Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • ibf
  • 12 Feb 2008

iphone sucks? yeah right, everybody wants to copy it lol...

Definitely my next phone.

If you've never play around with iphone, STFU.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pJB
    • 12 Feb 2008

    Once upon a time long long time ago, Nokia and Sony Ericsson decided to start making mobile phones, and exceptionally good at it they were to, both companies selling millions of phones to us consumers and we were all happy`ish..... The problem was that each year they would bring out new phones but these phones were just slightly better than the ones before, ie: extra mega pixel cam, more memory etc... Nothing really to get excited about.....

    Apple then decided they wanted a piece of the pie but instead of just releasing a standard candybar or slider which we`ve seen countless times they decided to go for something completey in the form of the iphone, Steve jobs said it will revolutionise the mobile phone world, yes a bit of arrogant over statement but love or hate it, the iphone has certainly given the phone manafacturers a kick up the.......

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • pJB
      • 12 Feb 2008

      "on my 6230, at least you can actually hear the other people on the other side, unlike this phone!"

      What are you on about? You can hear people extremely well when talking on the iphone.

      Love or hate the iphone the big players are worried without a doubt, hence why SE are releasing a touchscreen phone and that will soon be followed by Nokia.

      From a personal view from what i`ve seen from videos of SE`s and nokias touchscreen attempts the Apple iphone definately has nought to worry about.

        • J
        • Jackie
        • myL
        • 12 Feb 2008

        Ya know, Touchscreen came out long before apple even thought of making a phone!

        If your'e saying that the XPERIA X1 copied iPhone, then you might as well say that Apple copied the first phone ever made by allowing it to call people! (even though it cannot call people very well)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • myL
          • 12 Feb 2008

          i have had my nokia 6230 for 4 years now, and i would chose that over this phone anytime! i mean why pay over $1000 on a phone. i know it plays music and video and web etc, but a phone is a phone. it is used to call people.
          on my 6230, at least you can actually hear the other people on the other side, unlike this phone!
          apple has focued so much on internet and music on your phone, that it's pretty much taken away what a phone is used for!

          calling people!

          if you want a phone, but a phone
          if you want an mp3 player buy an mp3 player
          if you want a mp4 player buy an mp4 player
          if you want internet, buy a computer or a smartphone which at least has 3g.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • pJB
            • 12 Feb 2008

            Who wants a slide out qwerty keyboard, the whole point of the iphone is to do away with stuff like that.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • nEd
              • 12 Feb 2008

              If you dropped it in water and tried to turn it on afterwards it’s too late.
              You should have dried it completely before trying to use the device. As to fixing it you will be better off binning it. Because you tried to switch it on before drying it the board will have burnt out.

                • X
                • XPERIA X1
                • myL
                • 12 Feb 2008

                When XPERIA X1 is released, then apples going down the drain!
                by the way, the XPERIA X1 shouldn't be called the iphone killer, it should be called the nokia n95-2 killer.

                why is XPERIA X1 better

       has qwerty keyboard
       has 2x resolution as iphone on only a 3"
       has a decent camera
       has buttons so you don't need to put up with touchscreen
       can actually hear people when you call them! unlike the iphone.
                6. the XPERA X1 is only a concept, and works just fine at the moment, apart from the graphics hardware. by mid 2008 many people would agree that when it is released, it will be much better than what we have been waiting for.
      's got 3g!
                8.a 3.5mm jack which works with ALL headphones, unlike iphone where it only works with ipod headphones (which by the way, many people would agree that they are bad quality anyway)

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pJB
                  • 12 Feb 2008

                  Taken from another site.... Nokias attempt at touchscreen.


                    • j
                    • jihad
                    • 0kG
                    • 12 Feb 2008

                    i dropped my iphone in water.
                    ever since it doesn't work.
                    any idea how to open it to dry it?
                    or how to have it fixed?
                    screen gives a message: charging with battery sign.
                    anyone can help?

                      • c
                      • christian
                      • iZd
                      • 12 Feb 2008

                      I have a iphone But wait for the other say

                        • j
                        • june
                        • kaL
                        • 12 Feb 2008

                        i need it

                          • C
                          • ChampagneSprayer
                          • j5c
                          • 12 Feb 2008

                          I was poppin' bottles with my buddy a couple days ago and he got some on my iPhone. I dried it off and it still worked!!! I love this phone but the service sucks my left nut.

                            • r
                            • r.0.c.k.
                            • 4a0
                            • 11 Feb 2008

                            SE-X1 c0uld SERI0USLY be my next ph0ne!!! that thangs' l00kin H0T right n0w!!!

                              • I
                              • Iphone exowner
                              • nuV
                              • 11 Feb 2008

                              I bought my I- phone a week ago. And sold it today.

                              It has gr8 features such as ipod

                              amazin tft touch screen and many many more installers.

                              If so than why did I sell it.

                              Well it doesn`t work with the 3g sim card. Once installed u just cant make phonecalls. NEW SIM CARDS that r being provided by orange - France just refuse 2 work with it.

                              Than even with the old sim it takes ages 2 connect 2 the internet with the EDGE in europe. Than it has great problems with switching between the networks once u go abroad.

                              I am aware that most of the americans dont travel outside america but us europeans actually do.

                              I must say that it was a big disapointment

                                • s
                                • shomann
                                • 4g2
                                • 11 Feb 2008

                                Time to weigh in as an iPhone owner now instead of just a fan-boy.

                                I have used many phones over the past few years - some subsidized, some not. Most have been small, flip phones (Razr, Razr V31, Sync, Nokia 6131, 6290) and not PDA type phones. I find the iPhone's largest jump between it and these type of phones to be its UI. It works and has plenty of nifty features inside it that help it be a consistent experience.

                                The web browser, network connection, email and IM are all very well done (the home screen notifies you when you have new messages and how many) and the size of the screen actually lets you use it as a web/email browser without tearing you hair out.

                                It isn't perfect though. Apple could stand to update several areas that aren't picture-perfect. The call log list, though nicely readable (red highlights missed calls) needs a deliniation between incoming and outgoing calls. Also, getting info on a contact doesn't allow editing, or a quick jump to the actual contact. On the iPod side of things, the iPhone will fade out a song to alert you to a call, then take you right back to the beat you left off at (very Apple-like-cool), but doesn't do the same for videos, instead taking you back to the video list.

                                I am rating it as a solid 8 and I am not done playing with it. I would love things like voice-dial, GPS recevier (location pinning only gets close, not quite close enough), and updated Bluetooth handling, but for me they aren't deal-breakers.

                                Final word - don't just hate something because it's made by a company you have an issue with. I was pretty close to getting a Tilt, but the pricing (non-subsidized at this point on my contract) kept me away.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • nEd
                                  • 11 Feb 2008

                                  I cant wait to see the next iphone it will be great.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • myS
                                    • 11 Feb 2008

                                    the on screen keyboard is virtually impossible to use for those with fingers

                                      • i
                                      • iphonehater
                                      • m72
                                      • 11 Feb 2008

                                      hahahah bluetooth only for headset such a stupid idea"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        • a
                                        • alireza raiisi
                                        • Tu8
                                        • 11 Feb 2008

                                        hi Iv got question about the speakers ,is sound is stereeeeoooo?????
                                        my phone just mono