Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • P
  • Partha
  • Pxx
  • 12 Oct 2010

iPhone 4 is not available in my country,which phone is the closest to the iPhone 4. I shall buy that. Please tell me guys,which phone can atleast compete with iPhone 4. I like iPhone 4 though :(

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PWa
    • 12 Oct 2010

    ordering iPhone 4 takes about a month...cant wait to get my friends fetched it from Singapore. Hope it goes well enough for the final decision bt Galaxy S and this.

      • P
      • Partha
      • Pxx
      • 12 Oct 2010

      jimmy, 12 Oct 2010yyyeaaaa just bought the iphone4 today...was stuck between ... moreCongratz.u seem super excited,but if you can spare some time,plz reply to my questions. After jailbreak can you send and receive data over any bluetooth phone? Do you still have to be depended on iTunes? Will I have to provide credit card details to buy apps. I am in a country where we don't have authorised online warranty provided and no authorised service centres.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3xL
        • 12 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010heyy.... how can i cut my normal sim to micro sim to be us... moreGoogle and you will find a few good guides. The best approach is to cut carefully with blade, then adjust slowly with a file (as in nail file, not folder file). Important thing is that the contact points is aligned properly.

        Easiest way is to get access to a sim cutter if available. Some shops selling iPhone 4 may have the tool and do it for you. Lastly, if you are in a country where iPhone 4 has launched officially, you may be able to just swap your sim for a micro-sim for free or at a nominal charge.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • uw1
          • 12 Oct 2010

          jimmy, 12 Oct 2010yyyeaaaa just bought the iphone4 today...was stuck between ... moreheyy....
          how can i cut my normal sim to micro sim to be use wid iPhone 4..?????

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 3xL
            • 12 Oct 2010

            [deleted post]Check 'tecfield's comment in the Dell lightning article. He already says he doesn't like Android, and welcomes WP7.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • m27
              • 12 Oct 2010

              [deleted post]The comment was "annoyance of 2011". WP7 only launched yesterday, no one web has the phones yet, and you expect a flame war? Lol! Just give it some time, you'll see.

                • t
                • t-uk
                • kxZ
                • 12 Oct 2010

                Best phone had so far, had the HTC and i got to say : iPhone 4 is much better than HTC in all the features

                It's a killing phone

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mTW
                  • 12 Oct 2010

                  Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010I cant stand Apple. I've used Macs and I use Windows pc's f... moreAgreed. I am an iPhone fan, but this "Jealous because can't afford it" crap has got to stop. Argue on the device's merits, or don't argue at all. Anyway, seems that more people are starting to see reason, from both sides, and less trolling, which is a good sign.

                    • j
                    • jimmy
                    • K2E
                    • 12 Oct 2010

                    yyyeaaaa just bought the iphone4 today...was stuck between iphone4,galaxy s nd nokia n8...3 of them are the flagship models for their company...well it took me few days to decide..ok i then checked the galaxy s in a store...well the phone is very problems but but it feels damn cheap in hands...come on samsung it was supposed to b ur flagship model still no quality materials...full of plastic nd camera is just the basic u get WITH NO FLASH...but android is good....nd the nokia n8....its not at all worth the hype...ok its symbian...its damn SLOW...why the hell nokia didn't powered it with 1ghz processor??it LAGS like HELLL nd its not at all smooth with a basic outdated OS ...the screen is bad compared to galaxy s nd iphone4...nd the 12mp camera...ok my pixon M8800 8mp...takes good pictures like the n8...i didn't see any huuge ground breaking differences....then the iphone4...its just a killer in every dept. the top materils used, the camera,the UI,the lightning fast processing speed,the apps,the gorgeous SCREEN..etc etc
                    nd yeah the jailbreak...i just JAILBROKEN IT with limera1n....ND GOD WOOOW...what do u want to have in ur iphone that apple don't give?? now i have bluetooth,animated wallpaper...CYDIA is like a OCEAN of free APPS ...well it will me hours to tell what do u get after u jailbreak ur iphone....nd yeah the most important app...INSTALLOUS..u should get it after jailbreaking ur device...cuz u get ALLLLL the freaking apps from apple appstore for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!howz dat huh?
                    now i am just looting the apple appstore..LOL
                    SO YEAH OVERALL ITS HARD TO BEAT AN whoever whatever one can match iphone4's superiority...just get it today

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • fw6
                      • 12 Oct 2010

                      Anonymous, 11 Oct 2010WinMo is here nine new phones and hundreds of millions of h... moreDown? oh down to the bank. Down to bankruptcy? Not by as long shot.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • fw6
                        • 12 Oct 2010

                        Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010Apple is famous for its ease of use for a very simple reaso... moreI cant stand Apple. I've used Macs and I use Windows pc's for my work. Mac has a better UI. Windows can learn a lot from that. I had a 3GS but now I have a Moto XT720. They are both great phones and both have things I don't like. The Moto with Android offers a lot more freedom. There are things on the 3GS I miss. However what bugs me amd it is evident here is the die hard Nokia fanboys that post rubbish and the die hard Apple fanboys who think they are superior species using the "people are jealous because they can't afford it" line.. Everyone buys phones for different reasons.
                        So get over it people.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vGy
                          • 12 Oct 2010

                          Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010sorry to say, but you should try out yourself then only say... morei want to correct my point no. 9
                          corrected is -
                          9. file transfer through usb drives/ usb drives support (it is launched in mobile first time by nokia in N8)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vGy
                            • 12 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010Yup agree totally with you. I think one should try out othe... moreand yes i am also totally agree with you about every specific person, different phone is the best. that's why companies launched too many variants of their products to give option as per different needs.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vGy
                              • 12 Oct 2010

                              Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010Yup agree totally with you. I think one should try out othe... moreyes if you are happy having a phone without those features (i mentioned in last post) then its ok. its great.

                              by the way now a days most phones have email on th go. even less than 200$ dollar phones have this feature. some even also have push mail feature in that price.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mTW
                                • 12 Oct 2010

                                Apple is famous for its ease of use for a very simple reason... they are very very good at interface design.

                                For normal people like you and me, we may not see the difference, as perhaps they are negligible, or merely cosmetic. For some however, it can be a dealbreaker.

                                Read how the iPhone is making things easier, for this blind person:


                                Lastly, be thankful for what we have. People go through life with much less, and with more challenges.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mTW
                                  • 12 Oct 2010

                                  Anonymous, 12 Oct 2010sorry to say, but you should try out yourself then only say... moreYup agree totally with you. I think one should try out other phones, and make the best choice for themselves.

                                  Your argument can also be applied to those spewing negative comments here about the iPhone, without ever having tried it out.

                                  Remember, the iPhone 4 is already the best phone to some people, like myself, as it does all that I want it to, better than others. Likewise, the Galaxy S is the best phone to others for the same reason. Again, even a dumbphone would be the best phone to another user, who does not need email on the go, and does not game for example. In this case, BOTH iPhone 4 and Galaxy S would be a waste of money.

                                  There is no one best phone, just a best phone, for you and me.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • vGy
                                    • 12 Oct 2010

                                    sorry to say, but you should try out yourself then only say what you are talking. I dont want to do arguements which mobile is better, apple, samsung, nokia are great companies but still anybody can do mistake or can lack at any place and can have extra edge that's what called competition. It is in our benefit, please stop taking side of any company talk fair and factly. Personally i like iphone graphics and speed. Still will not like waste that much money just for brand name and no features.

                                    You think about it before purchasing iphone what you want? or what you are getting? if think it is fashinable or showing off thing having iphone then you should. But if you are looking at feature side i think at that price .....

                                    It is so strange that iphone users never saw any other brand phone i think, at one community one iphone user was arguing that the video call (apple named it facetime) is first time launched on mobile phones (in iphone4). But fact is since many years other companies launhced mobile with front camera through network support you can video call but the iphone added (its new technology for them) it to use on wifi ONLY, not on network (strange). There are many apps (more in beta) for video calls through wifi for other OS. So how come its new.

                                    I think apple should add following things, and iphone users should ask for b/c they are paying too much extra -
                                    1. video calling through network (i seeing it in nokia since n70)
                                    2. full functional bluetooth file transfer feature
                                    3. FM receiver
                                    4. FM transmitter
                                    5. Flash support
                                    6. True multitasking for all apps (dont believe check out reviews)
                                    7. make it independent of itune
                                    8. microSD card support
                                    9. File transfer over USB (its new in mobile as launched in nokia first time on N8)

                                    if they will add atleast above mentioned features i think iphone will become best phone untill then it is a showing off toy for me.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • m27
                                      • 12 Oct 2010

                                      "If a company makes something good then other companies will definately try to make similar or better things and provide it in lower price."

                                      1. Of course other companies will try and make something better, but they aren't always able to. There is a reason the word 'best' exists.

                                      2. Companies do NOT want to provide goods at a lower price, they are forced to, due to competition.

                                      Example: Following your logic, I can now assume that the Galaxy Tab is crappies than the iPad. Why? Because it's more expensive. If you disagree with this, then you must acknowledge that companies face limitations. At the end of the day, consumers will decide whether a product, at a given price (high or low) gives them value, that makes the purchase worthwhile.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mTW
                                        • 12 Oct 2010

                                        Partha, 12 Oct 2010If you have read the Galaxy S vs iPhone 4 Collision course,... moreYou should know that in the Galaxy S vs iPhone 4 collision course, what you just said will fall on deaf ears 99% of the time. Why? The buyers are from different groups. A person who would buy an iPhone would buy it not based on the reasons for buying an Android.

                                        Android users tend to look at features, and prefer to tinker, customise etc. (I am just generalising). An iPhone buyer prefers to enjoy the features, and have things ready for them. Is there anything wrong in either case? Not really.

                                        Easiest comparison, two car buyers. One wants a manual car, because he feels that you get better 'feel' for driving. The other buyer, wants an automatic, because it will be used for commuting, and its less hassle in traffic jam.

                                        The manual car buyer would be annoyed by the other driver, saying "but its so much less hassle!" and the automatic buyer would be so annoyed by the "But you get so much more feel!" argument, thinking about the traffic jams lol.

                                        Now, the more interesting battle to look out for will be the WP7 Android war. Same manufacturers, same group of customers, same price points. Android will tout more features, WP7 will tout superior gaming, polish etc.

                                        Android users, prepare for your new annoyance for 2011... the WP7 fanboy!