Apple iPhone 3G

Apple iPhone 3G

User opinions and reviews

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  • "
  • "se23
  • mEk
  • 26 Jul 2008

don't people read the specs or comments on here? U keep asking about the same thing and others keep saying the same thing about Bluetooth & mms. Please we all know the limits and others shouldn't need to ask now!!!!

    • N
    • Noony
    • fvD
    • 26 Jul 2008

    hey, i wanna ask the people who has iphone 3g does it has a bluetooth data transfer, and another question whixh one should i get HTC touch diamond or iphone 3g???thnx

      • B
      • Becca
      • pJ0
      • 26 Jul 2008

      No MMS is bad for a phone. Got the samsung TOCCO and the camera is better and can send MMS. The i phone has great features but i like sending MMS so its not the phone for me. Also a 2MP camera is a bit of a let down compared to the TOCCO which is 5MP.
      Overall i wouldnt recommend but its down to personal choice!

        • c
        • chubby chubby
        • M3s
        • 26 Jul 2008

        i'm loving the new i-phone itz wicked

          • p
          • paul tomlinson
          • M3s
          • 26 Jul 2008

          the new 3g i phone now back in stock at carphone warehouse in Oldham town square.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2Au
            • 26 Jul 2008

            One good thing to come out of all this fuss is the feedback Apple will get from potential customers who are waiting for the v.3 to come out, such as:

            1. Better camera
            2. Video capture
            3. More bluetooth use
            4. Cut & paste out-of-the-box
            5. Other gravy

            Most negative comments are not bashings, but unrealized expectations. But Apple WILL come out with v.3 and I'm looking forward to that.

              • =
              • =D
              • vCL
              • 26 Jul 2008

              mac software
              camera only 2mp
              no blutooth exept for headsets
              the price
              i think its abit flimsy

              theres more i just cbfd

              look this phone is nice but i wouldnt waste money on it!

              i give it a 6.1/2 out of 10

                • k
                • krystia
                • yVg
                • 26 Jul 2008

                Really good hands on approach to a phone feels like a ribbed condom in my hands.

                  • J
                  • John
                  • q2b
                  • 26 Jul 2008

                  is the iphone at&t

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0ft
                    • 26 Jul 2008

                    people people....just buy a pager and use a pay phone...ahhh...the good ol' days in high

                      • b
                      • brynn
                      • nGi
                      • 26 Jul 2008

                      Also it deserves a higher voting score but thats down to others putting it down,,for what the device claims to do and what ive played with it does it superbly

                        • b
                        • brynn
                        • nGi
                        • 26 Jul 2008

                        Altho i am not going to buy i-phone 3g its still worth a look if it meets your requirements and your only getting omnia or xperia for showing off spec,,i went into carfone again to play with this and if your a person fed up with reflections on screen you have to try i-phone plus its so simple but does what it dos so damn well..

                        IF your after what i-phone was built for like web,,music,,video playback plus email and not fussed about video cam then even i reccomend this and if future i-phones incorporate what i want i.e. blutooth file transfer good auto focus cam plus good video recording and the other complaints on here then i too will be in queue next year for i-phone 3...The screen looks like its got decals stuck on it the icons are so lucid,sharp and bright (i have said this before)and colourfull its better than any other screen on a mobile..Lets hope next year things will improve yet again for the rest of us here today complaining about the lack of features we want and we too can join the i-phone revolution.

                        Last thing is if you want this but put off by contract ,hold on its coming on prepay at a reasonable price and if your buying touch i-pod and ready for new phone how can you go wrong with buying this or original i-phone...

                        Thats my input and opinion and its a splendid device,,,,brynn

                          • c
                          • craigy29
                          • uMJ
                          • 26 Jul 2008

                          iPhone 3g:

                          This is one of the best phones I've used. I've had 6 different mobiles over the past 12 months and for my basic needs the iPhone 3g exceeds my expectations.

                          Although I've had other mobiles that had a lot more to offer as in programs and functionality, I do not miss what the iPhone doesn't offer me, as in no MMS/Pic messaging.

                          I thought no MMS would be a let down to me and I was a little hesitant in buying the iPhone 3g because of this, but in all fairness it's other uses exceed beyound this for me.

                          I bought the iPhone 3g because one, I love the fact that its an mobile and an ipod in one, which means one device to carry around, two, it's slim and its stylish and using the internet on it, is really an amazing experience for me.

                          Now I have the white 16gb iPhone 3g, in which I really didn't want as I do like black when it comes to mobile phones, but due to the fact that this iPhone 3g was hard to get when it was first released with Optus and the fact that the prices on ebay were just plain stupid to pay, I managed to get one for the reasonable RRP but only white was available.

                          Now that I have the white, I must admit that I do love it's colour now, it doesn't show finger prints and it looks quiet clean. I have a hard plastic cover protecting it, in which does not make the phone look chunky at all.

                          The iPhone 3g exceeds my expectations for my usuage of a mobile phone and provides me with the benefits and beyound in what I'd be using it for.

                          Now, before buying this product I read alot into to it, I worked out what it offers, what it doesn't offer, I looked at will it provide me with what I need with a mobile phone and if it did and the positives out weighed the negatives, then this phone was for me.

                          I think it's sad that you read this forum and theres people that have left comments before it's release and knew what it offers, only to come back into the forum after purchasing it themselfs to complain that it doesnt do this and it doesnt do that.

                          You know you knew this before buying it, but went out and bought it because of the hype of it, so if your not satisfied with it and think its a waste of money, then you only have yourself to blame for being sucked into it. Clearly you haven't bought it for what you want it for.

                          Enjoy what you have or just change to another product that suits your requirements, it's that simple.

                          My two bobs worth...

                            • n
                            • nikki
                            • q{S
                            • 26 Jul 2008

                            i dont like the white.. the back and the front contrasts too much.. it sucks..ok

                              • i
                              • iphone maker
                              • q{p
                              • 25 Jul 2008

                              Hi, everyone I am Mike and I work for Apple trust me. The iPhone 3G isn't bad at all we are trying to reform it to be a better phone by October should you have any problems please visit a near by apple store and we will workout something for you to enjoy your iPhone!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mSx
                                • 25 Jul 2008

                                Anonymous, 25 Jul 2008Umm... I live in Europe and I got it absolutely legally wit... moreHmm... at
                                it only cost £239.00 = 303 euro

                                  • d
                                  • dave
                                  • k@7
                                  • 25 Jul 2008

                                  even though the apple 3G iphone doesn't do High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSCD) as the review indicates, is it capable of operating over a single CSD connection at the lower original GSM data service channel bandwidth of 9.6 kpbs? Anyone

                                    • a
                                    • arun mehra
                                    • PxX
                                    • 25 Jul 2008

                                    actually i have seen yet dis phone so can't say anything abt it

                                      • n
                                      • nyoman(indonesia)
                                      • wrf
                                      • 25 Jul 2008

                                      for me iphone is new cellphone with old specification..iphone just a toy / fashion ain't worth it to carry at the business meeting..many said that iphone just suit to american't sell outside america then..

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Rxc
                                        • 25 Jul 2008

                                        The best UI hands down.... in a phone with 3 year old specs... tsk tsk. Talk about hubris. Apple is seeing if people will buy into an old phone model on the strength of their UI, OS alone.