Sony Xperia Z3+ preview: First look

29 May 2015
The Sony Xperia Z3+ was only recently announced and we're happy it made it to our testing grounds so quickly. While we're already busy working on a full review, we decided to give you an early taste of what it's like...

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  • G
  • Gobarboss
  • vGJ
  • 31 May 2015

I absolutely agree with sokyuu and others who have actually owned sony z phones. The camera sucks ass. I fell for that 21mp sony sensor crap. The front cam on my z2 was pure VGA. Superior auto takes only 8mp photos and 21mp is only 4:3. My Oppo 7a had a sony 13mp and it was a beauty. Even with 3gb ram and similar CPU games used to stutter and the body used to heat up like hell. The cheap glass over camera would get scratched easily. Finally got rid of it. Now on moto turbo. Will def buy Oppo r7 plus or a new find model. Guys don't fall for this sony shit. Go to the story and try the camera.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • N%B
    • 31 May 2015

    Nice phone, a lot of improvements. I have sony ericsson xperia arc about 4 years old and I do not find in new models something extraordinary to buy the new models. I want to buy a sony phone but my old phone perform brilliant for what I need.

      • D
      • AnonD-391800
      • akv
      • 31 May 2015

      AnonD-294887, 31 May 2015You're joking, right? One of the reasons I returned my z1c ... moreNo I am not kidding at all, and do have high standards. And I believe you are lying or havent got a clue how to use manual properly...
      I would also like for you to give me your present phone lowlight shot that you are so damn satisfied with as refference ( so that you indeed prove you are not making up stories), and I ll provide mine from z1c, and then we can discuss....

        • M
        • Manhatten
        • J8M
        • 31 May 2015

        name this review Copied Beast :D cuz its really like Z3 :D

          • D
          • AnonD-294887
          • nZm
          • 31 May 2015

          AnonD-391800, 30 May 2015The sensor is best there is... Guess you are mixing up sup... moreYou're joking, right? One of the reasons I returned my z1c was because the photos looked like shit even in manual mode. Looking at the photos@100% showed total lack of details. Taking a photo of my keyboard from a distance of about a meter already made the logo barely readable. People nowadays really have low standards when it comes to picture quality, I guess.

            • D
            • AnonD-391800
            • akv
            • 31 May 2015

            Spr, 31 May 2015It is waste to spend money on sony mobile. They still didn'... moreSome opinions are a waste of time too ;-)

              • D
              • AnonD-391800
              • akv
              • 31 May 2015

              Anonymous, 31 May 2015You are comparing software stabilizing to ois and you are c... moreYes he is, cause steadyshot does a better job than most OIS phone cameras out there...
              Just google Steadyshot vs OIS...

              Dont just rant in the dark

                • D
                • AnonD-391800
                • akv
                • 31 May 2015

                Ale, 30 May 2015Great low light photos from the Z1 compact?!?!?!? Are you n... moreAre you nuts!!!!???
                It makes perfect night shots, guess you just dont know how to make them....
                Gave you a link to the gallery there...
                Want more gallery links?
                Want a link to night shot only gallery?

                Or what you really need is
                ..a link to a lowlight and night shot tutorial?

                  This thing with Superior Auto is not OK. You got only 8 MP resolution. HDR photos are available only in Superior Auto Mode. This is not a very good idea too. They made the same thing with the Z3, and now they are doing it again. Unbelievable!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0rK
                    • 31 May 2015

                    Spr, 31 May 2015It is waste to spend money on sony mobile. They still didn'... moreFingerprint sensor Is complete useless.
                    When Apple camera with this, Samsung decide copy from Apple with man flaws, and still Is flaws in evers Samsung devices.

                    I tink YouTube need your fanboyism need step back.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • q8Q
                      • 31 May 2015

                      Slayer, 31 May 2015Optical Image Stabilisation another phrase is Steady Shot. ... moreYou are comparing software stabilizing to ois and you are calling them stoopid?

                        • S
                        • Spr
                        • rKM
                        • 31 May 2015

                        It is waste to spend money on sony mobile. They still didn't include finger print sensor in z3+. And also even if it haveing 21MP camera,cheap mobiles are taking great pics than it.seeing above benchmark scores I decided that its better to get Samsung galaxy s6 than z3+
                        Sony is very slow in upgrading OS.

                          • B
                          • Buppy
                          • P%%
                          • 31 May 2015

                          Yes this 5.2" display is not 2k and it is a disadvantage. My 19" computer monitor is not also 2k. So what should I do. I think I should throw my monitor through window. Also I am asking the man who has wrote the review. What is the monitor size of his computer. And when he is writing the review what resolution he was using. If not 2k he should throw his monitor also.

                            • L
                            • Limited
                            • vj1
                            • 31 May 2015

                            Guys.. you should take also into consideration why GSMA put 1080p reso as a disadvantage.

                            1. Why upgrade to this phone when Z2/Z3 is still competitive when it comes to resolution?

                            2. Is it worth the upgrade from Z2/Z3?

                            these are the things why it's a disadvantage considering the price of this phone...

                            Too bad Sony already lost the fight in the mobile business.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-401271
                              • IWR
                              • 31 May 2015

                              I personally feel these comments are part of marketing campaigns for each manufacturer. These comments are mostly from Internet Marketing companies hired by each manufacturer. As on Internet most cocomment's on Sony phones ignore its many positves this means Sony's competitors are imvesting more on Internet marketing than Sony and not that Sony specs and performance is inferior. So best is to go to a store and experience yourself.

                                • S
                                • Slayer
                                • nIA
                                • 31 May 2015

                                Mike, 30 May 2015A flagship without optically stabilised camera? What a joke... moreOptical Image Stabilisation another phrase is Steady Shot. SO here is the question to you, what do you deduce as the function of Steady Shot? Do not think on it too hard, it really is not rocket science....!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • q8Q
                                  • 30 May 2015

                                  Obviously they were able to get it without a camera hump. The only one that I can't understand why they have one is the iPhone.

                                  Apple and Sony put their camera sensor in the top corner of the devices allowing them to use almost the entire thickness of the device for the sensor. That means they each have over 6mm to work with. And Sony is using a larger sensor too.

                                  Samsung's makes sense because it sits in the middle behind the display like it always has and is also a larger sensor. And one with ois and on the thinnest device

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • q8Q
                                    • 30 May 2015

                                    AnonD-71586, 30 May 2015It's not about the screen consumption it's about the cpu/gp... moreThe consumption of the screen has a lot to do with it. What a foolish thing to say

                                      • A
                                      • Artisto
                                      • mMC
                                      • 30 May 2015

                                      I'm laughing at people complaining that Sony is not innovative. Z3+ is as thick as S6 an iP6 and has no portruding camera. The build quality and design are top notch, and apparently people are forgeting that it's the only flagship that keeps waterproof build.
                                      FHD screen is only an advantage, there's completely no reason to go beyond that on a screen that size.
                                      I own Xperia Z2 and camera performance is excellent. I compared photo quality with my mate's L930 and it's the same. But Xperia is better in low light, and the LED light is very bright, with f2.0 it's capable of filling a large scene with light.
                                      Also - noise-cancelling headphones, plethora of useful apps, almost vanilla android, fast and responsive UI, 2 years - or maybe more? - of android updates.
                                      Sony is the best, it's a fact. Z series was always ahead of it's time, Z2 is better - or at least on par with M9, G4 or S6, and I'm sure Z3+ will have no problem standing against G5, S7 or M10 (if one will ever be produced)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mur
                                        • 30 May 2015

                                        AnonD-224733, 30 May 2015You are laughable at best. you are "disgust" a de... moreYou are laughable too. You talk like you designed this phone. I dont like corners thats it.