Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3xL
  • 15 Nov 2010

As usual, haters keeping interest high for iPhone 4. Galaxy S already yesterdays news, yet the owners still here supporting iPhone! Poor Samsung, with fans like these who needs haters lol.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • uEA
    • 15 Nov 2010

    iphone4ing, 15 Nov 2010The real signal bar algorithm change in 4.1 is fanastic, ev... moreThe iPhone 4 SAR rating for voice calls is 1.17 watts per kilogram.
    Anyway that WAS the value before boosting.
    And now???
    How much is now? 1,6..1,8?
    Now I know, and I'm wondering no more, why you talking nonsense.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3xL
      • 15 Nov 2010

      Survey shows that a third of Android phone owners want an iPhone. Check it.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • P%B
        • 15 Nov 2010

        star, 15 Nov 2010i think the reasons for Apple ’s failure with the iPhone4 a... morelol.. another cut and paste... come onnn i thought iphones users were the zombies around here??? apparently not...

        so strange its still regarded as top 3 or higher in most independent review sites on the net..
        tell me u own the ip4?? u ever even used it?
        never had issues with dropped calls, dropped bars..death grips whatever...
        again, ive owned over 10 different highend smartphones in the last 18mths and never never had any issues with the ip4... i actually never thought id own a iphone, i saw how many people had them and i didnt like the 3g at all. i apprehensively went out and bought the ip4 and love most things about it expect apples limitations on everything.
        i do consider it more of a feature phone because of this but in my mind is the closet thing to a perfect phone i have owned
        i love my htc desire aswell because its just more versitile but like with most phones many features are selling points, gimmicks that in the real world rarely get used.. and if i had to pick, as i said before.. id pick the just does everything so well
        so strange that someone elses opinion can differ so much...especially from someone thats never even owned it

        thing is bro, if youve never owned the iphone4... i will quote u now ' which is disappointing to anyone capable of critical thinking'....
        just makes you as bad of the rest of them huh?

          • K
          • Kaye Coles
          • Fv4
          • 15 Nov 2010

          iphone4ing, 15 Nov 2010The real signal bar algorithm change in 4.1 is fanastic, ev... moreOh and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you're tagline is incorrect. There is MASSIVE coverage issues with the I-phone 4. rofl

            • M
            • Mamani Mohammed
            • N7A
            • 15 Nov 2010

            the Apple iPhone 4 is a very great phone and it is worth its price tag. The only thing is that they would have to work on their gaming experience.

              • i
              • iPhone FANATIC iWack
              • Ike
              • 15 Nov 2010

              lol, i thought iphone 4 was a good phone then why is it rated an average of 6.5? and low daily interest. Come on gsmarena raise the rating for this iPhone poor i mean four fans.

                • i
                • iphone4ing
                • PUr
                • 15 Nov 2010

                The real signal bar algorithm change in 4.1 is fanastic, even in low signal areas i'm getting nearly full bars. Meaning they increased the amplification Waveform boosting to release more power to it.That was said in an Apple Forum but this guy that knows stuff.

                -posted from my iphone4 held incorrectly with a bumper case squeezing the case very hard at the weak spot proving a point any talk of dropping signal is all lie

                  • s
                  • star
                  • Kx$
                  • 15 Nov 2010

                  i think the reasons for Apple ’s failure with the iPhone4 are complex and unseparable from the
                  company ’s success among consumers. They prioritized looks (which made them popular) and
                  as a result had to compromise function. The
                  antenna design allows for a slimmer device,
                  however exposing it to the bare touch makes
                  reception a lot more vulnerable to interference
                  during normal use than for any other phone. Most of Apple ’s customers value their philosophy (form before function) and therefore will be
                  content with a cosmetic solution such as
                  changing the signal bar algorithm. Apple rely on
                  their fans ’ shallowness, and thus react as they did — which is disappointing to anyone capable of critical thinking.
                  The opposite to denial and cosmetic solutions — to take measures and fix the technical issue — would have to start with admitting that they
                  made a mistake. For a company that heavily relies
                  on a religious fan base, that would be a very hard
                  step which they chose not to take.
                  So, to answer briefly, they screwed up in all ways
                  possible, but they stayed true to themselves … and to their profits.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3xL
                    • 15 Nov 2010

                    Two hot games to look out for on iPhone:

                    1. Infinity Blade (Unreal 3 Engine)
                    2. Mutant Bash TV (Rage Engine)

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3xL
                      • 15 Nov 2010

                      Woo if iPhone comes to Verizon, Androids gonna be smashed by the double hammer that is iPhone and WP7.

                        • R
                        • Raj,India,Bangalore
                        • vGM
                        • 15 Nov 2010

                        Its an amazing phone I had ever experienced.
                        The built quality & its performance is superb.
                        Its worth to buy at that price.
                        Iam happy with the phone.

                          • A
                          • Allan
                          • q{S
                          • 15 Nov 2010

                          Anonymous, 15 Nov 2010try contacting EA Games, they usually have support info on ... moreThanks I'll check it out.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PBc
                            • 15 Nov 2010

                            Anonymous, 15 Nov 2010I downloaded need for speed and it was really fast at first... moretry contacting EA Games, they usually have support info on iTunes store.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Ydg
                              • 15 Nov 2010

                              Btw I paid for the full game

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Ydg
                                • 15 Nov 2010

                                I downloaded need for speed and it was really fast at first now it's really slow and I cant figure out how to speed up??? What's going on??

                                  • m
                                  • manfree
                                  • S65
                                  • 15 Nov 2010

                                  I don't understand why people are tangled with selling numbers and shipings...?
                                  Also why are people arguing because of witch is the best device?Every new phone such as iphone or galaxy s is good for different reasons for everyone and phones are supposed to bring people closer...
                                  Lastly why sould someone love or hate a phone when he just can use it...?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • k2n
                                    • 14 Nov 2010

                                    Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010It took Samsung 10 years to add cameras to their phones... ... moreNo it didn't.
                                    source : wiki

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 14 Nov 2010

                                      careem sri lanka, 14 Nov 2010im using i phone 4 for gaming and for normal use and nokia... moreI'm using my iPhone 4 for everything and a Nokia 6300 as a second phone, it's one of Nokia's best, sales figures don't lie.

                                      It can only receive small files by bluetooth thanks to the dumbest "receive files as a message" idea from Nokia.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • P%n
                                        • 14 Nov 2010

                                        Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Yes but, it took APPLE over two YEARS for gps to be includ... moreIt took Samsung 10 years to add cameras to their phones...

                                        ...your point?