Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • momo
  • p7A
  • 17 May 2009

people whi are nor carrying iphoe, say bad things of it, i have nokia e71 which is a perfect phone, but im sorry i cannot compare it with iphone cause iphone has marvlous things which nokia or any other phones wont have in the coming future.

    • r
    • reddagreat
    • PA8
    • 16 May 2009

    Herr_luziza, 16 May 2009What a bad video sms mm... moreand iphone have it own class then

    chill out babe from ur cave

      • m
      • maxis rep vann not
      • PA8
      • 16 May 2009

      Zero, 16 May 2009ti really think iphone users cannot take the other opinions... morehi zero, we understand ur frustration..

      its not to say we cant take negative comments, but its wrong to give a false negative comment.
      And most of the negative comment is from kiddies who dont know anitin bout iphone, thats unexceptable.. As i say in previously, Iphone is a piece of gem for people who really know wat is the purpose. If u think, Iphone is nothing then indirectly u r not up to the standard where u can use this piece or appreciate...

        • S
        • Samk
        • PA8
        • 16 May 2009

        Dear friends lets end this IPHONE war, those who beleive in hightech and wanted changes in living life u r always welcome to APPLE world...those who prefer to stay in stoneage and talking abt SMS, MMS, GPRS and 3G...can remain in the world of normal phone...if you are internet savy with software and hardware knowledge will know the benefit of IPHONE....Malaysian are always 10 years behind european b'cos of their cheap mentality in thinking innovatively

          • m
          • maxis rep van not
          • PA8
          • 16 May 2009

          Herr_luziza, 16 May 2009You say it is a computer? can do that as... moreyes thats rite as u say even other phone can browse, but wat i can say to u is that u r lake of knowledge bout Iphone.... Iphone is using its own PLATFORM..... that mean if u r using 3.5G connection on Iphone its more faster compared to other phones. There is lots to learn bout Iphone before u r can comment on iphone... learn first bout iphone fren

            • s
            • samk
            • PA8
            • 16 May 2009

            philm, 16 May 2009You seem to be serious so i will ask this question..If the ... moreRemoving battery from phone is a simple matter, why Iphone dun allow that, u should understand the platform of this phone, it is not like other phone where u remove it and fix it u know what is the outcome if u remove battery from Iphone, the entire phone memory will be washed out, u need to reprogram everything again, u can ask y is it so complicated....u should understand that IPHONE run under UNIX platform secured 100% no hackers has break the code till today...the software and hardware are synk together...other phone use different hardware and diff software...anytime I can load VIRUS in other phone not IPHONE....

              • r
              • reddagreat
              • PA8
              • 16 May 2009

              wat a bad opinion bout iphone.juz bcoz it cant send mms, video call, forward sms and it already consider as a bad phone?
              touch it and feel it, only then u kno guys...
              its designed for browsing and internet purposes and phone is an extra function actually.understand??

                • Z
                • Zero
                • M3s
                • 16 May 2009

                ti really think iphone users cannot take the other opinions, everytime, when someone has a bad comment on iphone, then it will be delete on the next day.

                but the iphone people are leaving their useless comments on ever other single phone page, what's wrong with you people?

                  • r
                  • reviewer
                  • 4tk
                  • 16 May 2009

                  hate it or love it, it depends on you, once you go apple, there is no turning back. The iphone made the competition in the mobile world a little higher, mobile manufacturers were challenged by this device. although the iphone has some weakpoints, apple is making sure the end-user will get the most out of it thru os upgrades.. Once you own this phone, you'll never regret you had it for the rest of your life.

                    • H
                    • Herr_luziza
                    • ib7
                    • 16 May 2009

                    You say it is a computer? can do that as well even if u use E71 (only a screen is much smaller).. you can install Garmin with Nokia E-Series..Surf the internet at 3.5G..yes Video Call..yes YM...yes MMs...what else u want?..Hopefully nokia can produce new model with same specification likes E71 but improved in Screen size,touch screen and more futuristic looks alike...i'm waiting for that...

                      • H
                      • Herr_luziza
                      • ib7
                      • 16 May 2009

                      What a bad video sms mms...i say it rubbish compared to other phones in it class..

                        • H
                        • Herr_luziza
                        • ib7
                        • 16 May 2009

                        What a bad video sms mms...i say it rubbish compared to other phones in it class..

                          • c
                          • charlescccc
                          • 3I0
                          • 16 May 2009

                          should i buy iphone in singapore or russia ?? do they have market in singapore ?? or its juz the agent who personally brought it from other country and sell it there?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vx4
                            • 16 May 2009

                            It's a computer.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vx4
                              • 16 May 2009

                              I like apple products. Ipod/Iphone makes a difference through its great high quality music, videos and internet capabilities. Apple company is helping out fighting against AIDS in south africa and that is what I like too.

                                • S
                                • Sony
                                • Snx
                                • 16 May 2009

                                Anonymous, 14 May 2009your the one who should grow up. your s500 has no technolo... moreI can steer my car with the Sony Ericsson S500i, beat that!

                                  • S
                                  • Schumi
                                  • FX1
                                  • 16 May 2009

                                  Got my iPhone yesterday. This is not a phone, it is a computer that u can make a call with, it is the best. So please don't compare it to any other phone out there because it will com second.

                                    • A
                                    • Allan
                                    • Ikc
                                    • 16 May 2009

                                    For some reason i can't explain, i know saint Peter will call my name (coldplay}

                                      • n
                                      • neal
                                      • tLa
                                      • 16 May 2009

                                      You guys love it or hate it.....still talking about iphone.....this is called iphone obsession.

                                        • w
                                        • wardy
                                        • mxF
                                        • 16 May 2009

                                        aris, 16 May 2009i-phone crashes or freezes???? Be serious. I had before win... moreI agree with that , my win mo phone has a reset about once a week . The iphone has been flawless in this area . Also one thing I loved was using it in sunlight ... Brilliant screen ! The win mo well I have to find some shade lol