Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010No he's talking about the GPS that still does not work in G... moreYes but, it took APPLE over two YEARS for gps to be included on their iphones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010You mean APPLE need to know where you are?No he's talking about the GPS that still does not work in Galaxy S to this day.
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Well if screen size is important to you then get a HTC Desi... moreYou mean APPLE need to know where you are?
- c
- careem sri lanka
- nxB
- 14 Nov 2010
im using i phone 4 for gaming and for normal use and nokia n8 for pictures ans other thigs lol ...dont wast your energy just for thigs like dis educated fools
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Well if screen size is important to you then get a HTC Desire HD.
I'll stick with an iPhone 4.
I like my GPS to know where I am.
- b
- bhvi
- vGx
- 14 Nov 2010
Cool, 14 Nov 2010Does Iphone4 supports WMV. MP4 and and other video and audi... moreyup it does
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010agree with u somewhat but its not the technology its more a... moreAll clear, understand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010My point is that's a over price smartphone, & for that ... moreagree with u somewhat but its not the technology its more about apples limitaions on their products.
next time though just say what u mean
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010yep fastest os on the the reviews, enough sai... moreMy point is that's a over price smartphone, & for that price Apple needed to step up on their game & give their customers better technologies for that price.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010The fastest phone on the market?
You are living in lala l... moreyep fastest os on the the reviews, enough said.
i did not say best louderspeaker... but its better than the galaxy S 'feeble loudspeaker' quoted from gsmareana
i gotta say though after reading the 'poor loud- speaker' in the disadvantages part it was much better than i expected, a fair bit louder and chrisper than my htc desire which in the gsma review is stated as very good and probably better than half of the other smartphones ive owned over the last 18mths
so youve obviously used the phone right? or u just grabbing quotes like 99% of the people around here?
here quote and google this 'critical thinking'...
another guy used it before... tell me what it means again??
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Apple could never do what the N8 does. The N8 offers free ... moreThis is a must have for all symbian touch screen smartphones.
I have this on my c6 that's been given to me by nokia, and it's working great.
Apple will never give their customers anything for free.
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010i actually considered the galaxy S, but was let down by the... moreThe fastest phone on the market?
You are living in lala land.
best loudspeaker?
The iphones don't have stereo speaker at all = worst speaker on any smartphone.
Just read the main disadvantage on the gsmarena review.
- C
- Cool
- Let
- 14 Nov 2010
Does Iphone4 supports WMV. MP4 and and other video and audio types?
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010How come I can't put it on my 6300? That's a Nokia phone... moreYou are all saying that nokia will die but, they'd stay'd the test of time and still manage to stay on top.
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- Anonymous
- fpu
- 14 Nov 2010
thank you
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Just put your Galaxy S next to a HTC Desire HD, so long Samsung hope you enjoyed your short stay at the top, crippled GPS, Froyo half baked and not rolled out, a pitiful 2GB of space for Apps, it would barely hold my iPhone 4's GPS software (Metroview $25 a bargain for Australia and New Zealand).
iPhone is timeless for a year, it's not overtaken by the next big thing in a couple of months.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]i actually considered the galaxy S, but was let down by the sheer size of it, its platic body and honestly the screen wasnt as impressive as i thought it would be after reading so many good things about it.. yeah the galaxy s is an awesome phone but personally id rather a smaller, better built phone with a camera flash and better loudspeaker.
wat a shame retina display(only 3.5") side by side u can realize how super amoled(wow 4") blow cripple's fake retina away... Might be bigger but not better, makes the galaxy S too large in my opinion too...At 640 x 960 pixels the ip4 has almost 1/3 more screen resolution than the next best screen display on the market.
wat a shame A4 completely beg for mercy when it meet galaxy s 1g processor..ur dreaming, apple ip4 is the fastest phone on the market with absolutely no lag.. any review will tell u the same.
wat a shame cripple wifi videocall while my ultimate can throw away wifi to make videocall without relying it.. guess what? ip4 can make video calls on 3g..yes 3g.. do ur homework
when talking bout internet browsing, just sorry i can say to cripple4, where is ur adobe flash 10.1, so cripple, u cant but i can. flash can easily swallow crapple alive.. got me, but couldnt care less, i also own the htc desire (with flash) and i do not even notice not having flash support on the ip4... its internet on a mobile phone,who really cares.. i'll use my laptop for extended internet usage.
peace bro
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 14 Nov 2010
con artist, 14 Nov 2010i think the reasons for Apple ’s failure with the iPhone4 a... moreFailure?
What are you smoking?
The iPhone 4 sold TWICE as many as it's nearest rival, the Samsung Galaxy S.
Apple still can't supply enough of them to keep up with demand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Iax
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010to hell with that pathetic co. n their even more pathetic r... moreI think I've seen enough of those comparisons on youtube and frankly speaking in most of the unbiased comparisons the Iphone 4 triumphs.
Look here folks! yes some people had experienced problems with the antenna but it's not everybody. My girlfriend owns the Iphone 4, I own the the HTC Desire had the N97 before but am the one who struggles for signal yet we both on the same network "Orange"
There's a lot to like about about Iphone/Apple but the one thing that kinda stands out for me is they do not conform to your so called standards. They added multitasking but not in the way everybody else wants it yet it works for them. Nokia and their way of multi tasking somehow chokes up the phones. I know so coz I owned the the N97 and I done everything possible to it make it run properly including advise from the likes of "psychomania" and others over at Nokia discussions.
The Iphone 4 does everything that a smartphone is meant to do and does it with a bit more style.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010in a way u r contradicting your own statements as u earlier... morei dont get it... why does it bother u so much, its eating at u.. as u said its 'ridiculous' if u really think that then whys it get at u so bad? laugh about it and forget it.. have comfort in the phone u own knowing it simply cant be true
and if it eats at u so much go contact gsma if u think its so bogus, start an anti-apple rally... something, anything cas u obviously got too much time on ur hands