Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • apple fan
  • uba
  • 23 Aug 2008

it is so cool. the internet is so fast, the camera is cool the wallpaper is beautiful, almost every thing is gd!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • S
    • SuS One
    • v0g
    • 23 Aug 2008

    The guys who posted this next section was not researching, I would dare say they are working for apple hehehe.
    You forgot to mention the following under cuts:

    - Fluid UI - That is not the best and always has faults like not flipping the screen when it needs to.
    - Intuitive Touchscreen - Too much info happening on the screen with sliding and clicking, zooming links they always fail.
    - Very Good mp3 player - Hahaha what about the sound quality. Its 10 times better in the ipod itself.
    - VGA screen - Screen display is too bright therefore lcd pixel BURNS!! Im holding one right now lol.
    - Scratch-proof glass display - It will scratch trust me give it time.
    - Very Good Organizer - Whats that no copy and paste functions!!
    - User Friendly UI - Refer to above too many things happening on 1 screen that it always plays up.
    - Lots of SAFE applications that you can download - Yeh pointless apps eg have a glass of beer and light saber lol.
    - The BEST visibility under direct sunlight (better than Nokia) - Yeh its really bright no wonder but wait till you get lcd burns in your beautiful screen.
    - Very fast and easy zooming in and out of images - Oh 1 good thing that has not stuffed up yet!!
    - Screen turns off when you put the phone on your ear and turns on when not - You would hope so!!
    - Allows you to freely navigate to any applications while on a call - Um every phone does that.
    - Full touch qwerty keyboard - Very annoying little buttons that you always have to correct when you press the one next to it by accident. Plus its only good with the index finger so its limited and that means 2 hands always :O
    - Easy syncing of files via itunes - yay what phone cant sync now days.
    - 3.5mm headphone jack - Yay is this a benefit? Of course its a 3.5mm its an I product.
    - Cool, minimalist design - This you can have
    - wifi - Well you would hope so its missing everything else.
    - YouTube Application - YAY cant you just web browse you tube?
    - Push Email - Oooh watch your data usage people.
    - Very Good Weather Application - The news usually is quite sufficient so this is pointless.
    - Lots of Games (tetris, hangman, solitaire, tic tac toe, blackjack, etc) - What phone doesnt?
    - Dictionary application - Cool if you use it.
    - Bible application - Cool if you use it.
    - Currency Converter Application - Yay
    - Stock Market Application - Yay.
    - Selected (not all)Password protected applications (notes, expenses) - Yay you would hope so.
    - Pandora Radio - A special name for a radio is this.
    - Plus more, more, more faults like 2 MP Camera, uuum we are up to 5 are we not? Oh wait no video call Camera!! Oh wait no video recording. Oh gosh Apple the money hungry mob strike again!!
    - Bluetooth - Yay you can connect a headset but you cant share files with your friends.
    - The lack of copy and pasting has really got me stumped.
    - Have we touched on software issues and why after 2 weeks, work friends of mine have had to do full restores on there icraps and even full returns and exchanges because of freezing?

    Wow, it seems like you deliberately missed a lot of the icrap's crap features. I wonder why? LPr

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4TL
      • 23 Aug 2008

      Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970If you do not mind the extra internet access fee of $30 w/ AT & T, go with the iphone. It's marvelous. But if you're planning to get the inlocked iphone, I discourage you in doing that. Get the N96 instead.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • abF
        • 23 Aug 2008

        Anonymous, 23 Aug 2008before the iphone 3g was released i was one of the worst cr... moreGood for you. That's what people need to understand, learn, and realize, that the iphone is not just about specs and features, but really about functionality and performance. The iphone is not out there to be the most feature packed multi-media phone. Its focus is more on effortless use and fluid UI. It is not with its features that you would go "wow", but it's when you start to use it and see how easy it is to operate and to navigate from one app to another, and how responsive and intuitive its touch UI is. That is when you would say WOW to the iphone.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vxp
          • 23 Aug 2008

          before the iphone 3g was released i was one of the worst critic of the the phone however yesterday at the demo of the iphone i got to feel and touch the phone and boy am i impressed with its sleekness. I now appreciate the phone and i now plan to get one hoping and praying that this will be the best phone i will ever have my hands on. by the way,i am planning to buy it here at the business center of globe telecom in our locality.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • jJe
            • 23 Aug 2008

            Sverka, 22 Aug 2008I feel like this guy: moreIphone is still better than other phones even after reading that story. It does switch to EDGE from 3g every once in a while, and it's not really a pain. There's always something to complain about, and antagonists make a big deal out of every small mishap. I've had the iphone 3g for a while now and I am very happy and satisfied with it. I have no problem with other people not liking it, it's just irritating to hear them whine on things that don't really matter a lot, then promote their less than perfect favorite phone.

              • S
              • Sverka
              • mv8
              • 22 Aug 2008

              I feel like this guy:

              Never Apple again. They don't care about their customers.

                • M
                • MiguelAngel
                • Lxx
                • 22 Aug 2008

                with this phone so expensive is not possible
                share files via bluetooth

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • e68
                  • 22 Aug 2008

                  Anonymous, 22 Aug 2008the iphone is way more hyped then any phone on the market a... moreway more hyped you said? Why? What did the iPhone promise that it did not deliver? It does exactly what they say in it's ads and specs. So where is the hype there? It never said that it can transfer files via BT. It never claimed to take videos. It never claimed to have a 5mp camera. So where is the hype that you're talking about?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uNW
                    • 22 Aug 2008

                    Mr Omer .....You can get some iphone webapps from here


                      • J
                      • JMO
                      • kbr
                      • 22 Aug 2008

                      Lol the specs are a little out dated. It does a have a smokin screen but sadly thats not enough...

                        • r
                        • redneck
                        • TgT
                        • 22 Aug 2008

                        cell phone lovers in the Philippines, how well is the iphone 3G doing there?

                          • P
                          • Prince
                          • q}n
                          • 22 Aug 2008

                          I have an iPhone, and my advise, DONT go for it.

                            • a
                            • arush
                            • vGh
                            • 22 Aug 2008

                            this fone in india is 2 expensive keeping in mind its features
                            i dont knw y in india it is selling for rs. 31000 when it is available for 200$ outside india
                            i was thinkin of purchasin it but anything above rs. 15000 is useless to spend on this fone
                            guys go for samsung touch or omnia

                              • h
                              • hari
                              • 2S%
                              • 22 Aug 2008

                              i feel it does not correspond 2 its price{it's features,design basically..}..31000-36000...

                                • p
                                • pearl
                                • vwa
                                • 22 Aug 2008

                                in india itz like $721

                                  • s
                                  • saeedafrIidi
                                  • PDT
                                  • 22 Aug 2008

                                  ohh man its awesome!!!!it jz roxxxxxx!!!!!!
                                  i have never been through such a nice experience b4 using this roxy iphone

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mm{
                                    • 22 Aug 2008

                                    please vote for a man

                                    Black or White??

                                      • r
                                      • ramesh bhojwani
                                      • 2@t
                                      • 22 Aug 2008

                                      so finally the iphone is in india. the price is rs.31000 for 8gb and rs37000for 16gb.however in the usa its price is usd499 or rs22500.infact being shipped from china it should at best be priced at rs22500.also competetion is fast catching up . many a manf are perfecting the touch interface and by the year end we shall have competetion catching should be proactive in their marketing strategy and customers in india are price conscious.
                                      all the best.
                                      warm regards,
                                      ramesh bhojwani

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • uB%
                                        • 22 Aug 2008

                                        It require some modification about software