Apple to hold its iPhone 5 launch event on September 12

04 September, 2012
The event will take place at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco starting at 10:00am PST.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • IVW
  • 06 Sep 2012

will lee wanta, 06 Sep 2012android and iOS have their good and bad. It's about choice... moreWell said.

    • A
    • Anonymous
    • wYE
    • 06 Sep 2012

    Why Apple uses SAMSUNG Materials for their iPhone?? lol

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • IVW
      • 06 Sep 2012

      Anonymous, 06 Sep 2012Notice that the comment sections are not like just 12 month... moreReally? Most have forgotten? Try googling "iPhone 5" just to see how stupid that statement you just made is hahahaha

      As ever, just because you say it, it MUST be true right?


        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • fDm
        • 06 Sep 2012

        AnonD-68369, 05 Sep 2012if the iPhone will have a bigger screen i will never buy it... moreWhy do ifan always comment android how it work, but cant not mention specificially what it did. What is the problem with bigphone, u cant make urgent call one hand, but for other use like web browsing, video, gaming, its always better. If you want urgent call so badly, buy featured phone. All ios feature can be install on android with 3rd party apps.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • kVN
          • 06 Sep 2012

          4" screen is too tiny. I will get an iphone when it's better than the samsung galaxy S that's going to happen LMAO

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IVW
            • 06 Sep 2012

            Anonymous, 06 Sep 2012lol u think your pretty smart huh hate to burst your bubble... moreI have normal intelligence, which is why I exercise statements with caution and try to provide some manner of evidence from others. You on the other hand must think you're a genius cos everything you say MUST be true lol.

            Article on how Samsung may be in trouble given how others are now following the Apple way:


              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vMe
              • 06 Sep 2012

              Anonymous, 06 Sep 2012You do know that all the new Android phones also do not sup... moreNotice that the comment sections are not like just 12 months ago? A lot of the criticism towards iPhone has simply disappeared.

              all honesty, most have forgotten about the iphone

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • vMe
                • 06 Sep 2012

                will lee wanta, 06 Sep 2012android and iOS have their good and bad. It's about choice... moreprobably the most mature comment so far.. props!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vMe
                  • 06 Sep 2012

                  Anonymous, 06 Sep 2012iPhone users are perfectly welcome to use SGS3's and vice v... morelol u think your pretty smart huh hate to burst your bubble, gunna bring u back to reality

                  the article was left as an attempt to bash android period.. the excuse was the joke and a lame one at that...

                  "However the lady in question is supposed to be a champion for Android, yet she chooses to use an iPhone. So either one of two things, the iPhone is clearly a fantastic phone, or Android fanboys shouldn't be too noisy in bashing iPhones"

                  Most of the free world has the freedom to choose whatever phone they like, yet the sgs3 remains one of most popular phones on the market and or android still dominate
                  The lady in question.. if thats the best you came come up with youve got nothing.. my best friend has just completed a masters in physics and made numerous studies published on nano tech.. guess what.. uses the sgs3 your argument or lack or argument gone right there.. and such a simple one at that
                  or Android fanboys shouldn't be too noisy in bashing iPhones"
                  people in glass houses brother..someone say hypocrite much? your aim has been to bash android from the beginning.. but you know, u seem smart enough.. be the bigger man.. dont stoop to their levels

                  u find obscure blogs from no bodies and thats your argument, yes sorry my mistake your right!!
                  i'll quote from your beloved articles " Only 14% specified they they would purchase an iPhone because they want to switch from an Android smartphone."
                  i say 'plenty' yeah i do.. i mean android continues to become more and more popular by the day, fact

                  you come across as jaded and someone with far to much spare time on your hands
                  practice what you preach

                  btw.. hard to be critical when your bias from the beginning

                    • A
                    • AA
                    • 2CQ
                    • 06 Sep 2012

                    Anonymous, 06 Sep 2012While you make up statistics, here's a statistic for you. O... moreWeb Pro News?

                    Nothing but a bias applefanboy webpage.
                    "Android had a slight rise by 2.6% while figures still showed people would have an iphone if they can get them by rising 2%"


                      • w
                      • will lee wanta
                      • PAS
                      • 06 Sep 2012

                      android and iOS have their good and bad.
                      It's about choice. Choose what you like and suits best for you.
                      Apple is restrictive but simple and easier to use.
                      Android offers freedom but a bit "techie" for common people.
                      No os or phone is perfect.
                      Personally, i'm eager to see the new iphone. I am a galaxy note user and willing to buy the Note2.
                      But if the new iphone is impressively impressive, i might change my mind and buy it instead of note2.

                      Be open minded. Use gadgets which ease your life.
                      I use macbook at home, ipod for music, galaxy note and galaxy tab 7.0+.
                      And at office, i still use the good old windows xp

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IVW
                        • 06 Sep 2012

                        [deleted post]Oooh "you can not even comprehend whom your talking to boy."

                        Wow everyone stop and apologize right now, didn't you guys know it was Mr guyver from location tag 011n in GSMArena comment section? Oh my god, everyone is in awe of him HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

                          • l
                          • lurker
                          • v0q
                          • 06 Sep 2012

                          [deleted post]cheezzzz could some1 give this guy an iPhone? im sure he wants 1...just cant afford

                            • s
                            • samsung vs apple
                            • 427
                            • 06 Sep 2012

                            I wonder if it will be batter then the s3

                              • j
                              • jon
                              • wF%
                              • 06 Sep 2012

                              AnonD-59657, 06 Sep 2012The big problems with iPhone (and iPad) are: - it does not... moreyes. but use it before thinking if it actually bother u

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • IVW
                                • 06 Sep 2012

                                AnonD-59657, 06 Sep 2012The big problems with iPhone (and iPad) are: - it does not... moreYou do know that all the new Android phones also do not support Flash as it has now been stopped completely.

                                Even the Nokia does not have swappable batteries as it uses more efficient body enclosures. Everyone now uses portable battery chargers with some even having twice or three times the charge.

                                A lot of people bash iTunes as a method of syncing when it is actually very convenient when you have massive amounts of music, videos and photos to sort. In fact, all the modern OSs use some form of syncing method. WP8 is following in these footsteps.

                                While the iPhone is not perfect, so are people's misconception of it. Truth is a lot of it was started as a propaganda war by Google, with phrases like open system etc, which if you notice they have dropped because they themselves were found to be not so open. However, Android fanboys late to the game do not realise this and continue repeating it like a mantra.

                                Notice that the comment sections are not like just 12 months ago? A lot of the criticism towards iPhone has simply disappeared.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-59657
                                  • IW9
                                  • 06 Sep 2012

                                  The big problems with iPhone (and iPad) are:
                                  - it does not support Flash
                                  - it need iTune to upload files (music, movie, photo...etc
                                  - it does not has SD card slot
                                  - it does not allow to change battery easily

                                  So do you think iPhone 5 is a better phone comparing to Sammy Galaxy S3, the best phone for HUMANs?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • IVW
                                    • 06 Sep 2012

                                    Anonymous, 05 Sep 2012lol will repeat myself... plently of iphones users now usin... moreWhile you make up statistics, here's a statistic for you. One in five Android users are ready to dump your beloved Android for iPhone.


                                    Turns out, the best way to convince people how bad Android is, is to simply let them use it hahaha. WP8 will be coming along soon to take up the other market share from Android in my opinion but only in real numbers when WP8 manufacturers offer entry level smartphones, where Android makes up the bulk of market share.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • IVW
                                      • 06 Sep 2012

                                      Anonymous, 05 Sep 2012Having iphone 4s for 18 months??? Are u steve job???lolUnfortunately he's just an Android fanboy who makes up 'facts' as he goes along. What he fails to understand is that people read these sections and make up their own minds. So when some people use facts and provide links, while he just makes up stuff and assume that readers are stupid, in the end he does more harm to his beloved Android.

                                      Come to think of it, that's probably why even in GSMArena, the number of haters and even Android trolls have diminished substantially.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • IVW
                                        • 06 Sep 2012

                                        Anonymous, 05 Sep 2012lol will repeat myself... plently of iphones users now usin... moreiPhone users are perfectly welcome to use SGS3's and vice versa, they are normal users. However the lady in question is supposed to be a champion for Android, yet she chooses to use an iPhone. So either one of two things, the iPhone is clearly a fantastic phone, or Android fanboys shouldn't be too noisy in bashing iPhones.

                                        Also, I love how just because you say 'plenty' of iPhone users use SGS3, then it must be true. Android users like you live in LA LA land. Lol