Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Y}5
  • 04 Oct 2010

[deleted post]i guess ur comments r rather more hilarious...dis is a forum for mobile phones.would b much appreciated if u could write about mobile tech.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • LL%
    • 04 Oct 2010

    i want buy iphone, i offer use sagem that is property of me in change for iphone, plus 25 us dollars, interest say by this medium, i want buy iphone thank very much

      • D
      • David, London, UK
      • mxG
      • 04 Oct 2010

      Hi all,

      I will get the iphone 3GS or iphone 4 on friday. I currently have a HTC Desire. The Desire is a tremendous phone with a 1GHZ processor like the iphone4 but I have been very disappointed with the games. I have only had my Desire for a week. I will just trade in my HTC Desire with my friend in the industry and he will sort me out. Iphone4 looks all that, has video light, great front and rear camara, 1GHZ processor etc but the signal issue worries me and I dont want to carry a case around it. The 3GS is cheaper, doesnt have signal problems as the antennas are at the top but has a poor battery. Internet speed is the same on both. I will join the Apple family as the games are best on any mobile. How bad is the 3GS battery? Do I need top charge daily? Can I purchase an extended battery for the 3GS? Can I open the 3GS and put in a stronger battery? Do either heat up after long use?Please advise me as too which one I should get and why. Be as honest and real as possible. Dont hold back. Thanks.

        • S
        • Stan
        • f3Y
        • 04 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010Iphone 4 can run data speed @ 4g but the only network can h... moreSo do plenty other phones, so whats your point?

          • d
          • demy
          • Tr3
          • 04 Oct 2010

          To all iphone genius, help me!
          Somebody entered a passcode on the "restrictions"
          How can I retrieve that or change to my own? Does Reset will do or not?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4s4
            • 04 Oct 2010

            Anonymous, 04 Oct 2010m not living in stone age now u say dat d issue is solved,... moreAny oriental monkey can buy components and assemble them, the manufacturing of components is only a volume,low salaries game, when I will see lines in front of LG or Samsung stores around the world I shall believe the crap you are writing, the difficult part is designing and offering a device that people like and want, this being the reason of the consumers lines in front of the Apple stores all over the world.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Y}5
              • 04 Oct 2010

              [deleted post]m not living in stone age
              now u say dat d issue is solved,dat means clearly dat even u agree dat it had an issue,which was major considering d fact dat its a fone primarily manufactured 2 make calls.
              On top of dat apple trying 2 play a blame game dat all co. have dese prob. like RIM etc...
              P.S njoy ur iphone wid half of its components made by samsung n LG,whom u call as crap.

                • M
                • Mobile_man!!
                • tUp
                • 04 Oct 2010

                Its a superb phone.... love or hate it... like the team at GSM arena says it.... If u guys hate it then just STFU ..... Can u even make such a piece of hardware??... I don't think so...... n for the ones who love it.. u guys r cool mann...:)
                N For God sake if any1's writing a comment .. Write it in a proper English.... Don't write it in such a way that people won't understand it..:P
                Peace yo!! XD!!!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • i5B
                  • 04 Oct 2010

                  Lexi, 04 Oct 2010has any 1 heard when the next iphones due out?? 2011 thats what they said

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • i5B
                    • 04 Oct 2010

                    Anonymous, 04 Oct 2010Cripple phone from Crapple Nokia n8 proc 680, I-cripple4... moreThe N8 is thought to be a good phone but now its nokia thats having a problem with the startup of the camera function. takes 8-9 secs before it starts. Not good at all. Thats why the iphone loads up faster. The n8 looks nice but hard to say that its a good phone.

                      • L
                      • Lexi
                      • iIR
                      • 04 Oct 2010

                      has any 1 heard when the next iphones due out??

                        • C
                        • Chris
                        • N9e
                        • 04 Oct 2010

                        This is the biggest load of crap ever.. I struggled my ass off to get the phone to work for the 1st time had to take the phone to my service provider to activate.. Then used the phone for a day only till I connected it to my itunes it asked to update and failed!!!! Then after that it asked to be restored which failed!!! And still failing and now to top it I’m stuck with a useless micro sim card!!! Please think twice before you consider buying this phone!!!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • G1j
                          • 04 Oct 2010

                          Sharp is03
                          camera 9.6 mp
                          640x960 pixels.

                            • M
                            • Mango
                            • teu
                            • 04 Oct 2010

                            In which country can you get the CONTRACT FREE iphone4 cheapest?and what is the price? Reply please,thanks

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%n
                              • 04 Oct 2010

                              [deleted post]Why yes, contrary to what this tosser was saying in their comment:-

                              "i do respect apple but dey
                              hav simply dissappointed me
                              dis tym,may b next tym dey
                              could cum up wid something
                              gud dat can do atleast d most
                              basic function dat is 2 make a

                              See I was replying to a stupid comment, some idiots will believe anything they read on the Internet and continue posting rubbish about it.

                              So what else can you say to a comment like that?

                              Of course I v=can make calls on my iPhone 4, the reception is BETTER than my old 3G.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Y}5
                                • 04 Oct 2010

                                leane, 04 Oct 2010u sure must be a boring didn't even used an iphon... moreyeah jailbreak n loose warranty for ever lol
                                u r a typical fanboy,definitly boring blah blah blah....

                                  • l
                                  • leane
                                  • K2E
                                  • 04 Oct 2010

                                  Anonymous, 04 Oct 2010i do respect apple but dey hav simply dissappointed me di... moreu sure must be a boring didn't even used an iphone...if u would have used it then u shouldn't be talking this lame.... cuz u like go for basic outdated symbian or android both of them falls short of iphone4 u want to ur phone to b used like a mass storage like a nerd...iphone is not that kind of basic thing.....a jailbroken iphone can do whatever u want it to do.....u can customize to dat extent dat even android or symbian can't reach...millions of themes,games utilities etc etc etc
                                  well everybody is trying to reach iphone's standard of games,apps...well android is pretty close....BUT what abt those apps nd features dat u get after jailbreaking ur iphone?!android nd symbian can't even match iphone4's jailbreking community is huuuuuuge
                                  so all tech geeks who want to go beyond their everyday basic os or features...then get iphone4
                                  if not then go for something basic like i9000(feels like a plastic shell) or n8(dat thing is real crap except the cam)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 2xw
                                    • 04 Oct 2010

                                    Daniel, 04 Oct 2010The iPhone doesnt have a 1Ghz Apple A4 processor although i... morescroll up knobby,it has 1ghz processor,der.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 04 Oct 2010

                                      Original_Jamaican, 04 Oct 2010To EVERYONE: Case in example where I say Nokia smartphon... moreHave you ever heard of Dropbox?

                                      I have a folder on my desktop on multiple computers, I can drag and drop things into it, I open the Dropbox App on my iPhone and there they are, the magic of the Internet, the 21st century, that's the way I roll with my iPhone 4.

                                      btw there are many alternatives to Dropbox such as MobileMe, Docs2Go, there are also streaming services like Orb.

                                      A lot of people don't seem to get that if there's something missing from iOS that represents an opportunity for a developer to create it, developers can and do make money from this.

                                      This gives iOS a major edge over other phone OS's and it's seamless, it takes one press of the App store icon and you're away.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • P%n
                                        • 04 Oct 2010

                                        Anonymous, 04 Oct 2010i do respect apple but dey hav simply dissappointed me di... moreI make calls on my iPhone 4 all the time.

                                        wtf are you on about, and why is your reply formatted funny?

                                        You should use a spellchecker, your posts are barely readable.