Counterpoint: US smartphone shipments fell by 24% compared to Q2 2022

28 July 2023
Google actually gained some.

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Derick Abraham, 29 Jul 2023Samsung phones software is crap especially non premium cate... more5 years ago, maybe. But Samsung is actually very competitive today, giving the Chinese a run of their money. Plus Samsung phones don't have blatant ads and like the Chinese. As a brand, consumers actually trust Samsung more than Chinese phones. Only spec whores would prefer Chinese phones. Regular consumer might get a cheap Chinese phone as their first phone, but once they have enough money, they would go for Samsung (or Apple).

    It's simple. Smartphone peak. For the normal user, almost any mid-range and up smartphones from the past 2 or 3 years are still good enough. So people upgrade less often. It will be the same story as laptops. The typical use case from a normal user just doesn't force them to demand the latest features and performance.

    Apple is doing "well" because it is a branded product. People buy the latest iPhones not because of the features/performance, but because of status symbol. Apple as a brand is at that level. No Android brands are at that level. But even Apple is feeling the crunch, thus they plan to increase prices and do more services for revenue stream.

      Derick Abraham, 29 Jul 2023Samsung phones software is crap especially non premium cate... moreThis is why the mobile industry has been trash the last 5 years. Because Apple is winning and dictates everything. If they remove headphone jack or chargers in boxes, everyone will follow.

      EU needs to save the mobile industry by forcing OEMs to include a removable battery but this will go against Apple's philosophy because they want their users to keep upgrading to the newest iPhones once that first battery degrades badly. This has been going on since the iPod. Sealed batteries. No expandable storage.

        Anders, 29 Jul 2023Samsung's shipments fell 37%, Apple's shipments b... moreGood for you. iOS is still trash.

        Popularity doesn't equal quality or Avatar (2009) would be the GOAT film. And how is Samsung always copying? Does Apple have a foldable yet? Didn't Apple rip-off webOS's gesture swipes and BlackBerry Messenger? Didn't they follow Samsung when it comes to bigger displays and with an Apple Pencil?

        Know your history. You've been brainwashed and misinformed. I've used iPhone since the first generation. I've followed both OSes for the past 15+ years. Apple copies just as much as Samsung and Google do.

          Anders, 29 Jul 2023Samsung's shipments fell 37%, Apple's shipments b... more1440p is useless. Unless you're looking really close to the display, it's basically the same as 1080p, just consuming more battery life.

          Also, please move on. It's 2023, not 2015. The world has moved on to dongles and cloud storage/flash drives.

            • T
            • Truth
            • iwp
            • 29 Jul 2023

            Nowadays budget level phones are looks like a brick size and phone doesn't have a minimum 6gb ram (without virtual ram).
            people like always 6.2" phone size and 6gb minimum ram for budget level phones. pure android os is 100 times better than redesign android os. android os should be optimized for the harddware spec.

              • K
              • K
              • D09
              • 29 Jul 2023

              Along with the reasons mentioned in the comments and by analysts in the article I think the market has also become close to saturation because this has been happening in many countries, not just ones in economic turmoil.

                Samsung phones software is crap especially non premium category. This leaves a impression that Android is slow and buggy compared to iOS resulting everyone's first pick is apple.

                  No surprise here Samsung phones are stale. Their pre-installed apps and customized android is such a turn off. Google pixel phones just work and look great like Apple's IOS. Samsung Galaxy phones reminds me of those 45 inch tv on sale for $299 at Best Buy.

                    Anders, 29 Jul 2023Samsung's shipments fell 37%, Apple's shipments b... moredon't expect anything from a headphone jack and don't expect it to ever come back, the sd slot! That's things of the past. For everything else in your comment, it's the total truth.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • L1m
                      • 29 Jul 2023

                      blooper334, 28 Jul 2023phone prices have gone up, quality / hardware has gone down... moreYeah, I recently bought a second hand OnePlus 8T for $200. It's insane value packed phone (coming from Xiaomi 11T) that I don't see anything to be replaced by for a handful more years.

                        Samsung's shipments fell 37%, Apple's shipments by only 6%. Apple leads the market with a 55% share, Samsung is in second with 23%

                        More evidence that Samsung's tactic of turning themselves into knock-off iPhones isn't working. If I wanted an iPhone, I'd buy an actual iPhone.

                        Samsung, time to lower your prices by around 15% put 1440p displays back in all your flagships, not just the Ultra, put the headphone jack back, the microSD back and the charger back. Otherwise this is only going get worse. Under 25s are already like 80% iPhone.

                        Apple has won the battle for the younger and future adults. Samsung and android makers in general aren't going to win them back by being iPhone wannabes

                        You can "X" my comment all you want. The facts speak for themselves

                          • N
                          • Nemesis
                          • iIe
                          • 28 Jul 2023

                          LoneOwl, 28 Jul 2023Thats why iphones are getting more expensive. Less units... moreI wish it cost 10x more. the mob wouldn't have it then, and the haters would hate even more

                            phone prices have gone up, quality / hardware has gone down. In many cases phones in 2020 where better than the ones released in 2022.

                              Thats why iphones are getting more expensive.

                              Less units sold at a higher price though=more profit for Apple.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0p}
                                • 28 Jul 2023

                                Soon iphone 15 series is out, so many oeners of 14 series will be getting one.
                                When even for 12 series owners is unnecessary

                                  The change phones each year. at some point it will be a thing of the past with the way things are going!!! Says someone who changes their phone up to 4 times in a year! Now I'm too lazy to change my phone because it's exactly the same! I personally am going to wait for something like that to happen in 2007 with the first iPhone

                                    There's also no real reason to upgrade when innovation has stagnated a bit, and we even have downgrades in some segments.
                                    Hopefully in the near future the industry will slow down and release new products every two years. No need to upgrade yearly. Healthier for the planet as well.