Apple weighs in: more than 2 million iPhone 5 units pre-ordered

17 September, 2012
Apple announced that it got over two million iPhone 5 pre-orders in the first 24 hours of the campaign.

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  • T
  • Tmc
  • PU0
  • 18 Sep 2012

really? idts, 18 Sep 20122 million? are any of these reports published by apple real... moreHa ha... Ur totally jelous of apple. Here all of us r waiting to get new iPhone. Don't crazy, apple won't rob ur money. What kind of phone can compare with apple for price and quality and reliability? I'm using 3GS since 2009 till now. Apple always give quality product. Other phone are alittle cheap but not free.... We still have to pay... After pay no one care ur phon. doesn't like apple. Apple always take care of their product and customer satisfied.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vuS
    • 18 Sep 2012

    AnonD-22823, 18 Sep 2012You are aware that the SGS3 costs as much as an iPhone, but... morepfft not in Australia the iPhone is so god damn more expensive

      • r
      • really? idts
      • t7}
      • 18 Sep 2012

      2 million? are any of these reports published by apple really true ? based from all the negative feedback people have with apple, i think apple is lying and is exaggerating their reports by a long stretch, i mean, every iphone released "breaks the previous record?" c'mon people can't be that stupid to believe that,

      sure the 3gs could have gotten 600,000 pre-order within 24 hours, because at that time, people were only starting to get with the smartphone thing, in 2011, almost everyone owns a smartphone, and in 2012, people had a lot of choices, a lot of quality cheaper android phones and flagship phones, competition is really tight, and there was the apple-samsung lawsuit, which caused bad rep to apple online world-wide, and not to mention they already have an iphone 4s and was probably on a CONTRACT with their current iphone because a lot of people can't really pay for the overpriced gadget out of their pocket but wanted to get with the "hype"

      so yeah, i believe apple is over-exaggerating their reports, you know, i also easily exaggerated the number of my respondents in my Thesis study by 5 times to achieve my desired quota

        • D
        • AnonD-22823
        • 41x
        • 18 Sep 2012

        no. period., 17 Sep 2012ummm... no. you're comparing what samsung got on pre-order... moreWow, it's like you've been livingunder a rock for the past 3 years XD

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PvY
          • 18 Sep 2012

          didnt s3 had 6-9million in preorders

            • D
            • AnonD-22823
            • 41x
            • 18 Sep 2012

            AnonD-64218, 17 Sep 2012most of the android users hate iphone because of several fo... moreYou are aware that the SGS3 costs as much as an iPhone, but has more features, right? If you TRUELY believed that iOS is better than Android, you could have gotten an iPhone. I don't think you've actually used an Android.

              • P
              • Patrick_i
              • PEH
              • 18 Sep 2012

              AnonD-72066, 17 Sep 2012Okay, Okay... iPhone is a great phone for many reasons. ... moreThe MOST sensible comment I have ever read regarding smartphones.

              I too have used most platforms (even webOS) and liked all of them. Each platform was great but by no means perfect.

              Too many people here concentrate on hardware specs but disregard the actual usability of the phone. If it works the way you want it to for you then why should it matter? If you don't use a certain feature then why cry over it?

                • D
                • AnonD-59657
                • IVD
                • 18 Sep 2012

                Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012That's hopeless, general public will never bother to compar... moreVery unfortunate that Lumia 920 is running on windows. Otherwise it will be the giant killer for both iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 if it runs on Android.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • iie
                  • 18 Sep 2012

                  You want to see funny?
                  Check this link
                  And take note of the amount of threads on iphone 5....

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • iie
                    • 18 Sep 2012

                    Adults need to grow up and stop acting like little children.
                    In this country australia, adults are truly brainwashed for this product even on the bus and trains so addicted.
                    Goto europe and you see normality.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-55045
                      • N9x
                      • 18 Sep 2012

                      Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012A friend of mine had the Galaxy S3 and was still in his 30 ... moreParadoxically good specs are of great help to "play great games, access the web super easily". Specs are certainly not everything, but they DO matter significantly. Also a big screen is not highly pocketable, but it makes almost any activity with your smartphone more pleasant. Watching video, playing games, documents/photo editing, using most apps, texting, email, web browsing, e-reading, sketching.

                      And there's a lot you can legally do on a S# beyond that on an iPhone 4S since the Play Store started selling content. Usually if you're not tech saavy an iPhone can be a better (but quite expensive if you won't use a lot of features) option though.

                        • E
                        • Eilrahc
                        • 4$E
                        • 18 Sep 2012

                        Funny how people aren't the least bit bothered when they walk into a room and find that they have the exact same phone as everyone else.

                        No wonder Apple discontinued their "Think Different" slogan.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vMe
                          • 18 Sep 2012

                          Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012A friend of mine had the Galaxy S3 and was still in his 30 ... moreNice I swapped from the 4s to the s3 and loving it...each to there own

                            • D
                            • AnonD-26870
                            • 3RQ
                            • 18 Sep 2012

                            Since the iPhone 5 was announced a logical thing would be to see another 2 milion 4S boughts not 2 milion 5 preorders since the las one is not such a deal breaker. In that manner iPhone 6 will look exactly as the iPhone 5(that looks almost as the 4s that looks like 4) packing the A6 chip boosted from 2X 1.5 to 2X 1.7 and called A7. This is inovation, mark my words.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • q88
                              • 18 Sep 2012

                              A friend of mine had the Galaxy S3 and was still in his 30 days of getting it... he was unhappy with it so he took it back and got the iPhone 4S. He loves it. I don't find this one bit hard to believe. There is a class of users that really loves these super high tech phones from Samsung and others... these phones that can do almost anything (legal or illegal). But I find that does not accurately represent the bulk of smartphone buyers. Most are just ordinary common people that have no interest in illegally downloading music or having 4 cores or whatever. Most are happy with devices that can download apps, play great games, access the web super easily, text, call, email, etc. The majority of buyers could care less about the specs of their phone. Why? Because when you are using the phone the hardware should actually slowly disappear while the user experience comes to the forefront. If all you are concerned about is the specs and hardware then you are missing the point. Apple designed the first iPhone with "ease of use" as its primary mission. There is no doubt about it - the iPhone is easy to use, maybe even the easiest to use of all smartphones due to its smooth slick interface and user friendly environment. For me - I'll take the iPhone 5 over anything Samsung.

                                • U
                                • Unknown
                                • FXe
                                • 18 Sep 2012

                                I've been reading some of the comment's posted and i'm shocked at the amount of grammatical errors taking place!Instead of fighting over which OS is the best,pick up a book and learn how to construct proper sentences...oh and don't get me started on the spelling mistakes!!! And finally,i thing Apple is in a league of its on...the cool kid!I do however like the G3.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1862
                                  • kiN
                                  • 17 Sep 2012

                                  i really dont see why people are getting all hyped up over the amount of money apple's getting out of our pockets, its the product that matter to me, and i still thing the i phone 5 is an incremental upgrade, don't see the big deal, if I had a 4s I wouldn't change from it.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • t7V
                                    • 17 Sep 2012

                                    Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012imagine other OS without IOS copycat functions like multi-t... more

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-72066
                                      • Gy3
                                      • 17 Sep 2012

                                      Okay, Okay...

                                      iPhone is a great phone for many reasons. I see it as having Solid OS, Apps, and Accessories market due to it's beautiful and homogenous design.

                                      I like Blackberry because I like their excellent security features and the feel of the devices in my hand.

                                      I like Windows Phone 7 and up because it did an excellent job integrating social media. I also look forward to the amount of new options available in the WP8 flavor.

                                      I like Android because of the customization available in the OS and range of options even at a budget price. I like the fact they offer devices in all flavors that are affordable without having to buy an older device, like you see in the iPhone market.

                                      I know I missed a bunch of other feathers for each OS's cap, but lets face it, you buy what makes you happy. This isn't about the haves and have not's. Its about getting something that makes you happy as a communication device. I think every company has their market and to say one is better than the other is just trivial and monotonous.

                                      I have owned all OS's including Symbian Belle and I am happy with all of them for their certain features, but I loved my Blackberry 9700 and all of it's faults like battery pulls and that god damn memory message for large web pages. It was a like having an awesome girlfriend who had some flaw and we all have flaws.

                                        • A
                                        • Amr El Desouky
                                        • 6pK
                                        • 17 Sep 2012

                                        I really have no clue why everyone is fighting here for!!!!!

                                        who want to buy iphone go and buy it period. who wants to buy any android and personally i owe one go and buy it!!! but why you are all trying to make each other look stupid just because you are having different opinions!!