Apple iPhone 4
- a
- anonymous
- 17 Dec 2010
funny comments.. i want iphone 4. :)
- f
- frankie
- PWa
- 17 Dec 2010
ipad sucks, iphone 4 same only battery are good
- ?
- Anonymous
- f31
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010It matters because Apple will still be there to offer suppo... moreOh so now the issue is, will the manufacturer be there to support the phone. Man, you, 4x4sucks and iphoned4u2asswipe are one and the same. You all have Anal Personality Disorder
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- Anonymous
- YgC
- 17 Dec 2010
This is the standard of all smartphones.
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- Anonymous
- P%n
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010Can the iPhone 4 record like that? You decide:- http:... morePretty good, I wonder why that other clip isn't 720p, maybe that X10 guy needs to update to 2.1 or something.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w0Q
- 17 Dec 2010
guys i just wanna ask if the battery life of your iphone only lasts for 18 hours? mine does, and i'm so disappointed. ugh!
- ?
- Anonymous
- va9
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010Can the iphone4g record video like this?1 Don't think so, d... moreCan the iPhone 4 record like that?
You decide:-
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- Anonymous
- qTs
- 17 Dec 2010
In2007, Nokia N95 8gb is already released 5 mega pixel, tv output, already 3g phone and can capability of using VIDEO CALLING by using FRING with out using WIFI on At&t. Apple is out dated and they think they are so advanced in technology. NOKIA RULES!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010It doesn't have a touchscreen, the web browser is u mean to say thay in 3yrs all apple could do is make a good web browser and a touch screen and some silly games for kids lol....
.u urself now prove how pathetic the iphone is
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010I have Nokia N95 8gb and it came cameout and release on 200... moreIt doesn't have a touchscreen, the web browser is crap.
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- Anonymous
- P%n
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010I had a 3GS. Great phone. I have a Macbook Pro. Best laptop... moreIt matters because Apple will still be there to offer support.
Anyone remember Siemens phones, Phillips or other brands that just vanished, Motorola even came close, they just shut down shop and pull out of countries, leaving phone owners with a nightmare dealing with warranty issues..
- j
- joe
- Trm
- 17 Dec 2010
Apple 4 is great.awesome
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEA
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010kind of boring phone there are 4 of them...and they look... moreThat's reason why I didn't change mine 3GS for 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3b
- 17 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 17 Dec 2010Apple got to be a 300 billion dollar company thanks to the ... moreI had a 3GS. Great phone. I have a Macbook Pro. Best laptop pc out there. But when twerps with no social skills come here and waffle on about how much money Apple has and it is the only thing that matters to them so they feel it should be the only thing that matters to anyone else, well that is when I want to spit blood. Apple made their fortune by innovation. You think they only got where they were because of the iphone, you have clearly lost the plot. Can you actually name any other Apple products?
You probably one of those people that think Paris Hilton is a talented actress
- m
- mrs bean
- Kx@
- 17 Dec 2010
the problem not only on apple alone.
apple make simple phone n market it as a high end phone with very good marketing stategy + a lot of beautiful ad n packaging to brainwash ifan n tell the whole world they invent this n invent that, actually they just copy other hp spec. that why iphone is outdated. PROOF-look at their profit margin. As i said, ifan is the main contributor to their profit but REMEMBER ifan dont own apple. So pls, dont tell us how big is apple 300bil company n so on. We r n jealos but when u really want to do charity pls donate to the people who need it not greedy company.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 17 Dec 2010
JJs4 and 4s4x are the same person writting the same bs again and again.......
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- Anonymous
- JJs
- 17 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Apple got to be a 300 billion dollar company thanks to the iphone,it is the best tech company out there, made billions for the shareholders, made tens of millions of satisfied customers with the iPhone that is what matters on this forum
The billions of people like you say that do not care do not belong here
And you as well
What bothers you is the success of the iPhone, difficult to tolerate right ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- qTs
- 17 Dec 2010
I have Nokia N95 8gb and it came cameout and release on 2007. Its a 3g phone already. I was been using VIDEO CALLING with my friends WITHOUT WIFI, by using the application called FRING. It works very well on At&t. It has already 5 mega pixell. It also have tv out connector. Apple came so late and behind. Apple think they are so advance.........
- ?
- Anonymous
- Khs
- 17 Dec 2010
kind of boring phone
there are 4 of them...and they look the same
- k
- kickjjk
- tUs
- 17 Dec 2010
will iphone satisfy , 16 Dec 2010Guys I've planed for buy an iPhone4
but there are so many... moreno its a very good phone
its is surely dependant on itunes
but its ur choice wheather u want to sync it
and you can jailbreak your iphone 4 to get all paid apps for free!!!!!!!!
hope this helps :)