Apple iPhone
- s
- sidharth sharma
- 2Za
- 24 Apr 2007
waitin for u baby. dying to take it in my hands this awesome gadget of apple.
thanx apple engineers..........................................
- h
- hamid11771
- mCi
- 23 Apr 2007
i wish to have one of them , i realy love that.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mk4
- 23 Apr 2007
all i want 2 know is will apple make a 3g version of the iphone?
- h
- henggy
- PA8
- 23 Apr 2007
I think iPhone is over rated, bcuz since nowadays we all changing to 3G yet iPhone not supporting it.
Good in design and OS.
Bad in supporting system, no 3G, no video?
- ?
- Anonymous
- IeT
- 23 Apr 2007
Hatim has hit the nail on the head.The os is by far the most important factor.OSX v windows mobile or the small and simple symbian.I'll take osx every time.
- d
- duvall
- Nxs
- 22 Apr 2007
is it comming out in south africa it looks great
- H
- Hatim
- NhI
- 22 Apr 2007
While most comments here are about it's cam or the size or the browser or the price i think the most promising thing we should really care about is the operating system.Mac always deliver a far better stable operating system for PC than Microsoft.If it did it again with mobiles it may be the best step in the smart phones area and the final solution to all the stubid and slow performance by Symbian.A Smart phone that's really Smart !!That's what i hope to find in IPhone.Better Cam,The 3G version.....etc will come sooner or later and after all not all users are intersted in that.If there's anything we should ask more than a Stable operating system then it will be surely the price !!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pxd
- 21 Apr 2007
god this is the fone iv bin waitin for just hope it duznt cost a fortune
- ?
- Anonymous
- myb
- 20 Apr 2007
Just something to add. This phone has never been delayed, its release date has always been June or around there, with end of year estimates for Europe. The only thing delayed has been Apple macs operating system by a few months, as resources are being prioritised on getting the iPhone out on time.
I will definitely want a 3g version, so as soon as thats out i will buy. It is crucial that apple give this to a UK provider that can give good internet packages for 3G, as this is a 3rd of its proposed uses (alongside the phone and ipod functionality). Although it can hook up on a home wifi network and country hotspots, 3g speeds will allow better mobile internet access. Hope vodaphone either raise their game to supply this or it goes sumwhere else.
- a
- andreidaniel
- mK9
- 20 Apr 2007 the presentation movie of iPhone (1:20 hour at 120mb,good quality)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PP@
- 20 Apr 2007
boo, no fm radio, no flash, no infra red. No one uses infra red anymore, its out-dated thats why bluetooth is around. FM radio meh, its an ipod your own choice of music. Flash in camera well no compony is really making leaps in bounds in that area but night mode will do its job for now. I think its pretty awesome, ill buy one after the first batch are out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX%
- 20 Apr 2007
£250 is alot to pay, and will most probably be that price in the uk on an 18 month contract!
I'm on Vodafone and they are ok, the biggest problem with Vodafone was when the Carphone Warehouse were selling their phones, when I got my contract from there they completely miss-sold my contract to me, when I went to complain to Vodafone they were just like "not our problem any more talk to the carphone warehouse" that was annoying.
If it's on vodafone I doubt that many people will ever use 3G even if the phone supports it, currently Vodafone don't offer any 3G packages like free minutes and the price for 3G data minutes are an astonishing £2.50 per MB!
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYI
- 20 Apr 2007
dont touch screen phones get broken easily..and it's so hard and expensive to replace....
- ?
- Anonymous
- j83
- 20 Apr 2007
cant wait for this to come out, i get 50% off, God do i love my job
- j
- jamesSF
- BWu
- 19 Apr 2007
despite the lack of 3G, GPS etc, this phone will be a hit because its an Apple and a ton of other cool features! People have a lot of trust in Apple, don't forget that, but at the same time it has to be reliable and Apple has to deliver their promise to the world, i think Apple knows this and that's why its being delayed. And ones Apple makes some dough from this experiment you'll see the real iPhone II in year that will knock everyone's socks off! Apple is a very serious and innovative company, they don't make junk, or at least that's their reputation, and in my view reputation carries a lot of weight on consumers mind when making a decision to purchase something like this. I would even go as far as claim that there will be a substaintial amount of people out there who will buy this phone just because its Apple who normally would have never bought a smartphone.
This will be interesting to see how consumers will react at launch date.
- A
- Adz
- myb
- 19 Apr 2007
I admit that many websites might not be easy to use on the iphone, but the option to look at the websites as you look at them on your computer is way better then current mobile phone website dumbed down formats, at least as i have used. Dont underestimate the ease to zoom on websites using multitouch on this phone. You ever used a Wii on an internet browser, to zoom in on websites? Once you get used to it its not so hard, and this is easier. Remember this is not a laptop replacement. Touching with your fingers under multitouch seems on paper a better option then any stylus system i have used on any device. We shall see.
Im sorry, i do not have much experience with smartphones, but i am not sure that this should be lumped as smartphone as i understand it. Ultimately, this phone can go on the internet with email, is an easy to use phone and also is an ipod nano with video capabilities? Cant smartphones do a lot more? Office and pdf opening seems to be high on that list, and im not sure this can do these things. Maybe such functionality will come in the future, or be announced later.
I can see that you are from the US, but in the UK if you were dropping the equivelant of 250 pound on a phone WITH contract, with no discount, that is crazyness. It will need die hard support for people to pay that. Hoping this will at least fall below the 200 pound mark but im not hopeful. Suppose you have to think you are getting a fully functional and argueably the best ipod on the market along with the phone.
I hope when it comes to europe it wont be vodaphone. Not encouraged by many peoples experience with them or indeed the signal reception. Anyone got any opinions on vodaphone in the UK to support them?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX%
- 19 Apr 2007
Vodafone is likely to be the carrier in the UK and Europe. The phone is more than likely to develop 3G either in the 1st or 2nd generation iPhones. Who gives a crap about the quality of the camera. I own a Nokia N93 the main reason I got it was for the camera... do I use it? No! Because the novelty factor wore off! No phone is comparable to a Digi Camera or Digi SLR. The only thing mobile phone camera are actually useful for are for taking pics down the water hole or on a night out. Even then people are constantly moving around, the lightings bad even with u're flash and you get a load of drunk blury photos that you'll delete!
A phone is a phone, a computer is a computer if u mix em up and u want a pocket computer phone which looks pretty damn good, with features that you'd love then go for it. If you're a mac basher then you know what to do with your self, being so closed minded and locked in is very sad and I feel for ya.
There are plenty of FREE apps for OSX that look pretty damn professional compared to similar Windows apps and there are plenty of paid for Windows apps that are better than their OSX counterparts!
Chances are Apple would have developed some kind of intuitive finger clicking thing that will work out what you actually meant to click on... either that or you could just zoom in on the link and click on it! They're not that stupid.
Remember that's $500 plus a 2 year contract in the US!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yc2
- 19 Apr 2007
Response to you as well. Can you seriously imagine browsing this exact page with the iphone? Imagine it is on the iphone screen and you want to click on "philips" on the left. Are you sure that the internet will really win everything? I don't know about you but clicking on it with a stylus is far easier than a finger.
And you say $500 is expensive? No it is not for this type of phone with all the capabilities. This phone's function is meant to be compared to windows mobile and symbian phones. Are you sure you know what you mean when you talk about expensive phones? I have used both symbian and windows mobile, how about you? If you say $500 is expensive, you obviously have not used a real smartphone before because they can double the price of this phone.
- A
- Adz
- myb
- 18 Apr 2007
In response to previous comment-
Driving - you shouldnt be looking at the phone regardless. Writing off a phone for its ability to use in a car is madness and makes me a little angry. Anthing distracts you from driving, even bluetooth headsets. If you want it this this phone will get you to your caller in no less then 3 button presses anyway. If your thinking about ringing someone, your already distracted. May as well go whole way and look at the screen for a split second. Hope you dont kill anyone.
Internet- plenty want internet on phone. catch up on news, sports etc. This screen is huge and with fully functioning browser will be better then anything currently on market.
Music browsing - dont get what your on about. Its same in content as ipod with slightly changed functionality (ie no clickwheel). Whatever your point is... ipod sell well enough, im sure this will be fine on music front!
Application freedom - "like real macs no desirable applications". Well that made me laugh. Macs have an amazing community, with applications for everything a pc would have. There are less choices but they are easily better in quality more often then not. Never once found me wanting an aplication for a pc that my mac could not do anyway. Have you even tried a Mac? If you have you gave up on it to quickly if you have that opinion. As for iphone, apple will control everything and it will all be excellent as a result, few bugs, crashes etc. If its demanded enough and within reason, i have confidence apple will get it.
Camera- i would like an increase to 3mg but really guys, if you want flash photography by a digi cam! i have a k800 and i still use a digi cam over it. Fine for the odd shot, not a lot more. Even 5 meg on a phone is poor compared to actual cameras nowdays.
Photos - so your critiscising the iphone for having the OPTION to view your most cherished pictures and family pictures???? Right, ok.... cant please everyone....
Video content - If you buy from itunes, its seemless. If you dont (and i dont) then do a bit of research, you will have mastered video conversion very quickly. there are a zillion programs out there that do it for you, especially for a mac.
Comparing this to a PSP is daft. PSP is a handheld games console, this is a phone/music player.
Not having a go at ya, but give stuff a little thought. And btw the last thing thats good about it is the price, this is one expensive phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yc2
- 18 Apr 2007
Things look flashy and great but seriously think about it. All the flashy features won't be worthwhile. The only good thing about this phone is it's price. It's 500 US and that is cheap for this type of phone.
Dialing: You can NOT one hand dial with this phone when you are driving because there are no buttons.
Internet: You really want to browse the internet with small text and a huge finger? How can you pinpoint anything?
Keyboard: Sure there is a virtual one, but your finger is huge and you have no stylus to pinpoint what you want.
Music browsing: It doesn't make sense??? Who would have MP3's that are official with all the tags and information to place in the phone?? If you have the official thing it would be in CD format. Not to mention this will obviously not support foreign language songs.
Application freedom: There are about 25000 apps for windows mobile right now. That is a huge market. Sure you can develop apps for this phone as well but you don't know if it will have a license lock like symbian OR if it will be like a real Mac, no desirable applications.
Camera: You get it on every phone anyways.
Picture view and zoom: Like you will really look at pictures all the time.
Videos: You don't need me to tell you by now. Converting or sending it to your phone will turn you off for this feature.
There are a lot more flashy things for this phone but it will end up being a PSP. A phone with many features but none of them worthwhile.