Future Samsung devices will pack house-made CPUs, 560ppi displays

06 November, 2013
The Korean company will begin releasing mobile devices with 4K displays in 2015.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4QS
  • 07 Nov 2013

AnthLC, 07 Nov 2013Samsung again are copying Apple. Apple have already release... moreWhat else does apple tell you to do and say? What to eat? Where to sleep?

How about every flagship and even down to most low end phones all copy Samsung on HD video...You don't see everyone running in circles going OH SAMSUNG DID THAT FIRST do you?

Besides Apple rushed in a negative feature...Your problem not ours. Done right it would've been good. Done wrong the way it was...It's just a useless marketing gimmick....
Like them maketing high PPI as a supposed homemade first ever done technology.....when all phones have "retina" a this point and Sony had it in 2008.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4QS
    • 07 Nov 2013

    Anonymous, 07 Nov 2013iPhone 5s -> 64bit OS/ 64bit HW / 64bit Apps Thus the fi... moreAndroid fanboys are the one that need to rebuild apps and OS?

    And whoopdy doo....Apple rushed 64bit before being ready and did it in a way that the 5S may never truly benefit it....You might not need 4GB ram to run 64bit, but having only 1Gb can actually cause negative draw backs into crashes, power consumption, and memory usage.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PGX
      • 07 Nov 2013

      AnonD-154082, 07 Nov 2013Huwaei Ascend D Quad is the first 64bit phone NOT IPHONE ... moreiPhone 5s -> 64bit OS/ 64bit HW / 64bit Apps Thus the first real 64bit system.

      The rest either have no HW / OS or Applications. So... does not count, as it function basically as 32bit.. the HW simply scale down to work with it.

      Ironically android fanboys tends to joke about how 1GB ram is not enough for the 64bit cpu A7... while they themselves still need to rebuild 64bit apps/OS before 64bit cpu becomes any benefit at all.

        • D
        • AnonD-154082
        • nCe
        • 07 Nov 2013

        Huwaei Ascend D Quad is the first 64bit phone NOT IPHONE


          • D
          • AnonD-18905
          • uvt
          • 07 Nov 2013

          This is what happens when a washing machine company makes mobile phones . Over killing with no sensibility. I am not saying not to innovate. When companies like nokia makes a 41 mpx camera there was an over kill but sensible becos there was a potential for high quality cameras in mobiles(they wanted cameras that can match a DSLR ) . But what stupidity it is to bring ultra hd displays in small screen devices when full hd was already an over kill. Instead they can innovate in other areas like design. This chip race is understandable becos we are trying to match a pc in performance .

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 9IK
            • 07 Nov 2013

            What happens in 2016 ?

              • d
              • dj
              • IVQ
              • 07 Nov 2013

              wow... Samsung u r the man!
              Now tell me where to find 4k resolution wallpapers to fit the phone nicely in potrait mode!
              I don’t wanna look at blowup wallpaper on 4k screen!
              Current market is not ready yet!

                • A
                • AnthLC
                • PB1
                • 07 Nov 2013

                Samsung again are copying Apple. Apple have already released a 64 bit chip this year (2013), iphone 5C.

                Samsung will have the same thing in 2 years time 2015. To me this just shows had badly Samsung dropped the ball on chip development.

                The 4K screen sounds like over kill and the RAM requirements would require the 64 bit architecture.

                  • d
                  • der
                  • Ycp
                  • 07 Nov 2013

                  Overkill, Samsung. Going in ahead of it's time...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Ybj
                    • 07 Nov 2013

                    The resolution jump causes a fair amount of harm and NO benefit. General performance, gaming, battery-life, and video scaling artifacts will become problems while the only benefit is hypothetical clarity during extremely close viewing (about 2-3 inches), which is too close for good focus anyway.

                    Try it yourself, look at something with fine detail..now move it within 2 or 3 inches of your eyes. You see how unfocused and fuzzy it gets as you move too close? That's the viewing distance you'll require to make 450ppi and up matter at all. It's beyond pointless, because it actually harms other aspects of the phone!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-73765
                      • vwq
                      • 07 Nov 2013

                      Samsung r actually gonna boost (Cr)Apple's sales if they continue upping the screen size n resolution ridiculously! Dnt these Droid makers have any sense abt portability n mobility? Y do they all keep bloating up d sizes of all devices? And yea anything more than 1080p on a handheld device is jst marketng gimmick n overkill (some would say even 1080p is an overkill). Y dnt these nitwits improve d real important things like battery or storage options? 4 ages, we've been stuck with top internal storage options of 32GB for most phones (even 64GB which is paltry by modern standards is avbl in less than 1% of all devices n they cost an arm n a leg at that). I know many would comment about SD cards,but, even current SD cards max out at 64GB (128GB cards are either not supported or r too pricey) n even so many flagships dnt provide expandable storage. When the old Classic Ipod offered 160GB ages back, y can't these modern "state-of-the-art" monsters do better than that when they can boast such mega sizes?

                      Of course, v all know that batteries r d Achilles' heel of "mobile" devices. V only get useless n totally inconvenient bumps in screen size,bu,t none in storage or battery life! This goes 2 all Android manufacturers! However, as long as people keep buying these monster "phones" with ever bigger screens and higher MP cams (2 of d biggest baits 4 d makers 4 luring in people)n of course continue d price bumps, the companies jst wnt bother! It's us the buyers who need 2 get the message out to the makers that biigger screens ain't better anymore n what we really need are longer battery life, more storage n smoother software!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-128577
                        • IVM
                        • 07 Nov 2013

                        oops.... samsung yer forgot... bad battery life and overheating issues with your exynos chipsets. yer want customers, 'specially gamers? yer gotta fix that.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-196285
                          • QCM
                          • 07 Nov 2013

                          AnonD-201116, 07 Nov 2013So you mean to tell me that you Cannot for the life of you,... moreeither he wears skinny jeans or he's obese

                            • D
                            • AnonD-201116
                            • kCb
                            • 07 Nov 2013

                            AnonD-43357, 07 Nov 20135,25 inches is to big! who needs a phone like this? i want ... moreSo you mean to tell me that you Cannot for the life of you, fit a G2, S4, HTC one droid dna in your pocket while me, a 17 year old can along with the note 2,3, etc...in my pants..... Wow that's sad...

                              • o
                              • only-nexus
                              • 3pR
                              • 07 Nov 2013

                              560ppi????? Samsung is so lame... if this is true they will fall!! And that's a fact

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • y{j
                                • 07 Nov 2013

                                WQHD? 560ppi? 64bit cpu core? faster processor?

                                does all of us need that?
                                can we notice the diff even its on 400+ ppi?
                                faster processor on our phone?what for??

                                even s4 pro or s600 is enough for daily driver without any such lag.

                                we dont need sumthing like that, we need better build quality and bigger&better battery life.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-977
                                  • v}7
                                  • 07 Nov 2013

                                  Anonymous, 07 Nov 2013How come some people like you dare to complain so much abou... moreWhy does my Galaxy S4 only have 9GB of free memory, Samsung sells it as 16GB?

                                  Why is it still on Android 4.2.2 and the update server says that is the latest?

                                  If I root it and install a "non-approved" binary it voids my warranty.

                                  Lastly why does it still hang and lag?

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-977
                                    • v}7
                                    • 07 Nov 2013

                                    Anonymous, 07 Nov 2013I see why Samsung wants to develop their 64 bit CPUs in hou... moreApple design their own chips, also being one of the founders of ARM they are also one of their earliest licensees and so have free reign to design and make their custom chips.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PGX
                                      • 07 Nov 2013

                                      Dumb... if they keep the resolution constant, but increase cpu/gpu performance they can easily build light weight design or small or better battery life.

                                      Now i predict larger phones coming. No wait. those are NO longer phones. They are tablets.

                                      5.25 ... its approaching note size. bye bye mobility , portability and your pockets.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Xr4
                                        • 07 Nov 2013

                                        4K screens for smartphone displays??
                                        You're never gunna pick the difference between 4K and Full HD on a small screen such as a smartphone.
                                        Maybe on a big screen TV, even right now there's almost zero 4K content to view on the bigscreen.
                                        On a small smartphone display it's a wank, anyway just imagine the extra demand on the battery there will be to power the 4k screen alone.
                                        Forget it Samsung, you're a great company with great ideas, perhaps Samsung it would be better to pour some of all that folding stuff you're making into R & D for battery technology first, then muck around with 4K Display technology.