New Apple iPad goes official, Retina display and A5X chip

07 March, 2012
The new Apple iPad features quad-core GPU, a 2048x1536 pixel screen and LTE connectivity.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • p77
  • 08 Mar 2012

Luke, 08 Mar 2012Flash is not overrated - that's Apple's statement. Besides... moreYou didn't gave me any example site :)

What i'm trying to say, many think if they watch flash video they immeadiately think you can't watch this with iOS devices because it doesn't have flash.

But that's false, i thought that too before buying iOS device. After iPhone i realised how rare i need flash. Because same videos what i watch with my pc works perfectly with iPhone without flash. Don't even remember when i last saw not flash support message.

    • b
    • blueglue
    • D1S
    • 08 Mar 2012

    Luke, 08 Mar 2012Flash is not overrated - that's Apple's statement. Besides... more@Luke , Well said.I second you.

    you see, App manufacturers have to submit their source code to apple so that they can incorporate it as iViber, iFacebook in the next iOS 10.

    For Apple users : The above statement includes a mark of sarcasm.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3xL
      • 08 Mar 2012

      I am android fan but " dual-core A5X with quad-core graphics " is the best setup even with PC you don't need high CPU but you need better GPU and RAM for game and videos , that what should Sony do it on vita but thy do it wrong , only apple now is the 100% wow know how to upgrade Devices .

        • b
        • blueglue
        • D1S
        • 08 Mar 2012

        Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012Absolutely AGREE...!!! I have both iOS and Android, and yes... morebut the final conclusions are Apple has incredibly OS that don't need trully-high spec on its hardware (processor or RAM) to make a smooth and stable experience for user.

        Care to explain why the heck does the iPhone4S need a dual core CPU??

        Your explanation about Tab doesn't match , try a better reason next time.

          • i
          • ianstorm45
          • Rbq
          • 08 Mar 2012

          Not a big fan of Apple but everyone else in my house is, I got my wife the Ipad1 for her birthday and she really love the dam think spending more time on it playing Words With Friends and watching Netflix no more time for me :-( have the nerve to asking me to upgrade her to the NEW ONE! But anyways Apple leave me high and dry because I was really expecting more, they have always able to give us more than what we expect but not this time, and as for there new A5x CPU is it even a real quad cure? It seems like they just beef it up for video improvements, and my next big thing is there is still no mentions of a dedicated GPS receiver in it :-(

            • b
            • blueglue
            • D1S
            • 08 Mar 2012

            [deleted post]sorry, but whats the relevance of your comment ?
            you must be trolling, mindlessly.

              • L
              • Luke
              • M8T
              • 08 Mar 2012

              Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012Flash is so overrated nowdays, very rare days when i need f... moreFlash is not overrated - that's Apple's statement.
              Besides Flash is used not only for web videos and, even if it was, youtube is not the only place, where people could watch videos - many still support only flash and I don't see a problem with any other device I own. Also Flash is used by many websites for ticket bookings-combined with the bad JS support in Safari I find myself frequently using other browsers (like Atomic web, downloads lite, etc.-I also have & suffer from an iPhone)

              iOS does not have multitasking. The moment you close an app, you rely on push notifications & the app provider itself. Facebook is a good example how bad that could be. Viber and whatsapp are also quite funny, if you start switching different WLANs and cell connection. DME (secure exchange client-similar to BB) is the worst of all. I can give even more examples here-all of those are apps that I need and use. Even if some issues could be pushed to the App or producer's infrastructure I don't care - Apple has decided to leave them only this way and it seems all of them are unable to implement it in a reliable way.

              Someone also mentioned that iPad is the best tablet - that would have been true, if it weren't the OS & app updates-for at least 1 year each update brings more issues, than it solves; some even render functionality useless (skype,FB,etc). No new functionality has actually been added since ages, both for iphone and ipad.

              All this is just my 2c from some experience with ios. Until Apple changes iOS, all products with it will remain simply toys. And that's not only my opinion-it's shared by most of the people, that did not buy an iPad...and we're many ;)

                • b
                • blueglue
                • D1S
                • 08 Mar 2012

                Anonymous, 08 Mar 2012Flash is so overrated nowdays, very rare days when i need f... moreHypocrites!! You cant get more Applish than this, do you?

                It does not amaze me , typical apple guys. Every sane person with a little tech knowledge can understand the need and importance of flash in web browsing / videos etc.. Oh yes, you said 60% of videos, stay there. you dont need more because you cant get it.btw, What about other web content?

                Again, its quite evident that iOS CANNOT perform REAL MULTITASKING, for the fact that Other o/s have been doing that flawlessly.

                Well, all i can here from an Apple user about the shortfalls of iOS - "Oh, we dont need it"

                  • D
                  • AnonD-35482
                  • Kg{
                  • 08 Mar 2012

                  Of course no need to call it iPad 3 etc, Tim Cook is definitely convinced there is no real innovation here coming from iPad2. If they call it iPad 3, people will definitely demand for huge changes and earth-shaking innovation. this new model is basically as ho-hum boring shit as iPhone4S in terms design, function, and new offerings / features.

                  Same design, damn heavier, and the physical home button that is so prone to early damage is still there. Sigh.

                  As expected, when Steve Jobs died, there goes the end of innovation in Apple.

                  I'll stick to my Android for my mobile needs, and keep my late-2011 Macbook Pro laptop needs, but will never buy an iPad (even Samsung Galaxy Tab) unless it is good enough to beat the hell out of Transformer Prime.

                    • s
                    • stalker
                    • ITE
                    • 08 Mar 2012

                    Facts, 08 Mar 2012You are truly an apple fanboy. I think you need to do some ... moreYou are truly an apple fanboy. I think you need to do some research because android percentage is higher then apple. Matter of fact look at Google stocks and look at apple, and Apple been out longer then Google.

                    Very funny :D
                    android percentage is higher than apple ? you compare the whole android to single apple ? android is a product and apple is a company. You should compare android versus iOS or compare windows versus OSX. Not apple.

                    Android has many handset, starting from low level, mid level and high end level. Everyone could get android with their budget. Apple only sold product in high price. Only rich people could buy it. if you want compare apple product, compare it with android high end handset.

                    you want compare google to apple ? that's non sense. Google core business is search engine, apple is making devices. Compare apple to samsung (who has tablet, smartphone and mp3 player just like apple had)

                    and yeah.. if DO NOT compare android to iPHONE, because iphone is a smartphone. Compare android to iOS because iOS is an operating system just like android.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • wMH
                      • 08 Mar 2012

                      If we illustrate with fiction/comic character, iOS is looks alike Anthony Stark Iron Man: sophisticated with genius machine, Android is for geek like Mr Fantastic Four, while Symbian is for beast of XMen
                      Yeah I'm still 9yo boy dudee.... LOL

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • p77
                        • 08 Mar 2012

                        Luke, 08 Mar 2012If it wasn't iOS, iPad would have been a nice device. Unfor... moreFlash is so overrated nowdays, very rare days when i need flash in my iPhone.

                        Can you give me couple of examples where you need flash?

                        You know, begin of last year over 60% web videos was working with iOS devices, wonder what the numbers
                        are now after year iPad making much bigger impact.

                        Also can't agree with you with that multitasking, iOS multitasking is great, i'v used it two years now. And never had situation where i need "real" multitasking.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Qxp
                          • 08 Mar 2012

                          Luke, 08 Mar 2012If it wasn't iOS, iPad would have been a nice device. Unfor... morePerhaps. But iPad is the best tablet

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wMH
                            • 08 Mar 2012

                            an2ny, 08 Mar 2012i think apple lost this its nothing but the same old ipad n... moreU mean the innovation is trying to make a copy of "slide to unlock" ?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vCK
                              • 08 Mar 2012

                              i hate itune

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Qxp
                                • 08 Mar 2012

                                Fandroid shouldn't bashing Apple fanboy
                                Android or iOS are the best with their own unique itself
                                We're talk bout Google and Apple. Not nokia

                                  • L
                                  • Luke
                                  • M8T
                                  • 08 Mar 2012

                                  If it wasn't iOS, iPad would have been a nice device. Unfortunately it currently offers following:
                                  - Browsing without Flash & bad JS implementation
                                  - Photo mgmt, without a way to sort & organize pics in folders. Arranging them on the tab is a nogo as well.
                                  - Gaming with no AA and experience of 2003
                                  - eBook reading: LCD screen and 600 gram weight - good luck to the readers.
                                  - Printing/document handling - we all know how bad that is.
                                  - notification system/multitasking - no need to say smth more. Pathetic.

                                    • a
                                    • an2ny
                                    • t7Z
                                    • 08 Mar 2012

                                    i think apple lost this its nothing but the same old ipad no wow factor here. people want to see innovations not upgrade versions!!!

                                      • E
                                      • Exxixt
                                      • ftV
                                      • 08 Mar 2012

                                      kik, 08 Mar 2012Not too exciting...probbly just similar to ipad2...i do hav... moreSo you have an icuttingboard. Lmao. You are so evil. Very cool ijoke. Pls make some more.

                                        • q
                                        • qustioner
                                        • 6p8
                                        • 08 Mar 2012

                                        Jus askin...??hope someone will give the right answer...ipad uses the same gpu as a psvita right??? (powervr sgx543mp4+) den shouldnt its graphics be as good as the psvita itself???also if the answer is that the cpu is slower then how about tegra 3 ...its quadcore and has a12 core gpu ...that shud be even better than psvita?????