. “In the coming months, Nowait will be integrated onto the Yelp platform, allowing consumers to conveniently view wait times at thousands of restaurants and even add themselves to the waitlists remotely via the Yelp app.”

This news came along with Yelp’s second quarter earnings call for the year which also brought the news of a new appointed Chief-Operating-Officer, Jed Nachman.

The bad news is we don’t know when we can expect to start seeing wait times in Yelp. Remember that this does require the restaurant to use the Nowait platform which costs them a monthly fee. Being able to view wait times when looking for a restaurant will definitely improve Yelp’s user experience and the convenience of adding yourself to the wait list is still pretty fresh.

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