Apple iPhone 4
- P
- Partha
- Pxx
- 09 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 09 Oct 2010Dude Don compare N8 to Iphone its like they r two gnration... moreAll this while I was in a wild goose chase.... I love the iPhone 4,but the very very sad part is that I am from Bangladesh,so apple doesn't have an authorised app store here.Nor will my credit card work if I want to buy apps. Moreover I don't get warranty. So i think buying iPhone 4 will always remain a dream for me...sob....sob... :'(
- i
- i phn best
- 3G1
- 09 Oct 2010
in the whole world onle i phone and i pod are the true hero. apple gives many many many more applications to enjoy that oon other can do.. i phone a lot of fun to joy. there is no matchable phone in the whole universe.. apple is the KING..!
- K
- Kev
- Ia7
- 09 Oct 2010
Partha, 07 Oct 2010N8 or iPhone 4?? I mostly use my phone for calling,texting,... moreiPhone 4 All the way!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftb
- 09 Oct 2010
Partha, 07 Oct 2010N8 or iPhone 4?? I mostly use my phone for calling,texting,... moreThe Iphone 4 is much better for what you want to do...Go ahead and take it
- d
- dk
- 09 Oct 2010
iphong4, 09 Oct 2010There is no design flaw. Apple hasn't said anything.
Maybe... more
No design flaws eh?
- m
- max
- swp
- 09 Oct 2010
I phone 4 - king of phones.
This is my blog about i phone 4, greats games downloads and good cheep i phone 4 acesories.
- ?
- Anonymous
- THq
- 09 Oct 2010
i think THE IPHONE 4 is the best phone ever coz it can be handle wher are you go with all what you neec to connect the world
i can do every thing in this phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rbp
- 09 Oct 2010
not for me.
- i
- iphone4
- u{a
- 09 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 09 Oct 2010Well apple did admit they're not perfect, u're people a big... moreI've never dropped a call , even using very poor holding skills and only have a case to stop scratches
That's Number 7 on my iDon't want list.
iDon't want scratches, so i use a bumper case
*Posted on my iphone4 squeezing the bumper case very tightly to prove any talk of signal loss is a lie to
try and hide Nokia and Samsungs antenna issues.
- l
- lol
- pYr
- 09 Oct 2010
Well, I have an iPhone 4 for a month now, and until now, it hasnt dropped a call yet, i dont have the bumper Apple gave out. i bought a bumper from gecko and it works perfectly..
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGM
- 09 Oct 2010
Partha, 07 Oct 2010N8 or iPhone 4?? I mostly use my phone for calling,texting,... moreDude Don compare N8 to Iphone its like they r two gnrations N8 s cheaper than I phone n screen resln wise n8 lags n also processor were as I phone takes lead here If u can affor I phone 4 den go 4 it....
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Oct 2010
iphong4, 09 Oct 2010There is no design flaw. Apple hasn't said anything. Maybe... moreWell apple did admit they're not perfect, u're people a big fan boy are u?o.o dun get me wrong I'm using iPhone 4 and loving it but it reli does drop calls... My country doesn't have the free bumper offer..
- A
- AJ18
- v0q
- 09 Oct 2010
Partha, 07 Oct 2010N8 or iPhone 4?? I mostly use my phone for calling,texting,... moreYou should use N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 09 Oct 2010
Partha, 07 Oct 2010N8 or iPhone 4?? I mostly use my phone for calling,texting,... moreiphone 4 is the best but if u want to using internet means a lot using prefer blabkberry...
- i
- iphong4
- u{a
- 09 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 09 Oct 2010Come one guys, ios and android let's u choose between simpl... moreThere is no design flaw. Apple hasn't said anything.
Maybe the white model, but Apple hasn't released it yet.
Besides the black color sells better anyway
*Posted on my iphone4 using poor holding technique and
squeezing the bumper case very tightly to prove any talk of signal loss is a lie.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Oct 2010
Come one guys, ios and android let's u choose between simple and customization, so top flaming each other like man Childs... But I would have to say there is really design flaws in iPhone 4 but screw it, people can say anything when they feel the flaws doesn't matter to them
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7{
- 09 Oct 2010
Globe Telecom of the Philippines is selling this at a ridiculous robbery price. This phone is only for the very rich and is ELITIST. This is not the phone for me as it is evil the way it is priced.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}y
- 08 Oct 2010
[deleted post]so u r back here n again wid d same old pathetic crap of urs.why dont u do us all a favour of shooting urself rit in front of d silicon valley as a tribute 2 ur master steve.
ilike dis idea n i hope u will implement it soon :P