BlackBerry CEO takes a dig at Android KNOX security

04 July, 2014
Chen gives a backhanded compliment to KNOX while praising BlackBerry's own services.

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  • D
  • AnonD-233508
  • t7L
  • 04 Jul 2014

Let's just say we agree about BB security and how they try to bash other OS security in order to promote their own. But if other brands reach the so called security that BB boasts about, BB users would probably switch to other OS. The target market blacberry are social climbers and less techy rich guys. I'm sure those who want more entertainment would prefer Android(cheaper alternative) or IOS(more rich App store). Yeah BB can run some Android apps, BUT not all. The only way for Blackberry to

    • Q
    • Qnx Neutrino BB10
    • Is1
    • 04 Jul 2014

    True microkernel OS

    The QNX Neutrino RTOS (realtime operating system) is so reliable because it is a true microkernel operating system.

    Under QNX Neutrino, every driver, protocol stack, filesystem and application runs in the safety of memory-protected user space, outside the kernel. Virtually any component can fail — and be automatically restarted — without affecting other components or the kernel. No other commercial RTOS offers this degree of protection and isolation.
    Advances in security

    The QNX Neutrino RTOS has innovative security mechanisms designed to help you easily build impenetrable devices. Encrypted filesystems, memory guard pages, and limited root permissions are core features of the operating system that can be used to create secure and reliable devices.
    Graphics and HMI technologies

    The QNX graphics technologies use hardware layering (pipelines) for combining multiple content sources together into a single image. Display images from video, OpenGL ES, HTML5, and Qt 5 on a single display. Combine those graphics technologies with Neutrino’s support for multi-touch UIs and video capture, to build embedded devices that meet the user interface expectations that have been set by mobile devices, such as smartphones and automotive infotainment systems.
    Multicore migration

    The QNX Neutrino RTOS has a field-proven strategy for migrating from single-processor to multi-processor embedded environments. Its unique bound multi-processing (BMP) technology takes the risk out of migration by enabling developers to decide exactly where every process and thread will run.

      • B
      • Berry_juices
      • 3Ww
      • 04 Jul 2014

      Hg, 04 Jul 2014Supporting only the big players makes no business sense to ... moreI agree with that. But the game plan have already been layed.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • R1c
        • 04 Jul 2014

        Anonymous, 04 Jul 2014Chen, first give OS 10 to Playbook or give any OS 10 handse... moreChen has once hell of a proven track record and resume, especially compared to some random Armchair CEO as yourself. Stop acting like a buffoon and take your own advice.

        Chen should be talking smack as that's what his competitors are doing and have been doing for quite some time. Good on him for standing up to those bullies and showing them he isn't a push over and will call them out for it.

          • D
          • AnonD-240759
          • 4mD
          • 04 Jul 2014

          With all this talk going on don't care one bit, ,,,, lol am waiting on the blackberry passport phone to come out coming from a hard core android and iPhone user :)

            • C
            • COLDFIRE2005
            • 2Sx
            • 04 Jul 2014

            Whats the point of this Security ???, When NSA can still spy !! We Need NSA Proof Phones .

              • A
              • Anonymous
              • u1D
              • 04 Jul 2014

              Chen, first give OS 10 to Playbook or give any OS 10 handset free of cost in exchange of PB. Ex-CEO TH had promised OS 10 to PB. You can't escape from that. Till then, shut your mouth.

                • B
                • Berry_juices
                • dUs
                • 04 Jul 2014

                This article confirm that there is definitely a conspiracy against Blackberry.

                  • N
                  • Noni
                  • q}x
                  • 04 Jul 2014

                  Blackberrys are more secure and have been secure for longer than the first android phone. Don't know why the writer of the article is trying to bash blackberry.
                  Fact that not many people know, US government has designated blackberries as their choice of secure smartphones. Even the chancellor of Germany after the Edward Snowden Wikileaks started to use Blackberry when she learnt about NSA eavesdropping on other phones. If you want privacy and a secure unhackable phone, you get blackberries.

                    • H
                    • Hg
                    • w4G
                    • 04 Jul 2014

                    Supporting only the big players makes no business sense to consumers and news site reporters.
                    Blackberry OS is really technically very good. And should be respected by news sites like gsmarena.
                    Rant done... now Blackberry needs to release more phone models.

                      • G
                      • Gladiator
                      • CxH
                      • 04 Jul 2014

                      bb10user, 04 Jul 2014I've been reading a lot of you guys comments and I noticed ... moreI agree with you but I feel like if he hadnt mentionned Android which is a direct competitor, his comments would have been accepted and understood. Bashing and criticising others is often a clear sign you are scared of them.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-280242
                        • RcZ
                        • 04 Jul 2014

                        Too many kids giving their opinions; they talk abt something they know nothing of, that's really unfortunate

                          • D
                          • AnonD-189590
                          • 4N2
                          • 04 Jul 2014

                          I have not really commented on any article in my decade of coming to this site but have to say this was written with such a slant against Blackberry that it is in poor taste. In the last month stock (bbry) has gone up 30% and they are trying hard. Q1 profit. My point is if articles like this knock the 'little players' like Windows Phone and Blackberry, there is no competition and competition is good for any market. Dominance allows for little to no choice which allows price dictation. /rant

                            • b
                            • bb10user
                            • qLJ
                            • 04 Jul 2014

                            I've been reading a lot of you guys comments and I noticed that most of you do not get why John Chen stress security of Blackberry. reason why because statistic shows that cell phones are consumed more then any other mobile device in the world. and I know their are important info stored on mobile phone like credit cards, email, work document and etc.
                            Blackberry has worked out its app situation so people can stop making that as an excuse. I was an samsung galaxy user until I wanted better, so now I'm an BB10 user that cant wait to get his hands on the Blackberry Passport.

                              • o
                              • only one man
                              • NwR
                              • 04 Jul 2014

                              AnonD-209094, 04 Jul 2014BB security is not true, anyone with hostile intents can br... moreBro, stop lying...just stop it

                                • D
                                • AnonD-221719
                                • YUf
                                • 04 Jul 2014

                                MCRL, 04 Jul 2014I can see your post from every Blackberry article here rega... moreBlackberry doesn't have the overall experience unlike apple and android they might have lower security but they are better in other ways, anyways android and apple has a better future ahead unlike Blackberry.

                                  • P
                                  • Poita
                                  • 84$
                                  • 04 Jul 2014

                                  Dave, 04 Jul 2014The thing is BB aint going to be here for much longer as no... moreWow, realy well motivated too.
                                  People like you are saying BlackBerry is dead and wont be here soon for years. yet sales are up, as is profit and the launche of the Z3 went great in Indonesia. Sold out and still going stron. Hong Kong is next as is South Africa. Apple and samsung can fight ofr the US all they want, Asia, Africa and Latin America are the markets you want :)

                                    • b
                                    • bblover
                                    • t7X
                                    • 04 Jul 2014

                                    BlackBerry is for those well minded people who use their phone for productivity and a little leisure, so for those who continuously bashed BlackBerry, get a life, BlackBerry is superb and please android is an open os meaning most of the manufacturers of phone are all using android, so in a sense it's one againts hundreds haha,

                                    BlackBerry is the best in terms of security, no viruses or malwares unlike android, that's why I don't waste my time downloading games using android ports, native apps are the best,

                                      • y
                                      • youboss
                                      • q{j
                                      • 04 Jul 2014

                                      I hope he don't have to eat his own words soon, as he had to when he said android OS is shit compared to BB OS. Now he wishes all Android OS apps could run on BB OS. Compete, don't try to discredit. Companies already have switched from BB security to iOS, Nothing fancy about BB anymore.

                                        • J
                                        • Jason
                                        • fxN
                                        • 04 Jul 2014

                                        AnonD-1640, 04 Jul 2014What is Blackberry service??? you must be a kid dont u know... moreSeriously.. no I haven't heard of it before.
                                        So does most of my friends who don't care too much about Blackberry or security features.
                                        What we look for are functions and other features like big and awesome screen, good (not best) processing power, moderate level camera functions.
                                        Security? Never trust too much on the phone security and never care.