Apple iPhone 3GS

Apple iPhone 3GS

User opinions and reviews

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  • j
  • jonny
  • nEk
  • 21 Mar 2010

i accidentally restored and upgraded my unlocked jailbroken iphone 3gs to 3.1.3 by mistake, it was jailbroken at 3.1.2. its not working now, theres so much different programmes to rectify it. heeeellp.. i've even paid 32 quid to an unlock site which is still hasnt solved my problems, tried calling help lines but constant no reply or engaged. think i've been scammed. feeling really down at moment. miss my iphone.. any suggestions.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PGJ
    • 21 Mar 2010

    but by the time iphone hav 5mpx, other phone will reach 13 or 14mpx, then i think those iphone worshiper still can bark, ohhhh 5mpx is enough already and my 5mpx is better than those 15mpx, keep on keep on keep on defending n never admit iphone is worst n late in tech

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • ut7
      • 21 Mar 2010

      Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970COMN man u cant call 3gs a stupid phone it has THE BEST AUDIO QUALITY OF ALL and a good resolution can't expect a gadget as small as a cell phone to give you experiance of a theatre.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ut7
        • 21 Mar 2010

        it should also have hd video recording .

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • ut7
          • 21 Mar 2010

          apple should probably improve on camera functioning and have 5mp or above resolution and a front features are best in class and it really is a great should cut down it's price!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PGJ
            • 21 Mar 2010

            iphoney, 21 Mar 2010To those HD2 Fanboys.. Why won't you post your comments on... moredon be stupid, iphone cant even hav 0.1% chance to win hd2, n u all iphone worshiper rules ONLY in the jurassic period, not in 2010, stop ur day dream

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Qxp
              • 21 Mar 2010

              Phone war lol. The best thing to do is to buy a blackberry for work, buy the iphone for ammusement, buy the hd2 for it's gigantic screen and x10 to see how far android could go. Just buy everything. For me own everything I better. I've already own 2 blackberry (onyx & storm), a. IPod, next move is to buy iphone, hd2 and x10. And probably a nexus one

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • kx$
                • 21 Mar 2010

                I , 21 Mar 2010the first time i saw the hd2 i really want to hammer it int... moreIf Hd2 is ugly then so is the iphone.They are both Candy bar phones.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • kx$
                  • 21 Mar 2010

                  Anonymous, 21 Mar 2010Your hd2 does not take pictures better than my canon dslr c... moreFor the general public who want to take a good picture at the spur of the moment without having to bring their camera everywhere the iphone does not deliver.Htc and Nokia does.You need to get that through your thick head!

                    • I
                    • I
                    • v0q
                    • 21 Mar 2010

                    the first time i saw the hd2 i really want to hammer it into pieces because it is ugly and not worthy to be compared to the 3gs

                      • w
                      • war_machine
                      • v0q
                      • 21 Mar 2010

                      even though i didnt liked the iphone for months this one eally impressed me even it didnt change design i like the design ever since but comparing it with hd2? hd2 is really really ugly iphone does not only have the looks it also has features so i prefer this over the hd2

                        • i
                        • iphoney
                        • vFa
                        • 21 Mar 2010

                        To those HD2 Fanboys..
                        Why won't you post your comments on the HTC-HD2 opinions..
                        I think your in the wrong side of the world..
                        If you don't know where to find it, or you exactly can't read, or just lazy enough or stupid enough, let me show you where it is.
                        On the left side of this page there is HTC below Apple, or shall we say its number 7 from the top starting with Nokia, click and there you will find the HD2 phone, click the phone then below there is the opinion, there you can post everything you want regarding your beloved phone..

                        Stop bragging that your HD2 is perfect or whatsoever..
                        This is the Iphone 3GS page, and WE ALL RULE in here..

                        Okey Dokey?

                          • P
                          • Phony
                          • n{5
                          • 21 Mar 2010

                          Anonymous, 20 Mar 2010Thats because theres to many brainwashed follow the leader ... more Hey Man I once had the same opinion as you until I won an iPhone and had to use it. Would never have bought one, thought the spec's weren't great and that it was way overhyped, after all it didn't do anything that symbian phones/ Sony Walkman phones hadn't been doing for years. But I gotta say, now that I have used it, I'm converted, the experience is unrivalled, the gracefulness of the touch interface is like nothing else out there, the simplicity of the layout is refreshing and the amount of apps available is staggering.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • FJR
                            • 21 Mar 2010

                            High Tech, 21 Mar 2010That's old news.... That issue has been fixed... My HD2 tak... moreYour hd2 does not take pictures better than my canon dslr camera, so quit bragging ok. If you are a photo enthusiast like I am. You will not use a camera phone to take pictures. Ask professional photographers what camera they use when taking shots. Do you see paparazzis carrying smartphones to take photos? Lol. Gosh, you have a cheap taste for photos, lol.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • FJR
                              • 21 Mar 2010

                              High Tech, 21 Mar 2010This skin looks fully customizable (You can create your own... moreSo you love your hd2 ans not the iphone. So? What has that got to do with us that love our iphones as well. Why are you upset that we care less about your hd2? Does it bug you that the iphone is selling better than your hd2? Does it upset you that the iphone is more popular than you hd2? Are you stupid? Lol. Let people buy what they want to buy. Go ahead and buy a dozen hd2's. No one will stop you.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • FJR
                                • 21 Mar 2010

                                SE 2010, 21 Mar 2010No matter how much you keep repeating this it will change n... moreYes, you guys should definitely get over it. We iphone users are on the practical side. We are realistic and cannot be tricked that a 5mp camera on a phone is better than a 5mp standalone camera. We use our iphone practically and realistically. And why would you try or anyone try to change our minds? How disrespectful of you. Just shows what kind of animal you are :) The ipod touch does not have a 3g data plan, it is not carried by any phone company. Don't be silly. When will you ever learn that bt, eternal mem, and full multi tasking are not everyone's top priority on a phone. If bluetoothing is what you all day then that is you. You are not me ok. If you do not like the iphone then don't buy it. Better yet, stay away from it. You have no business here stupid :)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • FJR
                                  • 21 Mar 2010

                                  Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Why carry around other devices? Because I can. Do you even have a car? Lol. I thought you are big on technology, and you only have a smartphone? Lol. Tell me, what do you do with your smartphone? You think your smartphone is good enough to replace computers, laptops, dslr cameras, etc? Can it burn cd's. Does it have digital at optical zoom. Can you download music from limewire, rip music from youtube, can you hook up a keyboard, an external hard drive, a mouse at the same time? Can it play dvd's, rip music from a cd? If it can do all that, and do it better than my laptop then I will buy your hd2, lol.

                                  You said you have multiple big screen tv's, a camera, a laptop, etc. Then which device would you prefer to use in watching movies? Or doing a term paper? Or shooting photos at a special occasion?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • K2E
                                    • 21 Mar 2010

                                    Anonymous, 21 Mar 2010Tap with three fingers. It's accessibility mode for visu... morethank you so much,,, lol i was kinda getting irritated while answering the calls in that mode... thanx again

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 21 Mar 2010

                                      Anonymous, 21 Mar 2010can anyone help me please.... my 3GS home screen is complet... moreHere's more:-

                                      Many iPhone applications let you zoom in and out specific elements. For example, you can double-tap or use the pinch gesture to expand webpage columns in Safari. Zoom is a special accessibility feature that lets you magnify the entire screen of any application you’re using to help you see what’s on the display.

                                      Turn Zoom on or off:
                                      In Settings, choose General > Accessibility > Zoom and tap the Zoom On/Off switch.

                                      NOTE: You cannot use VoiceOver and Zoom at the same time.

                                      Zoom in or out:
                                      Double-tap the screen with three fingers. By default, the screen is magnified by 200 percent. If you manually change the magnification (by using the tap-and-drag gesture, described below), iPhone automatically returns to that magnification when you zoom in by double-tapping with three fingers.

                                      Increase magnification:
                                      With three fingers, tap and drag toward the top of the screen (to increase magnification) or toward the bottom of the screen (to decrease magnification). The tap-and-drag gesture is similar to a double-tap, except you don’t lift your fingers on the second tap—instead, drag your fingers on the screen. Once you start dragging, you can drag with a single finger.

                                      For best results using three-finger gestures, relax and let your fingers touch the screen naturally.

                                      Move around the screen:
                                      When zoomed in, drag or flick the screen with three fingers. Once you start dragging, you can drag with a single finger so that you can see more of the screen. Hold a single finger near the edge of the display to pan to that side of the screen image. Move your finger closer to the edge to pan more quickly. When you open a new screen, Zoom always goes to the top-middle of the screen.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • P%n
                                        • 21 Mar 2010

                                        Anonymous, 21 Mar 2010can anyone help me please.... my 3GS home screen is complet... moreTap with three fingers.

                                        It's accessibility mode for visually impaired people.

                                        You can find it in settings and disable it.