Next iPhone to allegedly have a two-lens camera system

19 November, 2014
According to John Gruber, this two camera system Apple is seemingly working on has DSLR level quality.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • nC6
  • 19 Nov 2014

Anonymous, 19 Nov 2014Translation...they were staying fact and you just proved yo... moreThat is exactly my point.

First of all I am not part of the "Apple invented everything" crowd. In fact that itself is ironic, as Apple fans actually are rare in saying this, and yet it is Android fanboys who are more prone to saying we say it. Check any thread, and try to find an Apple fan saying "Apple invented this!", and then count Apple haters saying "Apple fans keep saying Apple invented this!" lol. You will see what I mean.

Secondly, mere existence of technology is not what Apple espouses. This is more Samsung's strategy, making every single thing with the kitchen sink just to say they have it. Apple instead moves towards solutions or implementations.

An example is NFC. Apple certainly did not invent it, and was on Android phones at least 3 years before iPhone 6. Yet now with Apple Pay, suddenly 50% of McDonald's tap to pay is taken by Apple, and everybody is finally talking about tap payments.

Having tech is one thing, what you do with it is another thing entirely. This is why Apple has fans, (and haters), but one cannot deny the influence it has on the industry (deserved or not).


    • D
    • AnonD-293632
    • t}x
    • 19 Nov 2014

    AnonD-60230, 19 Nov 2014Apple will insert a different camera in its phone, and call... more-1

      • s
      • suri
      • uwT
      • 19 Nov 2014

      the apple team always had best in class photos and videos for sure ,dont compare with sony cos somehow the apple pictures always produce great depth and color saturation .always keep in mind that apple is far ahead of its competition in build quality and performance

        • S
        • Shellshock
        • LaD
        • 19 Nov 2014

        What Apple do is better for the others company as well

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Hkt
          • 19 Nov 2014

          It's amazing how much hate Apple gets from iHaters.. Based on some vague comment made by John Gruber who isn't even officially a part of Apple (not deining he does have good ties with the company). But sane People should complain "after" "Apple" makes an ad claiming iphone camera is as good as a dslr.

          Wether we like it or not Apple has done quite a few things better than others (not first.. But better) Take the fingerprint scanner. Yes a few phones had it before but having to swipe your finger on your phone just wasn't ideal and imo it still isn't (samsung please wake up).

          Take Apple Pay. Google did it way before apple but it hasn't been able to push people to use it. Mostly cos the device manufacturers like samsung/htc have nothing to gain from it (Google gets the profit off the transactions not samsung) so they don't push users to use it while Apple does have a lot to gain. The fact that Walmart and co decided to stop nfc payements after apple pay shows how threatned they are of Apple. So Apple might not have "innovated" it but if it does take off then it would seem Apple revolutionized the way you buy things even if you are an Android user.

          We can give the same examples the other way round like phablets taking over started with android and apple playing catch up.

          So anyone who has a brain in their skull should stop all the Apple / Android hating.

          Disclaimer: I'm pretty happy with my android device. Not an iUser here.

            • n
            • no name
            • tVw
            • 19 Nov 2014

            i wonder so many people bashing on iphone yet apple still managed to sell several million sets of iphone, more than android flagship...confused confused

              • A
              • Android Man
              • 0Fs
              • 19 Nov 2014

              well i heard stories, but this is the best. a 2 lens camera system better than a DSLR. don't think so. unless they cram a 20mpx cam with 10x optical zoom. at the front which we all know ain't never going to happen.

              I tell what will happen, the Iphone 7 will be like the 6. and Apple sheep, will say its a new phone as with all iphones. Probably even keep the same 8mpx cam as well. and that's progress, and they slag off Samsung for making the same phone. Pah who you kidding.

                • D
                • AnonD-200220
                • KIB
                • 19 Nov 2014

                Ok so now ifans would say that my 8 mega pixel camera is better than your dslr or 1020 because it got two lens. And in reality it won't be any better than the current one but sheep's would believe it. Damn how is apple able to deceive people like this.

                  • a
                  • aLLEN
                  • w43
                  • 19 Nov 2014

                  APPLE will never be able to make such cameras, first they must learn from SONY to improve their camera & picture quality, 8mp camera is like a child playing infront of a giant 20.7 mp camera(SONY Z Series) with removeable DSLR like lenses,,,
                  so first learn this trick,,,

                    • B
                    • Bozzor
                    • 2CI
                    • 19 Nov 2014

                    Too early to confirm, but yes, Apple is at this stage testing this and MANY other technologies for future iPhone adoption. However, the timing could be 12-48 months away: the technology has to work, it has to be of real benefit to the UX, it has to be able to be mass produced to fit in a thin chassis, it can't detract from other aspects of the phone experience...there are a LOT of hoops to jump yet. Apple tests many, many technologies and phone variations, few of which ever leave Apple HQ. We'll see in about 11 months least.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-332896
                      • w4Y
                      • 19 Nov 2014

                      Next iBend phone.. :D

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • q8Q
                        • 19 Nov 2014

                        Dot-WiFi, 19 Nov 2014funny thing is... apple fan boy never claim everything appl... moreExcept they sure do. And the other claim of making everything work better if just as bogus.
                        Same as every other overly apple lie defending post you make.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-265341
                          • Siv
                          • 19 Nov 2014

                          Yeah right! It's not gonna happen! Take you gimmicks elsewhere apple.

                            • d
                            • dlads
                            • GJe
                            • 19 Nov 2014

                            DSLR? Sure it does, that'll be exactly like a DSLR, lmao.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2SL
                              • 19 Nov 2014

                              Lol. A larger sensor like the Nokia 808's can do it with one lens. Silly excuse to overprice the next iPhone.

                                • C
                                • Camera dude
                                • fmZ
                                • 19 Nov 2014

                                This could actually make sense, like with HDR the camera takes two pictures at different exposures and blends them together to balance the light and dark areas in the picture. they could be playing with the same concept but with focus instead of exposure. so have one lens focus on foreground and another on background and that way it can differentiate between foreground and background and apply post blurring more effectively to achieve a depth exaduration to match that of a SLR.

                                  AnonD-60230, 19 Nov 2014Apple will insert a different camera in its phone, and call... morefunny thing is... apple fan boy never claim everything apple do is innovation, they just said everything apple do better than other or to make it better~

                                  the word "innovation" only used by ihater that think everything apple do is innovation..

                                  and also samfan ... they think everything in this world samsung do it first and other copy ~

                                    • f
                                    • fab
                                    • FuZ
                                    • 19 Nov 2014

                                    well, even as a rumor it sounds ridiculous. but while i don't like apple products, i like the fact that every company on any type of platform wants to raise the bar. now with RAW support in Lollipop..fantastic!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3I{
                                      • 19 Nov 2014

                                      At first glance the headline made me think that Apple may have found a way to replicate the 2-lens system of the eye instead of the current 6 lenses or however many of smartphone camera lenses. If its just for blurring the background then its more gimmick than useful feature as cover to allow Apple to put the words iPhone and DSLR in the same sentence. But its not easy - what are they to come up with to beat back the competition without sacrificing the high profit margin.

                                        • N
                                        • Nick
                                        • M{V
                                        • 19 Nov 2014

                                        And here we go again... I sometimes wonder how old you guys are, posting the things you do. Is it really too much to ask that you think first about what you're gonna type? Please restrain from childish and insulting comments and try posting something objective for a change...
                                        Reading posts here used to be interesting, now it's just annoying!