Apple iPhone 3G
- D
- Daniëlla
- MVf
- 03 Oct 2008
For all Belgian users and also for all other I-phone users all over the world: Be VERY carefull with the I-phone, before you know it, you will have a gigantic invoice of unknown data traffic due to the safari browser on the I-phone...
Whatever application you use or whenever you switch on the phone, the counter of MB's is rolling... And 'in Belgium, this can cause extremely high invoices...
I hope you'll think of this before you buy an I-phone and that you will take the appropriate subscription at your mobile operator...
Greets, Daniëlla
- L
- Louie
- w0Q
- 03 Oct 2008
just want to tell you that this phone doesn't worth it's price.
it lacks many useful features.
anyway. im just being practical in here.
your just buying the brand name of this phone the "Apple"
i have nothing againts anyone here.
- L
- Louie
- w0Q
- 03 Oct 2008
Anonymous, 03 Oct 2008you try to purchase that iphone from other country lets see... morewhy? do you think your rich if you have this iPhone 3G?
who might have known. baka GSM pa yan. lol
why will i get offended?
i get everything that i want. =)
- H
- Hard Rock
- 2S{
- 03 Oct 2008
It is a good phone, but in India we require almost every feature.
1. Good looks.(It's apple)
2. Touch screen etc. are nice.
3. Supports word,excel,powerpoint (mostly used here).
4. it's an ipod,phone,internet device.
1. No bluetooth file transfer support.
2. Camera can't zoom while taking shots.
3. no SMS,MMS forwarding.
4. Phone is locked with service provider so user can't switch to other providers.
5. no card slot.
6. very hard to make it support pirated music, videos, software.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MJ0
- 03 Oct 2008
wawa16?, 03 Oct 2008can this be used as a modem??No not as a modem but
as a Phone
as an Ipod
as an Internet devece
- w
- wawa16?
- N7$
- 03 Oct 2008
can this be used as a modem??
- ?
- Anonymous
- PxJ
- 03 Oct 2008
This is a great business phone, I have it synced to my companies exchange server.
Calander, contacts and email are exactly the same as my work PC.
I can go through 5000+ work contacts and send text, email or call with one touch.
- t
- therock
- 0ft
- 03 Oct 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970go for the n96
- t
- therock
- 0ft
- 03 Oct 2008
XAVIOR, 03 Oct 2008"it is the revolutionary"??????wtf??? my (_!_) I agree with you that this phone has too much hype and overated. This phone shouldn't even be overprice. I also agree with you that this is not first touchscreen. Iphone users should get the fact straight that there are other touchscreen cel phones before this. Apple got the idea to copy those first touchscreen phones!
I still believe the iphone is in its early stage!
ofcourse 8 yr olds wont like the n95 and other n-series or e-series because they are design more for adults or business people.
Again, Apple should include this equation for the 3rd iphone....missing features + upgraded camera with a powerful led/xenon flash + the large touchscreen and features it already has = one sweet apple..=).
- v
- vee
- v0q
- 03 Oct 2008
not ok than the old model
- ?
- Anonymous
- uS}
- 03 Oct 2008
we buy iphone becouse of its touchscreen
features not the specs we want, theres a lot of application can be found on itune store it will help what you looking for, when you own a iphone you feel famous
samsung, nokia, sony etc..they all common and looks old school very cheap design
- X
- Yfx
- 03 Oct 2008
"it is the revolutionary"??????wtf??? my (_!_)
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 03 Oct 2008
Anonymous, 03 Oct 2008you try to purchase that iphone from other country lets see... moreIn the Philippines, MMS messaging, SMS forwarding, and BT file transfer are very popular features that they use on a phone. It's for amusement purposes more than anything else. Not to mention that Filipinos use their phones as their primary cameras. With that said, they really need to think twice before they spend thousands of pesos on a device that may not serve their needs. In my opinion, the ipod touch would be a better device to buy if you are in the Philippines than the iphone. Then get a phone that has a 5mp camera and a slide out qwerty keyboard for fast texting.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uS}
- 03 Oct 2008
can iphone play mpeg4 video?
- G
- Gary oldman
- nxM
- 03 Oct 2008
this phone rocks
- ?
- Anonymous
- uS}
- 03 Oct 2008
Louie, 02 Oct 2008your absolutely wrong.
in america they have the minimal po... moreyou try to purchase that iphone from other country lets see if you can use it here in phil & will work properly, you the one protesting the price, pls read again my first post..i think you getting offended the word "iphone is for rich people" if you against the iphone dont post here, this is for iphone fanatic, go to the one you own, this is not the right place for you, oki oki
regarding in vertue phone i dont need that if its have 18k gold on it,its cheaper than 24k i owned
- ?
- Anonymous
- mD6
- 03 Oct 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970go for Xperia
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@x
- 02 Oct 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970go for n96
- E
- Ezebit
- PbT
- 02 Oct 2008
Should I buy 16Gb or 8 Gb iphone? I am getting it tomorrow!
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJe
- 02 Oct 2008
One of the features that I really like about the iphone is its visual voicemail.
You do not have to dial your vm #. You just go to the voicemail application. It will show you the list of all your voicemails so you would know right away who left you a vm without even calling your vm #. You can choose which one you want to hear first and skip the other ones for later. It's organized like a songlist. You can even pause it and rewind it by a touch of your finger.
That is one neat feature not found in other phones.