Samsung Galaxy Note7 battery life test

21 August, 2016
Comparing the two Note7 versions, the two S7 edge versions and the Note5.

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  • A
  • A Note 4 user
  • nUS
  • 22 Aug 2016

zodiacfml, 22 Aug 2016i have seen more negative posts for Note7 than positive stuff.Because Samsung alienates it's long-time customers.
it cannot (or, rather, does not want) to offer what users need, and want.

they remove the user-replaceable battery, impose unwanted curved screen edges, make the display more scratchable, and inflate the price at the insane 850 EUR...

it's the 2nd Note in a row (after Note 4) that does not resonate at all with my needs (and i'm a note 4 user).

Note 7 is a huge fail.

    • D
    • AnonD-367917
    • H3G
    • 22 Aug 2016

    AnonD-575163, 22 Aug 2016HI, I believe I am experiencing severe battery drain on my... moreA lot of what you have written there makes your account ring true; nothing unusual.. admitedly, not the greatest....
    Few reasons why...
    You say usually screen brightness is at 50%, also that you tried an hour or two in 'power saving modes' (likely whilst leaving screen mostly off; yes 'off' equalling always on mode with four clocks will chew three times more juice than with one clock...)

    Lets face it; new toy!
    You have been playing with features and keen to see what this phone can do..
    Playing a game for twenty minutes, might have had it download prior....?
    Lets face it, new toy, 'unusual usage'... you will normal out that usage...
    Your screen on time and screen percentage usage is about right from what I can see...

    So where is the juice going?
    A little more than the usual amount is going to the 'dual sims'.
    What you might come to notice is that the drainage will depend on their specific receptions.
    Perhaps lock the one which is just for phone calls to specific bands (eg avoid 4g), and perhaps swap a carrier if one of them has noticably poor reception in places you always frequent...

    Not sure if you can select which radio bands are used for each sim, although I have found 'less than $100 dual sim phones' that do, so I imagine you will have some control...

    Thankyou for putting some detail down with regards to your usage.

    Also, until the battery 'settles' on where its power is actually at (it can report incorrectly), I recommend turning off fast charging and letting it go through a full cycle or so...

    Much success with your new project.
    I am really enjoying mine... left it for yonks playing audio,.. found the instrument positioning opened up a lot and the front to back sound staging... is an excellent audio and video playback device!

      • z
      • zodiacfml
      • 3YH
      • 22 Aug 2016

      i have seen more negative posts for Note7 than positive stuff.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 22 Aug 2016

        AnonD-575163, 22 Aug 2016Thanks for your reply. This is a brand new Note 7 phone.Maybe an app that is running in a background drains the battery. What's your battery usage per app in the battery statistic?
        Or maybe just the screen is that power hungry.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 7sv
          • 22 Aug 2016

          [deleted post]Because of ur always on display,maybe.try closing the always on display and see got improvement or not,if no improvement,u should have a check at the store u bought it.

            • D
            • AnonD-575163
            • Trm
            • 22 Aug 2016

            Anonymous, 22 Aug 2016Battery deterioration. Maybe your phone's battery lifespan ... moreThanks for your reply.

            This is a brand new Note 7 phone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 22 Aug 2016

              AnonD-575163, 22 Aug 2016HI, I believe I am experiencing severe battery drain on my... moreBattery deterioration. Maybe your phone's battery lifespan nears end. And if your phone has non-removable battery, you're out of luck.

                • D
                • AnonD-575163
                • Hxf
                • 22 Aug 2016

                I believe I am experiencing severe battery drain on my phone. My phone doesn't last a complete day without needing a recharge.
                Here are some quick stats.
                - My phone has been on for 6h20m. Screen on for 2h17mn. Battery left is 58%. Although, I've turned on MAX power saving mode for about 1 hour or two today to ensure that my phone can last throughout the day.
                - I usually have screen brightness at 50% or lower.
                - According to the device maintenance app, and depending on past usage I have enough juice for another 6h50mn. That would lead to screen time of about 4 to 5 hours.
                - I'm using dark themes whenever possible to reduce screen battery consumption.
                - I've played a game for about 10 to 20 minutes today
                - I've noticed that when my screen is on, every couple of minutes (maybe 5 minutes at the most) my battery percentage will drop by 1%.
                - I mainly use my phone for gReader (RSS Reader with dark theme modee), WhatsApp (with black wallpaper) and the Economist.
                - The top 3 items that have consumed my battery so far are: Screen (33%), Android OS (21%), Andoroid System (16%)
                - I'm using two SIMs on my phone
                - Believed to be Exynos. Bought it from the Middle East
                - Always on Dispaly has 4 clocks on at all times. Probably using more battery.

                Am I a heavy user hence why my battery is running out quickly. Or are there certainly issues with the battery?
                Thanks for your feedback

                  • J
                  • Jovan
                  • XMF
                  • 22 Aug 2016

                  Bratato, 22 Aug 2016How? Can you pls show howUse the new fully costumisable power saving mode.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uu3
                    • 22 Aug 2016

                    AnonD-442781, 22 Aug 2016Its a must for you. Howndo you know its a must for him? How... moreI have galaxy s3 i9300 nearly 5 years old with KitKat ported os from galaxy s3 4g. Every 2 years just I change battery avaialable online easily. Ur giving 900 Dollars and still u need to go service centres????????

                      • D
                      • AnonD-442781
                      • H5N
                      • 22 Aug 2016

                      Anonymous, 22 Aug 2016Other manufacturers implemented Resolution down-scaling for... moreWhat phone was it? As far as I'm aware there isn't a single manufacturer who allows you to lower resolution other than Samsung.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uu3
                        • 22 Aug 2016

                        Not impressed.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • MD@
                          • 22 Aug 2016

                          Anonymous, 22 Aug 2016Note 7 has fantastic power saving mode: it can reduce the s... moreOther manufacturers implemented Resolution down-scaling for some time now. Nothing new for Samsung. I use it on a 2014 HTC flagship to scale down from FHD to 720P. It was a simple software update i got a while back.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • JEw
                            • 22 Aug 2016

                            pls.make power button usless when screen locked. for not to steal so you can track your phone.

                              • S
                              • Savor
                              • PSw
                              • 22 Aug 2016

                              Been following cell phone news since 2004. I memorize mobile history like I can with horse racing, NBA history, movies, music, and video game history. I used 15 different phone brands and 6 different mobile OSes. I study it much more in-depth than typical users who are reading my posts.

                              I have a fickle mind with phones. Since the Note7, I do try to change my mind again and again but I can't. I try to find reasons NOT to buy it whether with scratches or whatever. What I need is 64gb internal. Other flagships have it BUT might lack a micro-sd slot. And if they have both, they lack VR. Those are three very basics I would want in a flagship -

                              64gb internal because Pirate Bay have TV series with a size over 30gb. This is the reason a USA S7 edge (32gb) won't work for me unless I get the international one.

                              Micro-sd slot. Neither Nexus devices, Xiaomi Mi 5, and OnePlus 3 have it. It is 2016 already and everyone wants to follow Apple's stupid philosophy.

                              VR being the future for enhanced media consumption. Alot of druggies, alcoholics, sex addicts, and Netflix users are going to love checking out VR at home.

                              LG G5 and V20 do have removable battery, but I already have three phones in my arsenal with it and LG lacks a good VR headset. My Moto E2 with non-removable has 20% better battery life than my LG G3 S (12h > 10h SOT using Opera Mini mostly). Only the S7 edge matches close to the Note7 but I prefer having Type-C, S-Pen, and ability to adjust the screen to a lower resolution. S7 edge is cool. Note7 is just cooler.

                              Go find your deal breakers. Note7 checking those marks are my deal MAKERS. Then add in all the other stuff like a free 256gb micro-sd card or Gear Fit 2, S-Pen, Type-C, HDR display, fast and wireless charging, dust/water-resistance, and so on and so on. No more being wishy-washy. Note7 is 100% certain for me because I have a fickle mind and I have a hard time changing my decision with this one already.

                              Rotating between several phones including cheap ones like a Moto E2 4G and Lumia 640 makes me not care about fingerprints and scratches on the Note7. I plan to put a black dbrand carbon skin on the back because I don't like glass backs and too slippery. At some point, we stop caring too much on the flaws. Just use the phone and enjoy.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 22 Aug 2016

                                Note 7 has fantastic power saving mode: it can reduce the screen resolution! FINALLY! Finally a manufacturer implemented this option in their phone. It's very usefull, especially when playing games. It not only improves the battery life, but also improves the gaming performance, speed, smoothness.

                                Damn Samsung because of using non-removable battery.

                                Damn LG because of working on the pointless gimmicks like fake-modularity (real modularity would be like you can replace the parts of the phone) and wide angle camera, and not implementing heat sink pipes for the CPU, and not ipmlemenitng an option to reduce screen resolution.

                                If Note 7 had removable battery, I would buy it.

                                  • K
                                  • Kd10
                                  • Y6J
                                  • 22 Aug 2016

                                  Anonymous, 22 Aug 2016No no no no no. This story led people here, to learn about ... moreWelcome to life,people have differing opinions.Also,I use an S7edge,brave anonymous one.

                                    • B
                                    • Bratato
                                    • HjA
                                    • 22 Aug 2016

                                    Jovan, 22 Aug 2016Note7 should have the best battery LIFE. It can tone down s... moreHow? Can you pls show how

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-236087
                                      • ajP
                                      • 22 Aug 2016

                                      I think that the firmware on the Note 7 is broken. It's slower than the s7 and the battery lasts less (100mah difference = 2.7%)

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-190634
                                        • iVU
                                        • 22 Aug 2016

                                        greeniii, 21 Aug 2016I have a Note 4 and trying to figure out if it's worth it t... moreI got my note 4 as a gift. I would change it for anything it's a laggy nightmare! I miss my nexus 4 :( I have to wait a few months for the new Nexus