Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Src
  • 11 Feb 2008

Your so proud of the 16gb upgrade only? LOL Steve please wake up!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ixx
    • 11 Feb 2008

    Sorry it wasnt a patent filing but a trademark filing, but still exciting :P

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • ixx
      • 11 Feb 2008

      iPhone 2 will not be out until much later this year. The 16gb model upgrade will hold sales until its ready.

      Most likely iPhone 3g will be out at the earliest June in America and around Christmas again for Europe.

      But AT&T have already slipped up and said iPhone 3G will be out in 2008 for definate.

      What's more exciting is recent news that Apple have filed patents for gaming devices, both handheld and console form! Apple Pippin take 2! lol

      Really hope they make a games console to take on xbox 360. I can see it now Apple iGame!! Lol

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ixx
        • 11 Feb 2008

        The price is justified in my opinion. For what you are getting its relatively cheap. Not long ago iPods cost £300 for just single MP3 function and nothing else.

        Also take into account because you are paying for the phone outright, it is not classed as a subsidized phone. This means you can change your tariff once a month instead of having to wait every 3-6 months.

        Most importantly it means when iphone 3G comes out you can purchase that no matter what stage your tariff is at, i.e there is no need to wait until the end of your 18 month contract in order to buy it like most phone contracts. I have only had my iPhone for 2 months but if iPhone 3g came out tomorrow I could buy it and register it to my current number and carry on as usual without having to increase my 18 month contract or take out a new one.

          • s
          • sa60
          • PAY
          • 11 Feb 2008


          now what do u say abt Nokia n96 which is equipped with 16 gb mem, 5mpx camera, gps, fm radio, secondary camera, wifi and what not.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • w4q
            • 11 Feb 2008

            Any news on thew iphone 2

              • T
              • T-Rez
              • S35
              • 11 Feb 2008

              Iphone is a very nice phone so those who are complaining about it back off and get another model instead of coming on here every 2 seconds trying to put the iphone down because I know deep down your wanting one but it's too expensive.

              Anyway the positives of the iphone, 16gb, best sound on any mobile, best internet browser, slick i could keep going on for ages, big fan of apple keep up the good work and people seem to forget they have only been in the mobile phone industry about 2 years now and sony ericsson and nokia have been around for about 50 years and still havn't come accross anything new and exciting for ages now.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Src
                • 11 Feb 2008

                yay the iPhone rating has dropped ^_^

                  • r
                  • r.0.c.k.
                  • 4a0
                  • 11 Feb 2008

                  dude, STFU!!! if apple ddnt REV0LUTI0NIZE the m0bile ph0ne market wit der HUGE "t0uchscreen" success(u knw wut im talkin abt) SE pr0bably W0ULD N0T have c0me up wit the SEX1.

                  get ur facts str8, h0mes!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • M@T
                    • 11 Feb 2008

                    Apple, your first warning shot is from SE. Beware of Xperia X1. 3G all over the world and real arc-like QWERTY that doesnt smudge your touchscreen everytime. Even if a 3G iPhone is released, u r still in trouble. Go back marketing mp3 players. Only market that made u mainstream. Let the seasoned vets take it from here.

                      • f
                      • fedra
                      • iBt
                      • 11 Feb 2008

                      i like this phone

                        • p
                        • pride
                        • pJ3
                        • 11 Feb 2008

                        The ring tone level and speaker phone is the biggest let down for this phone.
                        Even at maximum volume, the ringing tone is sooooo low you can only just hear it.
                        Forget listening to your music via loudspeaker.

                        No blue tooth file transfer, even for pictures.

                          • l
                          • lovelu
                          • 0NM
                          • 10 Feb 2008

                          i knew that about iphone.but when ill found it in italy?

                            • n
                            • nick
                            • nxw
                            • 10 Feb 2008

                            yea i know too allan.

                            i think the iphone is different though. people have finally started not comparing it with the n95 so thats ok.

                            its just mindboggling how anyone can think the k850 is anywhere near the n95 or n82 or 3310

                              • z
                              • zorro
                              • qpq
                              • 10 Feb 2008

                              For everybody out there that don't have one yet, READ this!
                              Let me clear up some of the misconceptions and unjust bashing.
                              As the proud & happy owner of an iPhone, I can trully say that unless you have had & used one for at least a week, you cannot make a unbiased and honest judgement.
                              I used to change my phones almost as often as my underwear LOL, but on a real note, I've gone through roughly 50 high end gadgetry GSMs both PDA's and less complicated style implemented, in the past 2-3 years.
                              Most phones differ slightly in UI but all are generally the same. The same boring UI in a $60 & a $800 nokia. I love Nokia for its design & beauty, but
                              other than that & the N-series, they are boring phones.
                              Now the iPhone is a winner in so many categories, that it outweights its flaws by a million.
                              Some things that people have said that need to be addressed:
                              1. Apple or Mac make the iPhone, therefore that product is part of their lineup of great user friendly beautiful to work with & enjoy products.
                              iPhone is not the single one & only thing that Apple makes, so with a price of $125/stock share, it is highly unlikely that just because it's only one model, that they aren't gonna be successful.
                              Infact, considering the heftyprice tag of $399 & up, more than 1.5 million people have bought into that hype, so it's not random.
                              How many N-series or 88xx series has Nokia sold within less than a year of their release?
                              If you are in the US, I advize you to drop your provider & get an iphone. It may have a high startup cost, but I can guarantee you, that you'll never regret that decision.
                              I would even pay more given what I know now.
                              If you try it, you will buy it, & then you'll love it like it's part of you.

                                • R
                                • Rahul J. Shah
                                • 2ZH
                                • 10 Feb 2008

                                iphon is good but i don't no how to send SMS to the multipal pepole. It is possiable to creat a group in this phone. One more problem iam facing that if the exesit song kept as it is & new song add?, how to download video clip from computer. Pl reply if anybody knows. Thanks!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uEx
                                  • 10 Feb 2008

                                  The iPhone is a very nice phone, beautiful user interface, stylish design, i only don't like the fact that its quite overpriced .

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 00D
                                    • 10 Feb 2008

                                    Experience shows that a vendor with only one smart phone design, no matter how good that design is, will soon struggle.

                                      • r
                                      • r.0.c.k.
                                      • 4a0
                                      • 10 Feb 2008

                                      quick questi0n:

                                      why d0 u n95 users HAFTA PAY just ta get "turn by turn" directi0ns when the gps system already KN0WS ur l0cati0n 0n the map???


                                        • r
                                        • r.0.c.k.
                                        • 4a0
                                        • 10 Feb 2008

                                        well if u really must kn0w, ms. nuvif0ne SALESLADY(l0l):

                                        the garmin nuvif0ne IS BILLED as a GPS ph0ne!!! my ph0ne just HAPPENS t0 HAVE t0mt0m nav 6 in it!!! d0 u see the difference???

                                        0f c0urse N0T!!! after all, ur Y0U!!!

                                        peepz hu will buy the nuvif0ne will buy it MAINLY f0r its t0p-0f-the-line GPS NAVIGATI0N FEATURE!!! peepz like y0u, hu gets l0st all the time, d0nt kn0w their right fr0m left, etc. but i d0nt need ta g0 tru all diz agen since u ALREADY KN0W it all t00 well!!!

                                        mine is a PPC running 0n the LATEST win-m0 6.1 that just s0 happens ta have t0mt0m nav6 INSTALLED w/c c0incidentally WIPES THE FL00R CLEAN 0ver ur n95 GPS!

                                        g0t anything else ta say, sistah???
