Apple iPhone 4
- i
- iphone
- ibq
- 21 Apr 2010
To find out more, go to
- i
- iphonelover360
- FI@
- 21 Apr 2010
To everyone that's thinking about upgrading or getting this phone please ask yourselfs what in hell is this phone giving me that the current phone doesn't give you. If your looking for memory get a hard drive to put everything in. I work in retail and consumers always tell me that buy a devices that has a lot of memory is harder to keep track of your content. Higher resolution is nice but their doesnt seem to be that much of a difference between this 4g and the nexus one which I'm actually using right now. As for the new camera in the front its cool to have but att doesnt have that kind of network capabilities to handle it both ways and if you use the phone front camera it isn't gonna be better than VGA quality and with that high Res screen your gonna see that really nice pixelation everyone loves oh so much. Lol I honestly thought this phone at first was gonna be the best thing since HD but frankly its pathetic. And for everyone that does buy this phone congratulations you have been riped off. :)
- d
- doll
- 9Lb
- 21 Apr 2010
hi Azn_Oz !
i work for optus too. i'm actually from the sales dapartment and there have been rumors that the iPhone 4G will be released soon. however, these rumors are not yet confirmed. once we have the exact date of the release, i can give you a call and set you up with the best plan available and some additional perks that you will not get from the store.. (*wink wink*)
- J
- James Smith of Bosto
- pae
- 21 Apr 2010
No amoled screen = this will fail. Get a Galaxy S with super amloed
- J
- JP
- P@d
- 21 Apr 2010
I think the new design is really bad the old model looked more high tech. This one's body looks similar to nokia n78 body
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9Lb
- 21 Apr 2010
Azn_Oz, 21 Apr 2010I went to Optus in Brisbane and enquired for a new plan as ... moreheya Mate.
I work for Optus. That is true. iPad is already on its way.
- A
- Azn_Oz
- tAA
- 21 Apr 2010
I went to Optus in Brisbane and enquired for a new plan as my iPhone 3G is about to expire in June 2010. I was told to wait until July as they're releasing the new iPhone 4G. I hope it's true.
- r
- ronics
- 3LX
- 21 Apr 2010
Hi, iphone boys it's just good but
compare it with
SAMSUNG i8520 . . !
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Apr 2010
Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010Never been an apple fan. HTC and Samsung seems to have bett... more... better specs? Well they better! Apple releases a phone once a year. Samsung and HTC release new phones at least once a month so they had better have better specs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Apr 2010
Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010It's a lot of fake advertising too.
They don't tell you ... more"really slow in non 3G areas.."
Well duh they call that Edge!
- w
- warlock
- mTZ
- 21 Apr 2010
Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010It's a lot of fake advertising too.
They don't tell you ... moreFor most people, yes, that would be a concern, but I'm sure you are an intelligent person who does some research before buying a phone right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be on gsmarena.
Every phone has flaws, its up to the person to decide what phone fits his/her needs. As for advertising, who is going to market what their phone cannot do? Isn't that rather silly and sort of against the point of advertising? Lastly, take a look at some other smartphone ads, and you will probably see some amazing things too which that phone cannot do. Its just that no noise was made against them that's all.
Lastly, a quick Google search will also reveal that Samsung also had a couple of misleading ads. Seriously though, is that the basis one should take to not buy it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- pqB
- 21 Apr 2010
warlock, 21 Apr 2010Interesting, but I don't obsess on what a phone can't do, r... moreIt's a lot of fake advertising too.
They don't tell you you can't use blutetooth
they don't tell you you can't transfer files without iTunes
they don't tell you how slow it gets if you keep installing/uninstalling
they claim the battery is great???!?!?!!
or about the really really slow internet speeds it has in non 3G areas.
And all commercials are fake and computer generated to leave the impression that it's faster than it actually is...
Apple is deliberately misinforming people
- a
- apppppple
- 21 Apr 2010
hey guys anone know if iphone 4g is going to come to australia anytime soon?
- w
- warlock
- mTZ
- 21 Apr 2010
[deleted post]Interesting, but I don't obsess on what a phone can't do, rather, when choosing a phone, I choose what it can do, and for me, the iPhone does all that I want it to. If I find a phone that will fit my needs better, I will definitely go with that. Before the iPhone came along, I was a big Sony Ericsson fan for example.
If it doesn't do what you want it to, I suggest that you buy another phone. I find it funny though, this phenomena of people trying so hard to get other people to hate the iPhone. Its as if they are unhappy to just enjoy their Samsung/HTC etc LOL.
- i
- it's real. read this
- PMa
- 21 Apr 2010
it's been confirmed by apple it's real...
please read the letter
- w
- warlock
- mTZ
- 21 Apr 2010
Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010Never been an apple fan. HTC and Samsung seems to have bett... moreSo far, anyone who I have met who don't like iPhone tend to use specs as their basis.
True, iPhone is not for everyone, but for a few of my friends who have actually used the iPhone, so far they have changed their mind, and at least understand that what makes the iPhone popular is not the specs, but the 'experience'.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qPA
- 21 Apr 2010
- w
- warlock
- mTZ
- 21 Apr 2010
Hep, 20 Apr 2010Please, GSMArena do not bet your reputation with publish so... moreIt's kind of been proven to be fact, not rumour. We can pretty much expect this to be the new iPhone. Personally, I think I like it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s{K
- 21 Apr 2010
Never been an apple fan. HTC and Samsung seems to have better specs. This 4G should be interesting to see when released. No more hype and marketing ploys. I am forecasting my next phone....