Apple iPhone 3G
- ?
- Anonymous
- p$g
- 25 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 24 Jul 2008Hey, if you this phone is bad and as you say it is worse..S... moreUmm... I live in Europe and I got it absolutely legally with no network restrictions for 525 euros.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftb
- 25 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 25 Jul 2008I Love this phone most especially when I'm driving my H3x H... moreIts illegal to use your phone while driving. duh.
- h
- hihi
- ft{
- 25 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 24 Jul 2008Iphone is the most overated phone propably due to apples hy... morehey could you plz tell me for sure whether this mobile has got bluetooth for the transfer of files,music..??
- h
- haha
- ft{
- 25 Jul 2008
hey it is such an amazing mobile with many functions but the sad thing is:it don't have bluetooth!u will have difficulties in sharing pics,videos...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Cj
- 25 Jul 2008
I hate it. Not a multimedia computer!
I love it, really nice to use!
Overall opinion- 5/10
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25 Jul 2008
It is hilarious to see the amount of people that do carry on about features that NOT every one uses. Would you people like to wear the same clothes as everyone, like the same colour, have the same friends, like the same movies etc as everyone else in the whole world?? If not then why is it you have so many issues accepting that people like things for different reasons. Not everyone will agree with you and you wont agree with everyone - does that mean its your god given right to put people down and carry on like a child?? Accept there is a choice for a reason. I do not have an iphone and wont buy one simply because it DOESNT SUIT me. But I am mature enough to realise it DOES suit others and theres nothing wrong with that. Id hate to see some of you if you had a real crisis if you cant even handle a phone you dont like on the market - I mean PLEASE. Grow up.
- ?
- Anonymous
- yVg
- 25 Jul 2008
@ Kim
"On-Screen-Typing is faster than any physical keyboard once you figure out the keyboard set and spelling corrections formatting."
Just no.
That's exactly what they're criticising. The fact that it's got relatively mediocre specs and it's getting such a large amount of hype annoys the people that know better - such as myself.
"Though the phone has competition, noone really cares what other phones there are out there. PEOPLE WILL BUY THE PHONE THAT ARE MOST EASILY ATTAINABLE."
Because the 3 week or so waiting list i've been hearing about is a myth...? The fact that customers need to initiate a billed service that they don't have an iphone to use with at the time of initiation? It's not easily attainable.
"Exclusion of the MMS and copy-and-paste functions are no biggie"
No, they are a biggie.
"No other Phone beats the iPhone in terms of screen size- Size DOES matter"
Because resolution means nothing? Size means nothing if the resolution is too low. There are other handsets with higher resolutions, and therefore, clearer displays.
"and this phone brings it with the best in terms of media - music and video at its finest."
No, it doesn't. It's really, really good with music, but the rest of the media situation is a write-off. You can't capture video and you can't capture proper images. Compare it to an entry-level sony-ericsson handset with a 2 megapixel camera, and the sony-ercisson will absolutely own the iphone in that department.
Please, people, open your eyes and look at some spec sheets before either praising this phone, or bashing the competition. Everything has been done before, and in most cases, better. There's no competition when it comes to the interface - I will not deny that, nor deny that I am a big fan of it, but that is the main differentiating factor.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kxD
- 25 Jul 2008
wow dude it s mac mac cant network fo s*&*
- B
- Bop
- mS%
- 25 Jul 2008
Have any of u guys bought the Iphone 3G
Live i Denmark where u only can buy the phone with binding.
- R
- Ravi
- vGH
- 25 Jul 2008
I'm dying to have this thing in my hand......
- k
- kim
- q{S
- 25 Jul 2008
Its a good feel to this phone. The feel to this phone, including the OS and the interactive multi-touch screen is better than anything on the market right now.
On-Screen-Typing is faster than any physical keyboard once you figure out the keyboard set and spelling corrections formatting.
So, get your hands on an iPhone, Call Quality is great and the feel of the phone is amazing. the MAIN PEOPLE WHO CRITICIZE ANYTHING IS THAT THEY DON'T OWN IT, LOOK AT THE SPECS, AND JUDGE IT RIGHT THERE AND THEN. Though the phone has competition, noone really cares what other phones there are out there. PEOPLE WILL BUY THE PHONE THAT ARE MOST EASILY ATTAINABLE.
iPhone camera works great in nice bright areas- better quality than some cameras at 2.0. though it would suck at night, unfortunately.
Exclusion of the MMS and copy-and-paste functions are no biggie and future apps/ updates may fix this and if you actually USED the iPhone, copy and paste may actually have to be a menu option instead of the on-the-spot C&P-ing.
No other Phone beats the iPhone in terms of screen size- Size DOES matter and this phone brings it with the best in terms of media - music and video at its finest.
BATTERY LIFE--> 5 hours on 3G! - they're not lying, you actually CAN TALK A LOT on this phone if you don't do anything out of the ordinary with maps and other apps (like any other phone). Battery Life is underrated! Though i have the mini charger it comes with- Very Handy and convenient!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 25 Jul 2008I Love this phone most especially when I'm driving my H3x H... moreThis phone is absolutely amazing. It fits nicely in the centre console of my Aston Martin DB9 and my wife loves it because it goes in the console of her Range Rover Sport she just got for her trips to Beverly Hills.
- ?
- Anonymous
- b6k
- 25 Jul 2008
Adam R, 24 Jul 2008I'm interested in getting this phone for a few reasons, I'm... moreI Love this phone most especially when I'm driving my H3x HUMMER Car it is so convenient to use... I would rather buy one more for my wife and use it for our travel in Vegas using our new 750i BMW sedan...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Aj
- 25 Jul 2008
jailbreak is the answer to all!
- J
- Joey I.
- Pvm
- 25 Jul 2008
very nice feel to it, feels cheaper than the 1st gen though.. by the way 2000th reply :D
- K
- KaiNeR
- QYx
- 25 Jul 2008
You have put the OS as 1-.4.10 which is Tiger ??
the iPhone is built from the src's of leopard which is 10.5 but.... the iPhone's os is actually iPhone OS V2.0. so what i would like to know is were did the information come from that states its 10.4.10 tiger ?????
- ?
- Anonymous
- u1P
- 25 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 24 Jul 2008Hey, if you this phone is bad and as you say it is worse..S... morewhy so many people are fighting ? why there are so many wars,why... why....maybe for same reason so many people buy iPhone, mental manipulation.Look, this phone looks good and nobody has the right to blame the owners of it, but we talking here on a mobile phone forum and we talk about mobiles and there options, features, qualities.... Well this mobile has the options of a 19 Euro expensive mobile, the rest of the money goes to style, status and all kind of things like that. So it is and so it will stay minimum till iPhone version3 will come
- p
- photographer
- i8V
- 24 Jul 2008
I wonder why people always criticize irrelevant features of a mobile device such as the iPhone. This ain't no DSLR, it's a phone, that needs imaging capabilities, to help you remember parking locations, your child's outfit when shopping at a busy mall, or just to store a funny memory. The phone has amazing features that beats the competition easily.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jKr
- 24 Jul 2008
Hey, if you this phone is bad and as you say it is worse..So how come still today people staying line for this phone, and when you go you will buy minimum price $850.00 ?
What you guys talking about ?..In Europe this phone 1600.00..I know there is couple of more charged as 30.00 Internet, but still people buying and buying still now...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 24 Jul 2008
This is the worst 3G phone but the best marketing publicity. The only thing unique is just the look. That's all!