Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Darsh
  • Tr8
  • 27 May 2011

Hi guys, can u tell me whether i can do video chat using skype and yahoo messenger with the front camera. and how is the front camera. is it a good one.

Also how is the battery life for this fone.

and i am confused between the iphone 4 and samsung galaxy s 2????

    • c
    • chugssss
    • v0q
    • 27 May 2011

    no radio?no java? what?!

      • p
      • pandu
      • utN
      • 27 May 2011

      i really like ths phone.... ios frmware is very fast in ths A4 cipset for accuracy maintaining i love iphone 4g

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3Yb
        • 26 May 2011

        Anonymous, 26 May 2011Whoever you are...I like your comments as you don't seem to... moreThanks, appreciate the comment. For me it's simple, have your opinion, let others have theirs, use more nice words and less bad words. Lastly, stay honest.

        Believe me, I have disagreed with a lot of people on these comments section, but the above always helps me get my point across, without disrespecting another person's view.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3pH
          • 26 May 2011

          Anonymous, 26 May 2011Not everyone is going to be happy with the phone. Perhaps i... moreWhoever you are...I like your comments as you don't seem to be biased! Either way, what you say is true but what I don't understand is people think Iphone is the best! Believe it or not I am NOT a fan nor a hater of Apple, however Apple do make good apps for the phone and scores highly on this but again without being biased, Apple don't make a good phone! A great portable mini computer that doesn't do the basics compared to others! ie Call dropping...battery life etc! Being honest and fair!

            • Q
            • Questionzzzzzzz
            • KIg
            • 26 May 2011

            Can anyone tell me what phone is the best Apple ipnone4 or HTC Desire Z ?????

              • M
              • Mars
              • RNQ
              • 26 May 2011

              Tolido, 26 May 2011It's NOT funny thing at all It is Actually THE BEST Phone i... moreOnly the best phone without the best

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3Yb
                • 26 May 2011

                nick, 26 May 2011I like the iphone. it is a powerful piece of kit and has go... moreLikewise, no matter how much more powerful the SGS 2 is, some will still prefer the iPhone 4 or 5. Who are these people? Maybe those who don't value power over all else. Have you seen how many music apps are on the iPhone?

                Closed system. Yup you heard me right. The argument is beginning to turn and people are realizing that closed (or semi closed) systems may be the way to go. You might disagree but even Android has made some moves which raised a few eyebrows lately.

                Games. Android phones are powerful no doubt, but gaming wise iOS is still tops. Android may catch up, and soon too, but that day is not yet here.

                Lastly, because I like it. It's a free world. You like Android? Good for you. I like iPhone, do you have to convert me? Enjoy your SGS2, and let me enjoy my iPhone (which I have immensely, for almost a year).

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Yb
                  • 26 May 2011

                  Jay, 26 May 2011it is possible with even nokia phones tooYup it's available on many phones in fact. The point is to choose what is best for you. You are going to choose based on your preference correct? And I choose based on mine. Choose what's best for you not what others tell you to.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3Yb
                    • 26 May 2011

                    [deleted post]Personal hotspot performance is superb on mine. It is also dependent on network speed so that may be the problem.

                      • J
                      • Jay
                      • vw6
                      • 26 May 2011

                      Anonymous, 26 May 2011Yes, the phone can act as a Personal Hotspot and share its ... moreit is possible with even nokia phones too

                        • p
                        • pr
                        • vIw
                        • 26 May 2011

                        Anonymous, 25 May 2011when iphone4 will launch in INDIAits launched today(26.05.2011) and it's available in all nearest univercell shops. superb phone. i love it.

                          • r
                          • raj
                          • 2A4
                          • 26 May 2011

                          its lunching on mid night of 26th june....

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mTW
                            • 26 May 2011

                            nick, 26 May 2011I like the iphone. it is a powerful piece of kit and has go... moreThat's the strange thing, I disagree with you, because I prefer that Apple controls its products. It has resulted in a very unified product. For example, when it comes to gaming, developers have to take into account the weakest product, so that games can run on as many devices as possible. This has led to weaker game selection on Android, due to fragmentation. The SGS2 is immensely powerful, but without great games for example, what is the point of the power.

                            Like I said earlier, for someone who prefers to tinker, and maybe squeeze every ounce of performance out of a phone, iPhone may not be suitable. Then again, even without jailbreaking my iPhone, I do an amazing amount of things with it (including phone calls lol).

                            I know I go on about this, but I love for example, that I can play my electric guitar with multiple amps, using Amplitube. Gaming on iPhone is shocking in its quality, Dead Space, Infinity Blade.

                            I for one, prefer to use what serves me the best. At the moment, the iPhone gives me a great combination of reliability, a huge selection of quality games, and (in my case) phone calls.

                            *It is interesting to note that Google is starting to make moves that mimic a "closed system" as you call it. In my opinion, this open system/closed system is really overblown. Both actually have its pros and cons, and one should aim at something in between, not totally open, neither totally closed, but that's just my opinion.

                              • n
                              • nick
                              • nxw
                              • 26 May 2011

                              Anonymous, 26 May 2011Not everyone is going to be happy with the phone. Perhaps i... moreI like the iphone. it is a powerful piece of kit and has good hardware, but as a mobile phone, it doesnt really perform. You just have to think that if Apple changed its policy on controlling it and opening up its potential, it could have been fantastic.

                              However great the iphone 5 might be, I cant see it being better than the SGS II. Will be interesting to see how Steve Jobs tries to slag it off

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 3Yb
                                • 26 May 2011

                                [deleted post]Not everyone is going to be happy with the phone. Perhaps it's not suitable for you. Maybe you should get an alternative like Android, or perhaps wait for the next iPhone which should be pretty awesome.

                                The 'controlling' comment indicates you would prefer the Android route, however this isn't without it's negative side either.

                                Make an evaluation and choose what serves you best.

                                  • n
                                  • nurul
                                  • Hxe
                                  • 26 May 2011

                                  i already bought white iphone last's really nice phone and i love it very much....
                                  it's very expensive phone in the market but i still like it..and other problem is battery lifetime..only 1 day for me...maybe it's normal...i don't know.
                                  depends on people..everything i need, iphone can give need to blame anyone..just enjoy technology...

                                    • T
                                    • Tolido
                                    • fw6
                                    • 26 May 2011

                                    Jonny, 26 May 2011The funny thing is people actually think this is the best p... moreIt's NOT funny thing at all It is Actually THE BEST Phone in the World Now.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • u14
                                      • 26 May 2011

                                      Anonymous, 25 May 2011when iphone4 will launch in INDIAmay 26

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mTW
                                        • 26 May 2011

                                        SEBASTIAN, 25 May 2011this mobile is avalaible as a modem ??Yes, the phone can act as a Personal Hotspot and share its 3G internet connection via wifi with other wifi enabled devices.