Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010I did not say it is true. I merely pointed out that it woul... morein a way u r contradicting your own statements as u earlier said its reliable n now u r saying it ain't true??n yeah regarding logic,use it first for yourself that how could you even compare some companies infact BIG companies ALLsmartphones against other company 1 phone or 2phones,thats ridiculous!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]I did not say it is true. I merely pointed out that it would go against a warranty company to say an unreliable phone is reliable. This would apply to all phones, Apple or not.
In this case, I was merely showing how you could use logic to come to a certain conclusion, but it may have proven too much for you to handle.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Ah ok got it, when a report comes out that doesn't suit you... morejust the same way how now u think that this report is true becoz it suits
Think again what i have written.
Either compare all big co . Flagship phones against each other or compare each co. Against other in terms of reliability.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3sE
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Rarely comment, but I must say, your posts are very offensive, repetitive and boring. It is a shame that you have not been banned. I will personally report you to gsmarena.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010to hell with that pathetic co. n their even more pathetic r... moreAh ok got it, when a report comes out that doesn't suit you, then to hell with the company. Very objective lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Report was done by a company that does warranty on smartpho... moreto hell with that pathetic co. n their even more pathetic report,comparing iphon4 n 3gs against all other smartphone manufacturers including some giants like nokia and samsung.thats complete BS.Had they compard nokia or samsung against apple then i would hav agreed totally or even they could hav done this way for eg htc desire vs iphone vs wave vs galaxy s vs n8,that would have made perfect sense...such a sponsered report featuring 2 apple phones against all smartphones from nokia/samsung and catogorizing them as 'others'.
Thats complete nonsense.
- A
- 3EH
- 14 Nov 2010
I phone 4 is one of best cell i have ever seen.
if any one wanna buy the best cell phone just go for iphone4.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
con artist, 14 Nov 2010i think the reasons for Apple ’s failure with the iPhone4 a... morething is bro, if youve never owned the iphone4... i will quote u now ' which is disappointing to anyone capable of critical thinking'....
just makes you as bad of the rest of them huh?
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
con artist, 14 Nov 2010i think the reasons for Apple ’s failure with the iPhone4 a... moreso strange its still regarded as top 3 or higher in most independent review sites on the net..
tell me u own the ip4?? u ever even used it?
never had issues with dropped calls, dropped bars..death grips whatever...
again, ive owned over 10 different highend smartphones in the last 18mths and never never had any issues with the ip4... i actually never thought id own a iphone, i saw how many people had them and i didnt like the 3g at all. i apprehensively went out and bought the ip4 and love most things about it expect apples limitations on everything.
i do consider it more of a feature phone because of this but in my mind is the closet thing to a perfect phone i have owned
i love my htc desire aswell because its just more versitile but like with most phones many features are selling points, gimmicks that in the real world rarely get used.. and if i had to pick, as i said before.. id pick the just does everything so well
so strange that someone elses opinion can differ so much...especially from someone thats never even owned it
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]and still the most reliable phone ive ever owned.. doesnt say much for other phones i guess huh
- c
- con artist
- Kx%
- 14 Nov 2010
i think the reasons for Apple ’s failure with the iPhone4 are complex and unseparable from the
company ’s success among consumers. They prioritized looks (which made them popular) and
as a result had to compromise function. The
antenna design allows for a slimmer device,
however exposing it to the bare touch makes
reception a lot more vulnerable to interference
during normal use than for any other phone. Most of Apple ’s customers value their philosophy (form before function) and therefore will be
content with a cosmetic solution such as
changing the signal bar algorithm. Apple rely on
their fans ’ shallowness, and thus react as they did — which is disappointing to anyone capable of critical thinking.
The opposite to denial and cosmetic solutions — to take measures and fix the technical issue — would have to start with admitting that they
made a mistake. For a company that heavily relies
on a religious fan base, that would be a very hard
step which they chose not to take.
So, to answer briefly, they screwed up in all ways
possible, but they stayed true to themselves … and to their profits.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010if u r talking about that bs report posted clearly seems an... more why u in here? i dont understand??? u got no interest in buying the ip4 so why u here?
too much spare time on ur hands...
fact is u see the news and u cry... get over it...seriously, wanna tissue??
why would any company provide warranty on a phone with such apparrent flaws??? it would be suicide
ive owed the ip4 for over 4mths now and over the last 18mths or so ive owned about 10 highend smartphones from htc, lg, moto, nokia to se and this is the first phone which i have not had any issues with...none.
so u can say what u want, whatever makes u feel better, dont bother me. from my own experience with the phone and looking at most mobile review sites on the net, regard the ip4 as one of the best smartphones on the market.(so many review sites compare other phones to the ip4..why is that??) i actually now own the htc desire and the ip4 and in all honesty if i had, had had to deside on one id keep it would be the ip4
get over it.. move on, im sure u got better ways to waste ur time
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010if u r talking about that bs report posted clearly seems an... moreReport was done by a company that does warranty on smartphones. If they recommended a phone that was unreliable, as reliable, they would kill themselves in the process. That's why their report would be more unbiased than the usual reports.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}5
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010low tech phone touted as the most reliable high end smartph... moreif u r talking about that bs report posted clearly seems another marketting gimick by apple to sell their iphone.just wonder how 2 of the worlds biggest manufacturers ie nokia and samsung were put in 'others' list and also how both 3GS and the iphone4 were put through a comparison is lame!also the iphone is not even 6month old so how can u judge it in means of reliability???a reliability test is done on an annual basis.
Posts like those indicate how apple buy media to hide their flaws
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 14 Nov 2010
iOS is currently the best OS offering on the market. However, not everyone likes it. As an alternative though, it would be advisable to go maybe with WP7 or even Symbian, as Android has been found with severe security flaws.
359 flaws were discovered, with 88 being classified as high risk. This is very dangerous. Until these are patched, it may be advisable to go with alternative smartphones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%B
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]low tech phone touted as the most reliable high end smartphone on the market and ranks top 3 or higher on most mobile review sites on the net
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Score here do not mean anything the real army are the peopl... moreDont you really
think the millions of iphone
users who more than likely
dont have Apple shares really
give a rats arse about what the
company is worth??? but just you will go on and on and on
about it like a godamn stuck
- ?
- Anonymous
- qN8
- 14 Nov 2010
Apple could never do what the N8 does. The N8 offers free hotspot through Joiku, a better camera, all the important apps, and with the SBP shell the same pretty interface. Check it out...
- A
- Allan
- q{S
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010Yes it can and the native way, not a desperate cumbersome c... moreAre you sure.For example at 8:53 in that video where the home screens spin or what about swipe texting.Back up what you are saying with a link or a you tube clip.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4s4
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Score here do not mean anything the real army are the people on the stock market,
first thing to remember every morning as you wake up is that Apple is a
$ 300 billion company second only to Exxon and the Iphone is 40% of the business